Happy couple - marina and alexander
Tell us where and how did you meet and how many have been together?
Marina: Sasha and I met in 2007 at the profile change of the school "Argon ". And together we have 4 years!
How did you understand that you want to be together? Why did you choose him (her)?
Marina: He chose me, and I humbled myself! In fact, since our acquaintance, Sasha immediately began to show signs of attention, but I did not reciprocate. And on New Year's Eve on December 31, 2007, when I was packing a gift for him, I suddenly realized that I also wanted to be with him ...
Have you ever quarreled, and did you get to partings?
Marina: Yes, our relationship, like everyone else, was probably in crisis. It was a long period from October to May 2009. Due to lack of time and unwillingness to give up all his hobbies, Sasha completely ceased to pay me attention. We hardly saw each other. He did not answer calls, did not call back, but at the same time did not let go ... But in April, I still gained strength and left him.
The secret of how you put up?
Marina: A month passed, and his parents invited me to a holiday (I think it was May 9). I refused for a long time, but his mother persuaded me. Much happened that day, and in the end we made up. What I'm still very happy!
Have you had hard times in your life and how did you overcome them together?
Marina: The hardest thing for us is not to see each other for a long time ... Now Sasha is giving a debt to the Motherland in the army. And I'm waiting for him. It is not easy, but it warms the idea that very soon we will be together again, and no one and nothing can separate us!
Do you have children, and how the birth of children influenced your relationship?
Marina: We have no children, but we have already thought about the wedding!
Did jealousy take place in a relationship? If so, how did you cope with it?
Marina: Jealousy lately is a sore subject in our relations, because, as I said, Sasha is now in the army. He is very worried and jealous of everyone and everything. But we are trying to cope with this.
Did Passion Have a Place?
Marina: Passion has been and is still! Especially now, when we have a chance to see only a day or even a couple of hours ...
What is love for you?
Marina: Love is the best thing in our life!
Please give advice to readers.
Marina: If you love a person, you definitely need to act, to seek it. It doesn't matter if you are a guy or a girl. And if a loved one is already there, then you need to appreciate him and take care!