Scabies treatment at home


Scabies is an unpleasant contagious disease caused by a scabies mite. It is transmitted by contact. Mite gets on the skin of a person with things or objects that are infected with scabies. Some doctors treat scabies to sexually transmitted diseases.

Scabies treatment at home

Main symptoms of scabies: severe itching, the presence of scabies on the skin and small bubbles filled with fluid. Scabies is treated locally. using ointments, aerosols, solutions and folk remedies.

Scabies: Causes

With scabies can encounter both children and adults. In order not to suffer from this unpleasant disease, you need to know how to get scabies.

  • The most common way to get scabies is by contacting sick people. Scabies mites live not only in human skin, but also outside the human body - on bedding, on things and towels. When a person puts on clothes or uses affected items, ticks feel warm and penetrate the skin.
  • Scabies can also be transmitted sexually after contact with an infected person. To avoid infection, you need to use condoms: the tick will not be able to penetrate the skin of a healthy person through a condom. The genitals are the warmest places in the body, so ticks tend to penetrate through them.
  • Scabies may appear after swimming in bodies of water with stagnant water. If you still decide to swim in such a reservoir - do not dive, because itch can cling to the hair, and then penetrate the skin. In order not to catch a scabies mite after bathing, immediately after leaving the water, carefully inspect the skin for the presence of mites.
  • The first signs of scabies may appear after visiting a public bath, gym or swimming pool. In such places, as a rule, they do not observe cleanliness and order, which leads to favorable conditions for the reproduction of ticks.

Causes of scabies

Scabies mites can get on human skin through pets. Such mites cause unpleasant itching, but they do not climb under the skin.

Types of scabies

There are different types of scabies, which differ in the number of mites and their lokazatsii on the skin:

  1. Typical scabies- pronounced moves of the tick, small bubbles appear on the skin that itch badly.
  2. Scabies- This is a rare type of scabies that appears in people with a weakened immune system, in patients with tuberculosis or AIDS. The main feature of the disease - it proceeds with virtually no pruritus. Instead of the usual pimples on the skin, yellow ulcers and erosion appear. The ulcers are covered with dark brown crusts, under which the tick moves hide. In the period of cortical scab on the human body can be found about 200 mites per 1 cm of skin.
  3. Scab clean- This species affects people who often have to wash themselves. Such people wash off part of the mite, but the rest remains on the skin and continues to parasitize. This scabies is almost symptom free.

Treatment of scabies folk remedies

Scabies is well treatable with folk remedies. With the help of traditional medicine, you can get rid of itching and scabies mites.

  • To cure scabies on your feet, you will need the usuallard. Heat the bacon and add the crushed root of the elecampane to it. Stir the mixture well, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and add 2 tbsp. tar. Stir. Apply the mixture to the affected areas 3 times a day until complete recovery. Wash off the ointment with warm water or infusion of deviac.

Scabies treatment at home

  • Mix thick kefir or sour cream with hunting powder (1: 3). When the powder is dissolved in kefir, put the ointment for 2 hours in a warm place, wrapping the pan with ointment with a wool blanket. While the ointment is drawn, it must be stirred every 20 minutes. The finished ointment for scabies is applied to the affected skin. The ointment is applied 2 times a day, while healthy skin is recommended to cover with a bandage. When the ointment is absorbed, rinse the skin with warm water.
  • Rub a piecehousehold soap grated and put it on fire. While the soap is melting, grate onions and a head of garlic. When the soap has completely melted, add the grated onions and garlic to it. Boil for 10 minutes, then pour into the mold and let the mass harden. Use the prepared soap to treat the affected areas 2 times a day. Scabies pass without leaving a mark!
  • Fry 1 kg of fresh tomatoes in 0.5 liters of sunflower oil. Tomatoes can be used for cooking any dishes, and the resulting oil, lubricate the affected areas 3 times a day.
  • Apply to affected areas. lavender oil - 3 drops on the affected area 5 times a day. Oil is not necessary to flush.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. crushed celandine and 2 tbsp. heavy cream. Put the ointment in the fridge. The ointment is applied to the skin at night. Or mix fresh celandine juice with petroleum jelly (1: 4). Ointment smeared scabies affected places 3 times a day.
  • Wipe the affected areas with fresh juicescranberries orcowberry.
  • Lubricate with juice milkweed affected areas 3 times a day. Milkweed juice is a strong allergen, so it cannot be used by pregnant women and young children.

Scabies treatment

  • To cure scabies on hands, mix 3 tbsp. salt 1 l bread kvass. Preheat the mixture and dip your hands in it. Keep your hands in the solution as long as you can tolerate. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day until complete recovery.
  • Grind bay leaves to powder. Mix the resulting powder with 3 tbsp. butter. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the affected areas up to 6 times a day.
  • Mix drying oil and turpentine in a 4: 1 ratio. Apply the mixture to the affected skin 2 times a day.

How to get rid of scabies: drug treatment

All drugs are applied topically in the form of suspensions, ointments or solutions. Before you buy any medicine, consult your doctor.

  • Benzyl benzoate- Available in the form of ointment 10 and 20 percent. The ointment is rubbed on a clean body on the entire surface of the body. Treatment with ointment is carried out on day 1 and 4. On day 5, you need to wash and change bed and underwear.
  • Spregal - an aerosol that can be used on pregnant women and infants. The drug is applied to the entire surface of the body at night. After applying the medication put on clean clothes and do not wash for 12 hours. After 12 hours, take a shower with soap.
  • Sulfuric ointment- applied overnight on the whole body. The course of treatment is 7 days. On the 8th day change bed and underwear.

Treatment with Scabies

Scabies is a very unpleasant disease that no one wants to face. If you still have scabies, do not despair, and immediately proceed to treatment. Before treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor. During the treatment, be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene: ventilate and treat the room, wash clothes and bed linen. Subject to all rules there will be no trace of scabies!