What could it be


Baby health is the primary concern of young parents, and any changes to it cause serious concern, especially if they occur for the first time. Most often, anxiety and misunderstanding provoke a rise in temperature, especially if it is not accompanied by any additional symptoms of deterioration of health. Why is this happening, what to do about it?

Why does the temperature rise?

The child has a fever with no other symptoms.

This often frightening moment actually does not always cause concern: an increase in body temperature indicates that an inflammatory process takes place in the body, and the body tries to fight it alone, burning off the provocateur infection. According to the doctors, as long as the figure “38” is not overcome on the thermometer, you should not worry — even the smallest child can cope on his own, and there is no need to feed him with antipyretic pills. However, if the child has a temperature of 38.5 - with or without symptoms - it is urgent to start looking for the cause and eliminate it. Especially if we are talking about one year old baby, whose immunity is still imperfect.

  • In the smallest (infants), fever often accompanies the appearance of teeth. The inflammatory process in the gums can be a provocateur of such a baby’s condition, but cases of exceeding 38 degrees are extremely rare. And if the temperature does not fall back within 1-2 hours, there is a chance that the teeth have nothing to do with it.
  • Allergic reactions most often make themselves felt with skin manifestations, but fluctuations in body temperature are also not excluded.
  • According to Dr. Komarovsky, high temperature without symptoms is often found in a child under 5 years old, and the fault is the imperfection of natural thermoregulation - the body quickly overheats (up to 37 degrees), but it is absolutely safe. With age, the baby's condition returns to normal. If you are very worried, give the child cool water, remove excess clothing.

high temperature without symptoms often occurs in a child

  • Viral infection is the main cause of high temperature (39 degrees) in a child. SARS, acute respiratory infections and even intestinal infections can occur without symptoms. In some cases, this state lasts for several weeks, although jumps up to 39 degrees are usually rare, at moments of particularly active struggle of the organism. If they persist for more than a day, you must call an ambulance.
  • Sometimes it happens that the temperature for a long time was kept at 37 degrees, then sharply increased to 38-39 without any other symptoms. What could it be? High likelihood of violations of the kidneys. To clarify the diagnosis requires an ultrasound.

In addition, doctors do not rule out the influence of the nervous system: if a child has experienced severe stress, his body can jump from one extreme to another - first the limbs turn cold, and then the temperature rises. And these races can last a very long time. The same is true of children, whose nervous system received developmental pathologies even at the time of formation in the mother's womb. Whether treatment is possible, only a neurologist will tell.

There is also a risk of fever due to congenital abnormalities: for example, a child with heart disease can suffer bacterial endocarditis, in which fever and fever appear. These moments are short-lived, after the temperature is kept at 37 degrees.

Summing up, it should be said that asymptomatic rise in body temperature in a child in most cases does not pose a threat to his life and health if the condition returns to normal within a few hours. In the case of prolonged fever and lack of understanding of its causes, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to identify the diagnosis.