

Fungus today is one of the most common hygiene problems. Even despite the rising standard of living, they are very often hit. To eliminate this problem, modern pharmacology offers special antifungal drugs. Inexpensive, but effective means can be found in any pharmacy.

Fungus - where does it come from?

antifungal drugs are inexpensive but effective

On the human body can parasitize several hundred varieties of fungi. The causes of the disease range from poor hygiene to reduced immune protection in the face of stress and nervous tension. Often, mycotic lesions develop on the background of long-term antibiotics. Infection can occur in swimming pools and saunas, through someone else's shoes or shoes in the store, while walking barefoot on asphalt, earth or sand, etc.

Some time after infection, symptoms such as burning, itching, hardening and cracking of the skin will make you aware of the development of a fungal disease.

To protect yourself from this group of diseases is almost impossible. However, competent and timely treatment in most cases leads to a positive result. The spectrum of antifungal agents is very wide, and many of them have a targeted effect on a certain type of mycosis. That is why it is better not to think about self-admission of such means. Treatment usually includes antifungal drugs in broad-spectrum tablets, as well as a number of additional measures to prevent relapse.

Antifungal drugs: choose inexpensive, but effective means

The cost of some antimycotic drugs affects even very generous buyers. Often this situation is caused by the specifics of the active substances that make up the preparations. In all other cases, the difference lies in the brand of the specific drug. That is why the selection of antifungal medication is important, first of all, take into account the active ingredients, and not the popularity of the brand.

Antimycotics are classified according to their chemical structure, spectrum of action, and clinical purpose. Modern treatment of mycoses involves taking drugs from the three most common groups: polyenes, azoles and allylamines.

Preparations in tablets have a systemic effect, and creams and ointments are prescribed for local use. The exact dosage and duration of antifungal medication is determined only by the doctor on the basis of the overall picture and a complete medical history.

Antimycotics from the group of polyenes

Antifungal drugs: choose inexpensive, but effective means

The widest spectrum of activity have polyenes. Most often, these drugs are used for candidiasis of the skin, mucous membranes and the gastrointestinal tract.

Nystatin - antifungal drug for the skin of the body and mucous membranes in the form of ointments and tablets, which is used for candidal lesions of the intestine, mouth, skin, in particular, mycosis of the genus Candida.

The drug is not taken in case of hypersensitivity to the drug. After taking possible allergic manifestations in the form of urticaria and hyperemia, diarrhea, chills and pain in the abdomen. As a rule, the medication is taken for 10-14 days according to the instructions. It is worth noting the extremely low cost of the drug in combination with the effectiveness of treatment.

Levorin - a drug with high activity against Candida albicans, Trichomonas and Leishmania. The drug is prescribed for cadidosis of the skin and digestive tract. Among the contraindications are the following:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 2 years;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines;
  • hepatic and renal failure.

Pharmacists do not exclude adverse reactions, for example, nausea, retching, headaches and loss of appetite.

Pimafucin - An antibacterial polyene drug that fights a huge number of pathogenic fungi, including Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium. Pimafucin tablets prescribed in such situations:

  • candidal lesion of the vagina;
  • gastrointestinal candidiasis;
  • effects of antibiotic therapy;
  • effects of corticosteroids.

The drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to its constituent substances. It is allowed to take it during pregnancy and lactation. Against the background of the application, diarrhea and nausea sometimes occur.

Antifungal drugs of the azoles group

Azoles are a group of synthetic drugs that have been shown to be effective in treating lichen, nail mycoses, skin and scalp. Some remedies are also effective against thrush and candidal infections of the mucous membranes.

Ketoconazole - It is an antimycotic agent against yeast-like and dimorphic fungi, dermatophytes, lichen, folliculitis, seborrheic dermatitis and chronic candidiasis. They are prescribed to treat skin and scalp fungi with a high degree of damage and resistance to infection.

The drug is not used for acute kidney and liver diseases. Reception is also not recommended during pregnancy and before the age of 3 or after 50 years. Ketoconazole provokes extensive adverse reactions, which should be reviewed before use. Today, the drug is more often used only for the local treatment of fungi - due to its high toxicity.

Mycozoral from the group of azoles has the following indications:

Mycozoral from the group of azoles

  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • athlete's disease;
  • various candidiasis;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • ringworm.

Treatment with ointment can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Mycozoral is not dangerous during pregnancy and lactation. This tool includes ketoconazole as an active ingredient and is also available in the form of tablets and shampoo. It is an effective but inexpensive antifungal drug for the skin of the feet, hands, feet, as well as for the treatment of fungal infections of the nails.

Sebosol - another ointment and shampoo based on ketoconazole, used against dimorphic fungi, yeast-like microorganisms, dermatophytes and eumicetes. Sebozolom treat mycotic lesions of the nails, feet, hands, scalp and other parts of the body. In addition, the ointment perfectly fights staphylococci and streptococci. The drug is not used during pregnancy, as well as in case of sensitivity to the contained substances. The duration of treatment is usually 2-6 weeks.

Fluconazole - a group of azoles of broad-spectrum capsules, which is prescribed for such diseases:

  • mycosis defeat Cryptococcus - sepsis, skin lesions, meningitis;
  • coccidioidosis;
  • histoplasmosis;
  • candidiasis of the respiratory system;
  • candidiasis of the abdominal cavity and reproductive system;
  • oral candidiasis and pharynx;
  • fungus of the feet, nails and skin;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • sporotrichosis;
  • prevention of mycotic lesions in cancer.

Fluconazole capsules are contraindicated with high sensitivity to active ingredients and during lactation. With caution used in pregnancy, as well as in diseases of the heart and liver. In addition, the drug is characterized by a specific interaction with other drugs.

Antimycotics of the allylamino group

Alliamines are synthetic antifungal agents that fight against ringworms. They are prescribed for fungi of the skin, hair, nails, and various lichen.

Terbinafin - medicine, produced in the form of ointment or cream. Effective against skin and nail fungi, as well as mold and dimorphic microorganisms. Most often, the drug is prescribed for marked mycotic lesions of the head, nails, feet and body.

The ointment is not used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as well as in chronic and acute kidney and liver diseases, and in certain vascular diseases.

Lamisil - Terbinafine analogue in the form of tablets, gel, spray and cream. During internal administration, it actively affects trichophytons, dermatophytes, mold fungi and some other infections. Topical administration is especially effective against Pitirospor.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge range of anti-mycotic drugs. The low price and effectiveness of drugs make them reliable allies in the fight against fungi. However, it is important to remember that the reception of such funds should be justified and rational. Therefore, the appointment is better to entrust the doctor after accurate diagnosis.