Hair loss


Hair is one of the main women's virtues, so reducing the amount of hair on the head creates psychological discomfort. It is not always possible to make a diagnosis correctly, because there are many reasons for hair loss. There may be external factors affecting hair loss: poor ecology, weather conditions, exposure to hair with chemical agents - paints, curls, and internal factors: lack of vitamins, disruption of vital activity of organs, poor blood circulation. All this leads to a weakening of the hair follicles, and then to hair loss.

Now, there are many methods in the fight against hair loss. Hair transplantation will be a radical method, but it should be used in advanced stages. hair loss and when other tools no longer help. I hope you will not bring everything to such a state, so let's talk about the initial stages of hair loss, which can be fought with folk remedies. Home treatments can be combined with the services offered by modern cosmetology: taking vitamin complexes for hair, a special diet, scalp massage, hair restoration procedures and mesotherapy. Also for the treatment of hair is often used herbs, which you can buy at any pharmacy.

What will help with hair loss?

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, one needs to undergo a full medical examination, since diseases such as diabetes, anemia, disorders of the thyroid gland, and that’s not all, can be the cause of falling out;

Only home remedies will not give an absolute guarantee that your hair will not fall out, you will need medicines here. It is important to undergo a course of treatment in a few months, and only then judge the presence of the result. The composition of such drugs should include substances: Amineksil - stimulates the supply of nutrients to the roots, aminoproteins - accelerates hair growth, orange and lavender essential oils. Essential oils are generally very useful for hair, you can add a drop of oil in a shampoo, for this also rosemary, cypress, pine and hop oils are suitable.

Why does hair fall out?

Androgenic alopecia, a frightening name, isn't it? And so is actually called an excess of male sex hormones in the female body, because of which hair loss may occur. Such hormonal disruptions can occur during menopause, pregnancy and during puberty. In this case, you cannot engage in self-treatment, strictly follow the doctor's advice - jokes with hormones are bad!

The doctor will take your tests and be able to determine which elements in the body are not enough. Great value on the strength and beauty of hair have magnesium and silicon. Do not stick to hard diets - they can be the most direct cause of hair loss. It is better to simply follow a healthy diet: exclude fried, smoked and spicy foods from the diet, but fish, sea kale, eggs, meat, vegetable oils and soy, on the contrary, should be added to the daily menu as often as possible.

It also happens that the cause of hair loss can be transferred stress. Here, the main method of struggle will be a positive attitude and the exclusion of negative emotions from your life, as well as stimulating the growth of bulbs with the help of massage and procedures.

How to strengthen hair? We do massage!

With a little hair loss will massage the scalp - it increases blood circulation, due to which the roots get more nutrition. It is easy to do, it is enough just to take a massage brush with soft ends and three times a week to massage the head for twenty minutes, and the emotions from the procedure should be only positive.

What is mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a procedure designed specifically for severe forms of hair loss. It is done by subcutaneous injections of nutrients that penetrate the depth of the hair follicles. During mesotherapy, active points on the face are also irritated, which also improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the scalp.

Home remedies for hair loss

Masks with cosmetic clay or sea salt will be good. To do this, clay or salt as it should, spread on wet hair, wait 20 minutes and then wash the hair with regular shampoo. These components for masks have a cleansing property and give the hair follicles a "free breathing".

Even our mothers and grandmothers used a mask of brandy and rinsing hair with lemon juice to combat hair loss. You will need one tablespoon of cognac, raw egg yolk and a half table spoon of honey — apply all this an hour before washing your hair, you can put a hat on your head to better penetrate the roots. You can also rinse your hair after washing with water, in which the juice of half a lemon is diluted. To stimulate hair to grow faster, a mask of grated onion and honey is recommended. Apply this mask for half an hour and then thoroughly wash your hair.

If you have a very strong loss, then a red pepper mask will come to the rescue. Here is her recipe: you take red pepper and pour 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, let it stand for a week, filter it, then dilute the mixture in ten parts of water. Tincture several times a week in the roots of the hair, you can even at night.

These tips will help you find strong Thick hair, amaze you with its beauty and brilliance, and not enhanced loss.