

Cumin is not only a well-known spice, but also a medicinal plant. If you care about a healthy diet, then you should know the beneficial properties of wild anise (as cumin is otherwise called). If you use spice regularly, the body is provided with prevention and support from a wide range of diseases. Caraway oil is also made essential oil, which has amazing healing properties.

Wild anise is similar to dill, but belongs to the celery family. Cumin is growing everywhere, unpretentious, so it is easy to grow in the country. Not only seeds, but also roots, greens are used in cooking.

Cumin: useful properties

The beneficial properties of cumin are due to its composition. The plant is rich in vitamins of group B, it contains calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus, tocopherol, carotene, ascorbic acid. Most of the beneficial properties are dictated by the high content of essential oils.

Cumin: useful properties

Even a small portion of cumin is useful because it:

  • Normalizes digestion;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Diuretic and laxative;
  • Neutralizes bad breath;
  • Reduces salivation;
  • Prostatitis prevention;
  • Improves the cardiovascular system;
  • An antidepressant that helps fight irritability.

Spice is used in the treatment of colds with bronchitis, when sputum discharge is required. Tea made from cumin is an excellent warming agent.

The ability of cumin to restore metabolic processes is useful in the treatment of obesity. The use of cumin in dietology due to its ability to enhance physical activity.

Wild anise is used not only in cooking, traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology, because it contributes to the rapid recovery of the skin.

Cumin during pregnancy

There is cumin during pregnancy in limited quantities. Purposefully, it is used when breastfeeding to increase lactation. Especially useful for this purpose are herbal teas with the addition of aniseed seeds. It is also helpful for nursing mothers to eat cumin greens because it helps against colic, which often torments newborns. This spice, moreover, has an analgesic effect during menstruation.

Cumin: Contraindications

  1. Individual intolerance;
  2. Gastritis;
  3. Inflammatory processes of the digestive system;
  4. Stones in bile;
  5. Diabetes;
  6. Coronary heart disease;
  7. Thrombophlebitis;
  8. Post-infarction condition;
  9. Pregnancy.

What is harmful cumin?

Spice is a strong allergen, can cause swelling of the throat and skin rash. It turns out that wild anise strengthens the immune system so actively that it is dangerous for people with implanted organs. Strong immunity can cause graft rejection like a foreign body.

Cumin in traditional medicine: recipes


  1. From colic. Take 2 tsp. cumin seeds and brew in 1/3 liter of boiling water. From colic helps broth plant stalks. It will take 100 grams. greenery, a glass of boiling water and 40 minutes of time. This broth is given to the child with milk or a mixture.
  2. From bronchitis. Prepare a decoction of cumin, as described in the previous recipe. To improve the expectorant effect, mix it with linden decoction in equal proportions. When treating, you need to eat ½ cup before meals

Black Cumin Oil Treatment

From the fruits of cumin, consisting of 35% of fat, is a useful essential oil. The main component of black cumin oil is melanin.

  • Treats diseases of the gallbladder, normalizes the circulation of bile.
  • It is indicated for bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Helps against neurosis.
  • Helps preserve and restore vision.
  • Treats cancers.
  • Prevention of tuberculosis.
  • Remedy for worms.
  • Normalizes metabolism.
  • Treats diabetes.
  • Remedy for rhinitis and hemorrhoids.

The active ingredients in the essential oil are:

  1. Fatty acids - have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, normalize hormonal balance and fat metabolism.
  2. Vitamin E - strengthens the immune system, has anti-inflammatory effect, nourishes the skin, increases stamina.
  3. Carotenoids - heal wounds.
  4. Phytosteroids - remove cholesterol plaques, shown in the treatment of the prostate gland.

Black cumin oil in cosmetology

  • Massage with essential oil improves skin elasticity, reduces stretch marks and wrinkles, is effective against cellulite.
  • A decoction of seeds degreases the skin - an analogue of lotion and hair rinse, an effective remedy for oily seborrhea.
  • Used for making handmade soap and homemade perfumes.
  • Used to treat acne.
  • In cosmetology, diluted cumin oil is used.

Cumin: useful properties and contraindications

Black cumin oil contraindications

  1. Allergy;
  2. Pregnancy.

How much is black cumin oil?

Price range from 600 to 3000 rubles.

Caraway seeds have a peculiar spicy taste, therefore not everyone will want to use it as a spice. But the beneficial properties of this plant, no doubt, will appreciate any fan of herbal medicine. Grow cumin in the country, collect seeds, cook tasty and healthy dishes, use the plant in traditional medicine and cosmetology!