Wheat germ oil


About the benefits of natural base oils - that is, those that do not need to be diluted, as essential - not everyone knows. And yet, only in cosmetology, they are able to replace even the most expensive means, affecting those problems that, it would seem, cannot be solved in any way. Wheat germ oil is attributed precisely to this category, and it is worth to have it in every woman’s cosmetics bag.

Wheat germ oil: properties

Wheat germ oil: properties

It should be immediately noted that wheat germ oil is used not only externally - it is a complete food product, which has a considerable effect on internal organs. However, the main advantage of this tool is its high content of vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant. It is due to him that this oil is considered to be the main assistant in the struggle for the beauty of the skin: how it will be used for this purpose will be discussed later. Moreover, the anti-aging effect is noticeable not only by external signs - ingestion of oil inwards slows down the general aging of the body. For this reason, as a joke, wheat germ oil is often called “rejuvenating drops”.

Since we are talking about the use of the product inside, you should continue to consider its effect on the body in this situation. Like any other antioxidant, this oil helps to eliminate all harmful substances that, in one way or another, accumulate in the body. By analogy with other oils (linseed, sunflower), wheat germ oil has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract: it helps prevent gastritis and ulcers, because the product has an enveloping effect and stimulates digestion, and also relaxes the intestines, removing spasms. In addition, a remedy for overweight will be useful, because it can lead to normal metabolic processes. However, not for all problems of the gastrointestinal tract it is acceptable to use: it should not be taken orally if there are violations of the outflow of bile and kidney stones, bile and bladder.

If we talk about the use of wheat germ oil outwardly, then in addition to its merits in the field of cosmetology, it is important to pay attention to its positive effect in other areas. In particular, the use of a product heated to 40 degrees for bruises and sprains as a massage oil relieves pain and relaxes the damaged area. For this reason, the tool can often be found in the first-aid kits of athletes. But not only among them - wheat germ oil is actively recommended for pregnant women as a way of general strengthening the body and filling up the lack of certain vitamins and minerals. And young mothers in it can find a savior from postpartum stretch marks. In addition to all of the above, doctors who adhere to their treatment of traditional medicine claim that wheat germ oil can also help with burns: as in the case of stretching, the remedy is heated, but only up to 30 degrees, and they treat skin damage.

Some psychotherapists even recommend to use oil for 1 tsp. in 20-30 minutes before eating in the evening to pacify the nervous system and eliminate insomnia. Mild cases of neurosis are also amenable to this tool, as well as it can support during periods of prolonged stress. However, it is unreasonable to hope only for oil here - it may rather be a component part of a large medical complex.

How to use the properties of oil for the face?

Wheat germ oil: face treatment

For women, of course, wheat germ oil is of most interest as a cosmetic tool. Here he has something to brag about: affecting the general condition of the skin, it smoothes wrinkles, cleanses and soothes irritated areas, eliminates inflammation - including acne and blackheads. But it is important to know that this base oil is quite heavy, so in its pure form it may not like sensitive skin, as well as the delicate area around the eyes. Here it is recommended to mix the product with lighter oils, or with your favorite care products: serum, cream, etc.

Dry skin should be liked by the product, because it softens it perfectly, eliminating flaking. At the same time, it does not contribute to an increase in its fat content, therefore, it is possible to apply wheat germ oil even on such “dangerous” areas as the nose, forehead and chin. For the same reason, it is allowed to use on combination and oily skin. But here, however, the tool is most often used not in pure form, but as a component of masks. The easiest way is to mix 1 tbsp. wheat germ oil with 2 drops of tea tree essential oil and 1 tsp. the amount of grape oil. The resulting mixture is applied locally, if you need to eliminate inflammation, and a little more extensively - if you want to work as a whole on cleansing. But very dry skin can apply the product solo, without diluting it with anything.

As an "anti-aging" remedy, wheat germ oil (1 tbsp) is combined with orange essential oil (1-2 drops) and sweet almond oil (1 tbsp), after which the cotton napkin is cut and soaked. for eyes and lips. It should be applied to the face like a regular cloth mask and left for 15-20 minutes. If you do not experience discomfort, you can extend the procedure to 30 minutes. It is recommended to remove the oil film with warm water, without the use of chemicals: gels, tonic, lotions. The course consists of 10-14 procedures, conducted every 3 days.

Healthy hair is easy!

Wheat germ oil: hair application

  • Hair, wheat germ oil is also loved, but individual rejection of organic products cannot be ruled out. In such a situation, the product only hurts: it will cause brittleness, dryness, dullness. If a similar side effect occurs, but you want to support your hair with a natural product, professionals recommend not to take it in its pure form, but to add it to your favorite masks or balms. On 2 tbsp. funds used all 1 tsp oils.
  • If your hair is positively perceived organic, they can be affected by almost pure product: heat 2-3 tbsp. oil (depending on the length and thickness of the hair) to 40-45 degrees, apply it to the curls, spreading it with your fingers or a plastic comb, after which you must wrap your head with a warm cloth. Under it is desirable to put a plastic bag or a cap made of this material. Depending on how you react to heat exposure, further actions are determined: you can warm your head with a hairdryer for 5-10 minutes, or you can leave everything as it is. After 60-90 minutes The oil mask is washed off with warm water, the hair is washed with shampoo 2 times and treated with a light balm. If desired, you can combine with this tool avocado oil, jojobaili or almonds. This procedure contributes to the overall strengthening of the hair, gaining a healthy shine and elasticity.
  • Like other tools of this kind, wheat germ oil is applied only on length, without affecting the roots, so as not to provoke the appearance of fat content in this zone. The product can be applied to the roots in combination with essential oil of peppermint or eucalyptus, with a mandatory thermal effect of 15 minutes, as well as the subsequent use of deep cleaning shampoo - this algorithm is used for hair loss. The course will be 21 days, during which you need to carry out 10 procedures.

Oil Performance Reviews

Wheat germ oil: application and reviews

As for the real feedback from the use of wheat germ oil, then, of course, the greatest number of positive emotions is expressed regarding the anti-aging effect of this tool. Women vied with each other about how their facial wrinkles diminished almost in front of their eyes, the contours tightened, and the freshness of skin tone returned. Of course, the oil did not work wonders, creating a serious tightening, but the results were and are obvious.

  1. Elena: At 37 years old, it is possible to speak of deep wrinkles early, but mimic has been haunting me since my studies. And over the years, around the eyes of their depth only increased. The use of wheat germ oil began on the advice of a friend, did not harbor any hopes: she removed her makeup from the eyelids, passed under her eyes, and went to bed. What was my surprise when in a month I noticed a decrease in the number of mimic wrinkles!
  2. Anna: Base oils - the inhabitants of my cosmetics for many years. I like wheat germ oil in combination with grapefruit essential oil and the same basic grape. My combination skin, even with age, has not lost its desire for the appearance of rashes, and with regular application of an oil cocktail, it immediately reduces its activity, and all pimples are eliminated in 4-5 days.

Judging by the reviews, wheat germ oil really takes its place in every woman’s cosmetics bag, no matter what age. For young girls, it is able to ease the period of transitional age, with its rashes on the face, for adult women to maintain the tone of their skin. But the most correct assessment of the product you can get only after a personal sample.