Women's magazine

Women's secrets: All the most interesting and relevant for women.

Chanahi in pots

Chanahi in pots

Chanahi is an incredibly tasty and very rich dish.. Especially it will satisfy the strong floor, because there are meat, vegetables, spices, and pepper - all that men like to eat. In itself, the preparation of dishes is not any difficulty, you just …

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Semolina in a slow cooker

Semolina in a slow cooker

Semolina - an indispensable food for children, as well as suitable for dietary nutrition in the postoperative period. Its disadvantage is that cooked on the stove, semolina porridge most often turns into lumps, and it burns quite often. To make the …

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What is useful mineral water

What is useful mineral water

Our body consists of water by almost 82%. The water that we have contains both minerals and salts. In its composition, it is almost similar to mineral water. During hot weather, we lose not only water, but also salt, which our body needs to function …

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How to make crackers at home

How to make crackers at home

In modern stores you can buy crackers for every taste and color. Only the store product usually contains a lot of artificial additives and flavors that are harmful to health. In order not to harm health try making crackers at home. At home you can …

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Goldfish are undoubtedly the most beautiful, but also the most capricious of all the subspecies of aquarium inhabitants. Fulfillment of desires, like in a fairy tale, they will not bring into the house, but they will be an excellent decoration of …

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Zabrus bee

Zabrus bee

Bees are wise creatures and produce only healthy products. One of the most valuable is bee zabrus. What it is, few know. Meanwhile, ancient people used this gift of nature from generation to generation. Even in the annals zabrus mentioned on a par …

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How to cook dumplings in the microwave with water and sour

How to cook dumplings in the microwave with water and sour

You can cook almost any dish in the microwave: bake a chicken, make porridge or pudding, and even cook eggs. What about convenience foods? And with this, it is worth noting that there are no problems. Today we will tell you how to cook dumplings in …

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How to care for currants

How to care for currants

One of the most common crops in the summer cottage is currants. A variety of varieties increases the number of possibilities. Black, red, white berries of currants are actively used in the preparation of blanks for the winter. They make liqueurs, …

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Marinade for oil

Marinade for oil

Any mushroom picker knows how tasty the pickled pickles are for the winter. With this method of processing, these mushrooms can be fried, added to soups, pies and even made of pies! The main thing is to prepare the pot, in which the vinegar and …

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Myrtle and care for him at home

Myrtle and care for him at home

Myrtle ordinary grown in residential areas, winter gardens, greenhouses, and in offices. In our flower shops, mainly small-leaf myrtle is sold. Some lovers of flowers found large-leaved myrtle. Myrtle Boethics is quite rare. Appearance of myrtle …

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Rice in a slow cooker with vegetables - fresh and frozen

Rice in a slow cooker with vegetables - fresh and frozen

Often the hostess puzzles over what would be served to the main meat or fish dish - potatoes, buckwheat, pasta? If you are fed up with monotonous side dishes and want something new, try cooking rice in a slow cooker with vegetables. It's pretty …

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Nail art with a needle

Nail art with a needle

Painting nails becomes more and more popular. Many women believe that creating a beautiful flawless pattern on the nails can only be done by a professional. But it is not so. Many beautiful patterns on the nails can be created at home. Especially …

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