Garden flowers perennials. varieties and growing methods

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Every summer resident wants many flowers to grow on his plot. It is very important to choose the right varieties and types of plants. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the soil, the illuminability and other indicators. Most often, perennials are chosen for flower beds. They allow you to admire their flowering for several years.

Garden Flowers Perennials

Garden Flowers Perennials

The advantage of such plants, as becomes clear from the name, is the duration of flowering. They do not die after the first year. There are many varieties of perennials. On sale you can find unpretentious flowers that grow in one place for about 3-5 years.

In the care of even the most simple perennial has its own characteristics. It is important not only to choose a suitable variety, but also to create optimal conditions for growth and flowering. Before you go to the flower shop, it is worth preparing special beds. Garden flowers perennials can take root in a common flower bed. Sometimes the processes are shaded by more mature plants, slow down their growth and die. Therefore, it is recommended to form temporary beds. They are made in the form of long strips, between which a distance of 45-50 cm is maintained.

If you plan to plant several species of plants, it is better to prepare plates with the names. They will help you not to get confused. Perennials are planted in temporary beds and raised until they are strong and not accustomed to a new place. Then they are digged with a shovel and moved to a flower bed.

Flowers perennials to give planted in a certain way. It is considered that the best time for planting is spring. For perennials dates may be stretched. Plant and transplant them in accordance with the susceptibility to cold. Most varieties are planted from late May to August. If the package with flowers indicates that they need wintering, then they can be transplanted only in the spring. In the winter they are left in the ground, pre-warmed.

All perennials can be divided into groups. Some of them form beautiful inflorescences. Others are unusual leaves that have an unusual shape or color. Each of these species is good in its own way. The advantages of perennials over annuals are quite obvious:

  • They are much frost resistant. Perennials grow in a bed for several years and tolerate wintering.
  • Most varieties bloom throughout the summer. Thanks to them, the plot looks much more well-groomed.
  • Perennials save gardener's time. They do not need to re-plant each year. Flowers can grow in one place for several years.

Perennials flowering

Flowers perennials flowering look most impressive. They can bloom large or small buds, curl or shoot arrows. Some gardeners believe that such plants require special care. In fact, it is important to choose the desired area, the type of dressing and water the perennial in time. The following varieties are attributed to the flowering flowers:

  • Klimatis is a tall liana plant with huge colors of bright colors. It prefers a sunny place well sheltered from the winds. Perennial climate can beautifully braid fences and walls. At the same time, it is recommended to plant it in 50 cm from the intended support. The place must be dry. Stagnant water can lead to rotting of the roots. For planting the climate, dig a hole of medium size (about 60 mi.) And fill it with manure or fertilizer. Also some sand is poured into it. The plant is placed in a hole, forming a hill of soil in the middle. Then it is sprinkled with earth so as to powder the basal neck. Clematis care is proper watering. The flower does not tolerate drought. Otherwise, its inflorescences will begin to grow smaller. Watering is carried out in the evening, so that the leaves and flowers do not burn the sun. Clematis is not dug for the winter, but covered, because it tolerates cold.

  • Perennial bergenia - a low plant with small buds and beautiful decorative leaves. Under natural conditions, grows on rocky slopes. Used to form flowerbeds in combination with any plants and shrubs. Perennial bergenia rather unpretentious. It can grow in partial shade and in the lighted areas. At the same time, in case of insufficient lighting, it badly throws out new rosettes of leaves. Seedlings of this plant are planted in pits, the depth of which is 15 cm. Between the neighboring beds should be about 20-30 cm. The perennial should be watered as needed. The main care for bergenia - trimming dry parts. It is worth remembering that perennial does not like transplants. Therefore, it is better to think in advance of a permanent place for planting. On it, it can grow for about 5-10 years.

  • Golden ball (heliopsis) is a perennial plant with a long stem, reaching a height of 150 cm. It blooms with yellow flowers, which are often used for cutting. Under the landing of the golden ball is to choose light areas with wet soil. The plant prefers regular watering. It is also recommended to make support for it. This is done so that the stems do not break.

Golden ball

  • Phlox - grow bushes or trail on the ground. Small inflorescences form balls of pinkish and other flowers. There are also multi-colored varieties. Inflorescences of 2 colors may be present in one ball. Some varieties are unpretentious. Grow in shade and in the sun. The plant can be grown seedlings and seeds. If you want to form a bed of phlox bushes, then between them should leave a distance of 15-20 cm.

If you are setting up a flower bed for the first time, then you can purchase unpretentious varieties of perennials. These include garden chamomile, primula, echinacea, daylily.

Garden Flowers Perennials

Most perennials are used to create continuously blooming flower beds. For this it is enough to choose 5-7 types of flowers. Usually each of them color up to 1 month. Therefore, if you plant the plants, given this fact, you can achieve abundant permanent flowering. One perennial ottsvetet, and the other at this time will begin to dismiss the buds. Also, flowers can be arranged in levels, giving the flower beds shape.

In order for plants to bloom well, you need to follow the rules for creating flower beds.

  1. Perennials are grouped into beds by growing conditions. It is impossible to plant together, for example, flowers that love penumbra and prefer the sun.
  2. There should be a distance between the low-growing creeping plants. In the first year it will resemble bald spots, but then it will grow. Flowers will grow, and the distance between them will decrease.
  3. Many garden flowers perennials poorly tolerate transplanting. Therefore, the flower bed is best done constant. Consider its location and alternation of planting of different varieties.
  4. For the reproduction of flowers is better to choose spring or autumn. To do this, use the method of division. The plant is dug and freed from the ground. Further separate bush is separated from it.

Many gardeners who have a large garden refuse from flower beds due to insufficient lighting. This situation is quite reparable. There are plants that bloom well in the penumbra. Most plants of this type are considered herbaceous. Mostly they are not very tall and have small inflorescences. Such perennials winter well and begin to bloom in early spring. These include lily of the valley, foxglove, host, tuft, proleski, thyroid, etc. Shade-loving garden flowers, perennials are grown on the same principle. First you need to prepare the ground for them. First you need to remove all the weeds. Then the earth is digged and fertilized. Do not be afraid to have a future site near the trees. Often flowers grow normally near crowns.

Perennial flowers can be called a real garden decoration. Most varieties are unpretentious and do not require special care. It is enough to plant chamomile, daylily, phlox 1 time, then to admire them for several years. The only thing to remember when landing is the location. Perennial garden flowers are best not to replant and grow in one place.