Unpleasant taste in the mouth after eating and at another


Experts say that one of the most important symptoms that can tell a lot about the state of our body is an unpleasant taste in the mouth. The reasons for such unusual taste sensations can be varied. If you experience discomfort all the time, this may indicate a serious disturbance in the work of a number of organs.

"Tasteless" in the mouth - how dangerous is it?

Why does the mouth arise

Bad smell and vague taste in the mouth is a well-known, if not all, then many problem. If this symptom bothers you only in the morning, then, most likely, there is no reason to worry. But when the disorder of taste visits you with unenviable regularity, it is an occasion to seek the advice of a specialist. After all, such a phenomenon cannot be an independent pathology.

The causes of violations in the taste buds are diverse. This can be both improper oral care and more serious diseases: cancer, stroke, severe poisoning, intractable infections.

Why does a "bad" taste appear in the mouth?

Unpleasant taste and smell in the mouth in the morning is quite common. This is caused by bacteria that accumulate in the oral cavity during the night. But many experts argue that more prolonged discomfort is a sign of a certain disease. Let's take a closer look at the causes of this problem.


The most common cause of an unpleasant taste is anaerobic bacteria. At night, accumulating under the tongue, they emit a large amount of sulfur, and in the morning we feel a very unpleasant "flavor". This problem is easily fixed by ordinary teeth cleaning. During the day, a large amount of saliva is constantly produced, which washes away microorganisms. Therefore, we do not feel a bad taste at this time.

Viral infections

When rhinitis or sinusitis, inflammation of the tonsils and salivary glands in the mouth creates an environment rich in proteins. Bacteria begin to multiply vigorously day and night, as a result of which the above described taste in the mouth appears. Usually, unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own after a person has fully recovered.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

When the level of acidity in the stomach is higher than normal, and inflammatory processes occur in the gallbladder. Bile, instead of entering the small intestine, enters the stomach, then into the esophagus and then into the oral cavity, causing an unpleasant acid taste in the throat.

Disrupting the process of digestion can and malnutrition. Therefore, to get rid of uncomfortable taste sensations, try to change your diet first. Exclude spicy, smoked, pickled foods from the menu. Do not eat at night. If the problem persists after correcting the eating habits, get diagnosed at the medical center and contact your local GP for help.

Other disorders of the digestive system can also cause unpleasant taste in the mouth:

  • recurrent abdominal pain;
  • increasing the concentration of hydrochloric acid (heartburn);
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating, flatulence.


slightly salty taste in the mouth

Bacterial infections can occur as a side effect in the process of taking various medications. In this case, you should contact the doctor who prescribed your drugs, with a request for their replacement.


With a lack of water in the body or with the abuse of coffee, tea, highly carbonated drinks in the body accumulate various compounds of salts. This causes an unpleasant, slightly salty taste in the mouth. The symptom in this case is very dangerous, because the lack of water disrupts the kidneys and the bladder. To prevent the effects of dehydration, drink enough water a day, based on the rate of 30 ml of liquid per 1 kg of your weight.

Metal poisoning

When poisoning with arsenic, mercury, oxidation in the mouth of metal crowns in the mouth, too, there is a bad taste. You should immediately call an ambulance if, along with him, a person has:

  • fever;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • chills;
  • convulsions.

In other cases, you should seek help from a therapist and pass urine and blood tests for laboratory tests.

Improper oral hygiene

With improper oral hygiene, an unpleasant taste in the mouth especially increases after eating. To fix the problem, brushing your teeth 2 times a day, add two more procedures: cleaning the surface of the tongue with a special brush and interdental space with a hygienic thread.

After each meal, use mouthwashes. You can cook them yourself using decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark. The latter component is very useful in gum disease.

To get rid of the unpleasant taste in the mouth, it is necessary to identify the exact cause of the problem. Remember - bad breath and "bad" aftertaste are not an independent pathology. Take laboratory tests, visit a general practitioner, and only then proceed to treatment.