Slimming slimming control capsules
Drug SLIM CONTROL - This is a biologically active food supplement (dietary supplement is not a medicine!), which contains substances of natural origin that promote weight loss. Let us see what these substances are and what is the principle of their action.
Chitosan - a biologically active substance, which is obtained from the shells of sea crabs, is a source of dietary fiber. The properties of the molecules of this substance allow it to work on the principle of "molecular sieve", i.e. sorb (bind) carbohydrates, fats and their compounds. Therefore, chitosan lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, prevents the deposition of fats in tissues and organs, improves calcium absorption, and thanks to dietary fibers - improves intestinal motility. The substance is really wonderful!
Bromelain - if this word says nothing to you, then probably the Pineapple diet for weight loss is well known for its remarkable properties. The fat burning effect of this diet is due to a unique substance that is found in large quantities in pineapples. It speeds up the metabolism, contributes to the rapid breakdown and removal of fats from the body, stimulates the bowels, etc. A whole bunch of useful properties! This magic substance, which is obtained from pineapple extract, is bromelain. By the principle of its action, brombelain resembles an enzyme, i.e. improves the digestive process.
The most interesting thing that in addition to the use of the drug SLIM CONTROL for weight loss It can be used externally as a wound healing agent. Bromelain has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates tissue regeneration, reduces inflammation.
Method of application, indications
SLIM capsules CONTROL It is recommended to take in complex therapy in the treatment of obesity, can be used for weight loss, with diets. It helps to get rid of toxins and slags, including alcohol and food poisoning. Normalizes metabolism, is good for the skin and, if you believe the instructions, helps with a variety of diseases, including cancer! Contraindicated: with individual intolerance, during pregnancy and lactation, children up to 12 years. Those. contraindications, as such, no! Method of application for a persistent effect of weight loss, 4 capsules, 3 times a day for 2-3 months and after, for prophylactic purposes, 2 capsules, 2 times a day.
See also: Harm melamine sponge
Reviews on the drug SLIM CONTROL
1. "Very tempting. A large package (90 capsules) seems not to be expensive. But if you drink 12 pieces a day for a long time, it still doesn’t be enough. Besides, it affects the acidity. I don’t even know whether to buy. But I want to try - the composition is good. Although, now there are a lot of pills with good ingredients that are absolutely not absorbed by the body. This is on the manufacturer’s conscience. "
2. "Bought CONTROL, because really liked the composition. I know that chitosan is called "sponge for fat" because it normalizes the work of the intestine. Accept 2 weeks, but in combination with a small diet. I am happy with the result - I lost 4 kg. "
3. "I did not find any action after the two-month course. If you carefully read the instructions, it becomes clear that SLIM CONTROL acts only on those fats that we consume with food. He cleaves them and removes the existing subcutaneous fat while the active components are not affected. In addition, women recover mostly not from fatty foods, but from sweets (chocolates, buns, all kinds of sweets), i.e. - from excess carbohydrates. The drug has absolutely no effect on carbohydrates. Before taking it is necessary to understand the real causes of weight gain. "
Especially for - Olga