Harmony masculine and feminine
In the modern world, namely, in society, this world inhabiting the issue of Harmony in the relationship between men and women is very acute and relevant. This can be seen by remembering the statistics of divorces: the vast majority of marriages end in divorce. Why all? Disharmony in relationships and false values, on the basis of which they arise. For example, a considerable number of marriages (and a good thing, as you know, you cannot call marriage) is done for the sake of registration, citizenship, or for the achievement of any other social and material bonuses. In these cases, and talk about harmony does not make sense! But, fortunately, many unions arise, nevertheless, on the basis of something more than materiality, and here the halves are directly interested in their bonds being strong, and their relations are rosy and harmonious. After all, a lot of examples in which people who have a powerful sensory base under their relationships still diverge because they cannot maintain Harmony in everyday life, and simply among themselves, cannot fully penetrate each other’s world to merge the worlds of two individualities put together. In addition, there are examples (and there are a lot of them) in which couples disperse because of unwashed dishes, or because of scattered socks, unfortunately, they have a place to be.
So how to achieve harmony and avoid ridiculous incidents?
First of all, it is necessary to look globally at the Masculine and Feminine beginnings, to penetrate into the essence of each of them, to see and feel their Natural purpose, because Harmony throughout our planet, and even throughout the Universe rests on the Unity and Struggle of these two Beginning. Let us recall the well-known sign "Yin-Yang", which clearly demonstrates the image of the interaction between the male and female halves with each other. Some see in this sign only the Struggle, forgetting about the simultaneous Unity of two great forces: the male Yang and the female Yin. Two points in the symbol mean that each of the two energies at the highest stage of its realization already contains within itself the grain of its opposite and is ready to transform into it.
So what is each of these halves, belonging, nevertheless, to the Whole Whole?
Yang, or masculine, is the Light of creation, the movement up and down (vertical). In our solar system, the representative of Yang is the sun. Task Yang manifestations: to give energy, to train. Properties: activity and hardness. Yin, the feminine - is the power of Darkness of destruction, is a movement in the plane (horizon). Our planet Earth is the manifestation of Yin at the macro level, the closest to us is the Yin cosmic object, which has a powerful influence on us - this is the Moon. Yin task: to accept and learn. Properties: softness and passivity.
All of the above does not mean at all that masculine is good, and feminine is bad, by no means. Indeed, in Nature there is simply no duality of "good-bad" or "good-evil." Each force has its own functions and purpose, and if these functions are not realized, chaos and disharmony arise.
To see this, we transfer the global "Yin-Yang" to the micro-level "Women-Men". And what do we see? It turns out that a man is obliged to supply a woman with energy, train her and protect her at the expense of his hardness and activity. Thus, he performs his male duties. A woman, on the contrary, acts as a host of energy in order to save her and then supply her children with her and give them Life. A woman learns and is under the auspices of her due to her softness and relative passivity. In order to eliminate doubts, we will make a projection on the sexual intercourse of intercourse: the man gives, enters, puts the seed, and the woman accepts it and keeps it, as a result of which a new Life arises. Perhaps it would be the birth of a child if a woman performed male duties, and a man female? - Of course not!
So in the framework of the relationship Harmony is possible only when a man performs men's duties, and a woman, respectively - women's. That is, everything is very simple in its essence. But, in practice, we often observe an unwillingness to perform any of the halves, and sometimes both at once, of our duties, which leads to disharmony, which, in turn, leads to misunderstanding, quarrels, and as a result to a break in relations.
Very often we can observe when a man behaves in a relationship like a woman, wanting to be trained and guarded, while a woman willingly takes the position of a teacher. That is, Yang changes places with Yin, and this is only a shaky likeness of Harmony, which can collapse at any moment, and in the most unpleasant way, since both woman and man will have the functions inherent in Nature, on this background conflicts begin, and those involved in these conflicts are not even aware of their causes.
So what do we have in the end? A man is obliged to supply energy, and the concept of "energy" includes material wealth, his woman. With all this, teach her and protect against harmful influences from outside, as she is a potential mother for his children. In all the cultures of the world, we see that a woman is always under the auspices and care: before marriage under the care of her father, then her husband, and in old age under the care of her adult sons. That is, therefore, what we see now is nothing more than lack of culture. If a man does not fulfill these duties, then he is called none other than "Monkey" (He-Without-Yan).
Dear women, remember, you should not become a teacher, and teach your man. In this case, he loses his natural career for his realization, and you, as a result of this, will lose him too, unless of course this is a henpecked. But why do you need one, right? Your spell and true power lie elsewhere. You can do everything so that the man thinks that he himself has come to this, while it was you who pushed him to everything. Remember, you are his main support and support, protecting his inner world, while he protects you externally. In the ancient Vedic scriptures, a man and a woman are compared to a rower and a boat. And only a good boat is able to bring the rower to the opposite shore, while without a boat the rower, and does, drown.
Each half has its own purpose and for a reason. Think what would happen if the Sun stopped performing the duties of Yang manifestation? - Our Solar System would cease to exist, would be destroyed, being introduced into disharmony.
So be the best boats for your favorite rowers, dear women. Only in this way you will get the long-awaited harmony and complete balance.
Especially for womeninahomeoffice.com - Yura