Slicing sausage and cheese is beautiful. beautiful cuts on


Sausage and cheese are a universal snack for any occasion. They make sandwiches for breakfast, add to salads and pizza, and also put on the table as a slice. You should not treat this kind of serving as a neglect, because the overall impression of the table depends on its appearance. To pleasantly surprise guests, you should know how to chop cheese and sausage nicely.

How to make a beautiful cut?

Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully

One of the most important rules for beautiful cutting is a well-ground knife. Blunt knife only cut off the products without creating the proper impression. With the help of a sharp knife you will really cut sausage and cheese, because the slices will be neat and thin.

You need to start slicing with sausages, because they keep their proper appearance longer. To beautifully cut the sausage, you should carefully divide it into thin slices. Then, you can twist it into various rolls, tubules, roses, etc. Sprigs of greens, olives or lemon can be put inside the sausage rolls. Sausages of small diameter can be simply beautifully laid out on a plate.

As for cheese slices, the size of the slices should be small (approximately 5 - 6 cm). To make the cutting look beautiful on a plate, put lettuce leaves on the bottom. Sausage cutting should occupy 2/3 of the plate, and cheese cutting - 1/3.

At the bottom of the plate are laid meat tubes and rolls. Thin slices are laid out on top. A small amount of vegetables can be placed on top of the sausage. Put chopped cheese on the rest of the plate.

This is a fairly simple way to beautifully arrange cutting.

Cutting rules

Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully

To give the original appearance of the cut, you can add additional elements. In addition to greens, olives and lettuce, you can use cherry tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, lemon, mushrooms, nuts, candied fruits, etc.

Some craftswomen decorate cutting with fresh or artificial flowers. You can learn original design ideas in cookbooks by doing something unusual and memorable.

To really surprise the guests, some housewives heat up the sausage and cheese cutting in the microwave. So the cheese will melt and partially cover the sausage, giving it an unusual taste.

Sausage and cheese slices can be served as canapés. String on a toothpick or skewer slices of sausage, meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits. Alternate the ingredients to make a really interesting cut that will be convenient to take and eat.

Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully

Beautiful cuts to the festive table: what to serve?

When serving sausage and cheese cuts, it is important to know how and with what to serve it. It is advisable to serve cutting on the table no earlier than 1 hour before the arrival of guests. Vegetable salads, pickles, a side dish of potatoes and rice are ideal for cutting.

As for drinks, the ideal option would be strong grape wines, vodka, brandy, whiskey and various tinctures. Such drinks whet the appetite and are mostly eaten with sausage and cheese.

Slicing cheese beautifully

Slicing cheese beautifully

Slicing cheese beautifully

Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully

Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully

Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully

Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully

Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully

Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully

Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully

Slicing sausage and cheese is one of the main decorations of the holiday table. Every modern hostess should know how to beautifully decorate and serve cutting. You can look at various design options in culinary magazines, books or on the Internet, or you can come up with something on your own.