Barley porridge in a slow cooker
Porridge is a traditional Russian dish. It takes a lot of time to make whole cereal porridge. Therefore, porridge is cooked rarely, especially from millet, barley cereals and pearl barley. Barley porridge is inferior in beneficial properties only buckwheat porridge. If you want to save time on preparing a tasty and healthy dish, use the slow cooker. Cooking in a slow cooker is a modern approach to cooking.
What is useful barley porridge?
- Helps to clear the body from slagging.
- Reduces pressure.
- Porridge is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Reduces cholesterol.
- It acts to strengthen the body.
- Improves skin properties.
- Helps fight depression.
- Normalizes thyroid function.
- Barley porridge is a low glycemic index dish.
It does not matter whether the milk will have barley porridge or water, it will not lose its beneficial properties. Crushed barley can be added to soups, porridge can be sweet or served as a side dish to meat. Barley porridge with stew is a very tasty dish. True, this dish has nothing to do with diet food.
Milk barley porridge in the microwave
- Barley grain - 2 glasses;
- Milk - 5 glasses;
- Butter - 30 g;
- Salt and sugar to taste.
- Wash the cereal.
- Place it in the multicooker bowl.
- Fill with milk, salt.
- Set the porridge mode to 1 hour.
- In the finished porridge, add sugar and butter.
For dietary food suitable barley porridge, boiled in water.
Barley porridge dietary in a slow cooker
This porridge is useful for breakfast in the morning and eat in the post.
- Barley grits - 1 cup;
- Water - 3 cups;
- Vegetable cold pressed oil - 2 tablespoons;
- Salt and sugar to taste.
- Rinse the cereal, place in the bowl the multicooker.
- Fill with water. For dietary nutrition porridge should be more liquid.
- Salt, pour in the oil, set the porridge mode and cook for about 40 minutes.
- Add sugar to the finished porridge.
- If desired, in the cooking process, you can add vegetables to the barley porridge.
Barley porridge with stew in a slow cooker
- Barley grain - 2 glasses;
- Water - 4 cups;
- Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons;
- Salt, pepper to taste;
- Pork stew - 1 bank;
- Onion bulb - 1 head;
- Green onions - 10 gr.
- Finely chop the onion, fry it in a slow cooker in vegetable oil.
- Rinse the cereal, add to the slow cooker with onions, cover with water, add salt, cook for 40 minutes.
- 10 minutes before the end of cooking, put the stew in the porridge. Meat can be used instead of stew.
- Serve the finished dish, sprinkled with herbs. To feed such porridge is better than your beloved husband, because she is very high in calories.
Barley porridge should be on your table and dietary and traditional.
Enjoy your meal!