Happy couple - alexander and svetlana


This family has an atmosphere of true love, built on mutual respect and trust. Sasha and Sveta are sure that by treating each other with care, they will be able to live together for at least a hundred years. And their happy marriage is strengthened by their beloved son Vovochka!

Tell us where and how did you meet?

Svetlana: We met a friend at a birthday party. Coincidentally, both I and he did not want to go there. I had a lot to do, I did not have time, the mood was not ... However, we both came. At first, I exchanged smiles with another guy, but as soon as I decided to go out on the balcony to get some fresh air, Alexander followed me. We talked, found out that it was not the first time that we were at the same event, and indeed that we have a lot of mutual friends. By the middle of the conversation, we sincerely wondered why we did not notice each other before! Having finished chatting, we did not return to the guests and the birthday boy, but went for a walk ... Thanks to that birthday man for our meeting, we express to this day!

How much are you together? (from the day you met; how many met before the wedding or joint residence)

Svetlana: Together we are 4 years old, before the wedding we met 10 months.

How did you understand that you want to be together? Why did you choose this person?

Svetlana: Literally on the second day of our acquaintance, both I and Sasha had a feeling that we have known each other for a long time. We said goodbye for a long time, after the walk, we didn’t want to let each other go. Then they realized that we wanted to be together. And today we understand that this fate has prepared for us a meeting! And I chose him for the fact that in him I saw a serious, kind person, ready for family relations and very decent. After a couple of months of our relationship, I was already sure that this person would be the father of my children. On February 14, 2009, he said that only he sees me as his wife and only he wants to take me from the hospital! This was the key point.

Have you ever quarreled, and did you get to partings?

Svetlana: Not everything, of course, is smooth, there are quarrels. The most difficult was the first year of our marriage, we quarreled very often. I was pregnant at the time, I wanted more attention, and my spouse had obstructions at work. He was late returning home, I was jealous. in the end, everything led to the fact that after giving birth, I went with the baby to my parents, and I only met my husband on weekends - he came to visit us. At the time, we were on the verge of divorce. But after a month of our separation, I began to receive SMS from Sasha, which said that it was difficult for him without me to have a son. However, we did not rush back to return. Probably, I could never forgive misunderstanding at such an important moment in the life of any woman as pregnancy, and he, in turn, was afraid of a repetition of scandals. So we lived for 3 months, and finally realized that we have love, that neither I nor he are ready to let go of each other.

Do you have any special secret of reconciliation?

Svetlana: That quarrel taught us a lot: trust and mutual understanding, and also the fact that you don’t have to wait for the first step from your loved one, if you love your relationship and you need to go forward (or yourself). This is the secret of our reconciliation, and now we don’t take offense at each other for longer than 5 minutes, some of us always try to smooth everything out. The main thing is to realize that in your own words, spoken in a quarrel, in anger, you can seriously hurt your loved one, and try not to allow it.

How did the appearance of a little boy affect your relationship? Has this event strengthened or, on the contrary, discredited your family?

Svetlana: The child appeared in our first year of marriage, and of course, the time for the two of us was much less. But we learned to appreciate him, now when our parents are babysitting with the child, we arrange romantic dates for each other, go to the movies, and sometimes it turns out to go to nightclubs. With the advent of my son, we have become much closer, this is our angel, with him we feel like a real family!

Have you had hard times in your life and how did you overcome them together?

Svetlana: Together, all the obstacles easier to overcome. My spouse and I never hide anything from each other, and he and I know that support from a loved one is important. He helps in my affairs, and I am the chief assistant in his. We have no separation of affairs on “mine-yours”, we try to do everything together. The most difficult times for us, when our son is ill, it is important for me that these sleepless nights of worries my spouse spends with me, and not like many husbands, sleep in another room.

What allows you to maintain a relationship so far?

Svetlana: So far, our relationship is good thanks to mutual understanding, respect and trust.

Did jealousy take place in a relationship, if so, how did you cope with it?

Svetlana: Thanks to trust, we are less jealous of each other than other couples. And to all my personal advice: tell your loved ones more often about how much you love them, and they will not be jealous, they will know that your heart is occupied only by them.

Did Passion Have a Place? And is she still in your relationship?

Svetlana: Passion still takes place in our relationship. I am sure that the main thing here is not to forget to surprise each other.

What is love for you?

Svetlana: Love for my husband and I is when you can call a person both a best friend and a lover!

Especially for womeninahomeoffice.com - Ksenia