Low pulse and its causes


Many people know about the danger of tachycardia and take appropriate measures. But not all are paying attention to nabradicardia (low pulse). Although it can also be a symptom of serious pathologies associated not only with cardiac activity. Normally, the pulse should be 60 - 100 beats per minute, and the smaller it is, the person is considered healthier, but with one condition - the indicator must remain within the physiological norm.

Low pulse: main reasons

Low pulse and its causes: what to do?

Bradycardia is a heart rhythm disorder that is characterized by a decrease in heart rate below 60 beats per minute. When diagnosing, both the pulse itself and the heart rate (HR) are taken into account. The fact is that the heart rate gives a pulse wave, and the values ​​between the pulse and the true heart rate can be different. And if the pulse is reduced, then the heart rate may be within the normal range.

There are many causes of bradycardia, and almost every disease can have some effect on the pulse rate. For easier understanding, it is possible to classify all the causes of bradycardia into 3 conditional groups: physiological, related and not related to heart disease.

If we talk about the physiological causes of pulse reduction, then this group includes hypothermia, in which the heart rate reflexively becomes less. This can be explained by the lower oxygen demand in the conditions of supercooling. In trained people - professional athletes, the pulse is also kept at low values ​​at rest, which is explained by the training of the heart muscle. Hereditary factors and individual physiological characteristics have their value.

If we talk about cardiac pathologies that cause bradycardia, then initially it is necessary to exclude atherosclerosis, infarction conditions and the presence of cicatricial changes in the heart muscle. Low pulse at high pressure is also far from uncommon.

The causes of the endocrine and nervous systems, increased intracranial pressure with head injuries and tumor processes can be attributed to non-cardiac causes of low heart rate. Electrolyte imbalance also contributes to the reduction of the pulse, as well as taking cardiac glycosides and other drugs. Infectious diseases affect the entire body as a whole, including the pulse rate.

In a separate group it is necessary to make bradycardia during pregnancy. This condition develops in the later stages of gestation and is formed due to prolonged squeezing of the inferior vena cava by the uterus, which reduces the blood flow to the heart. But when such symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult with the gynecologist to rule out more serious pathologies.

What is the connection between low pulse and pressure?

Low pulse and its causes: what to do?

It is important to understand that the pulse and pressure figures do not have a direct connection with each other. A low pulse at high pressure, exactly like a low pulse at normal pressure, is a very real phenomenon, which can be observed in both hyper- and hypotonic patients.

At high pulse numbers, it is likely that the pressure will be in the physiological range, or reduced. This can be explained by the fact that the heart does not have time to take the necessary amount of blood, which provokes its unproductive work.

How dangerous is this condition?

A significant danger to the health and even human life is a pulse of less than 40 beats per minute, with such values ​​the brain begins to suffer from lack of oxygen. Symptoms are dizziness, frequent and sudden syncope with complications such as injury. In addition, cardiac arrest may be recorded, which can result in death without emergency medical care.

If the pulse is slightly lower than 60 beats per minute, the patient is mostly concerned with weakness, chronic fatigue, cold sweat and dizziness. Patients need to remember that when the above symptoms appear, they should consult a specialist, conduct appropriate research and treatment.

What to do?

Low pulse and its causes: what to do?

In medicine, there are 2 known methods of treating bradycardia — medication and minimally invasive surgical interventions for installing a pacemaker. A pacemaker is a device that will set the heart’s rhythm and frequency of contractions. Surgery, as a rule, is carried out only with significant and prolonged bradycardia, which develops in older people.

The need for drug therapy is determined on an individual basis, and the doctor is repelled by the cause of the decrease in pulse. Self-medication is not strongly recommended, otherwise it is only possible to exacerbate the situation.

There are also non-drug methods of raising the pulse, which include a good rest, green tea, the use of herbal preparations - ginseng, eleutherococcus, etc. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe vitamin complexes and minerals.

It is difficult to do without physical therapy, which will be aimed at strengthening the heart vessels. Particular attention should be paid to proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits and observance of the daily regimen.

Bradycardia is not the cause of the disease, but a symptom that can indicate the presence of serious pathologies, including a heart attack. Prescribe treatment can only doctor who was convinced of the cause of bradycardia. If patients begin to take drugs to increase the pulse on their own, the real reason may go unnoticed, and the treatment carried out is ineffective.