What is balance and how to achieve it
Equilibrium is a synthesis of all other qualities, therefore it is the highest quality of spirit. Calmness, restraint, ability to control oneself, self-control, a feeling of inner strength, fearlessness - all these are different facets of balance.
Balance comes through restraint and calm. An unrestrained man is like a steam engine with valves open, through which steam is useless. Energy leak is too big. Restraint in words, gestures, movements, thoughts, emotions and feelings leads to the accumulation of energy in a person. Calmness can be manifested at the most terrible stress. Calmness is powerful if it is monolithic, that is, manifested in all shells. Calmly heart, feelings, thoughts, calm body and all his movements.
What is balance?
Equilibrium is a refusal, unwillingness to act at the poles. Do not become attached to anything, and you will have nothing to lose; rejoice in nothing and you will not cry.
It is a mistake to think that the energy of the spirit should strive to overcome something outside. Not outside, but to overcome itself, to bring all its shells into full balance, it should be directed. If during all of life in this incarnation on earth it was possible to at least to some extent affirm the quality of equilibrium, life is not in vain. You need to think about it, you need to strive for it, you need not to miss the time to do at least something in the direction of its development. Equilibrium is a phenomenon so rare among people that when it comes in contact with it, ordinary consciousness feels fear or trembling. It does not withstand the vibrations of a balanced aura and usually obeys it.
What is balance necessary for?
Aura in a state of equilibrium is a closed circle, its surface becomes smooth, smooth and impenetrable for the penetration of foreign radiation. The symbol of balance is a ball. You can not grab it and hang on it. You can not stand on it. There are no notches, hollows, there is nothing to cling to. A blow from the side bounces off of it and boomerangs the blow.
Waiting for trouble and all other similar feelings, on the contrary, throw beams of corresponding energies from the aura into the surrounding space. These bundles serve as a clue to throw consonant thoughts and feelings through them. From the trials of life, grief and experiences do not leave, but to give them power over themselves is impossible. Only balance, that is, the absence of a painful and emotional reaction to what is necessary to go through, frees one from being tested. Any imbalance is destructive. It is much easier to influence a frustrated person than to maintain a balance.
If the imbalance occurs due to sympathy and compassion for other people, then this does not serve as an excuse, since by losing the balance, we are not able to provide the necessary assistance. Compassion is not to become infected and darken by the experiences of a suffering person, but, while maintaining a bright and cheerful state of mind, to alleviate his suffering with his luminous radiations. If we manage to learn to keep balance under the most adverse conditions, then it will be easier to keep it in the ordinary life.
Balance does not mean indifference. Indifference is indifference, fading, inertia and weakness. Equilibrium is a calm, passionless attitude to everything concerning small, personal "I".
Internal balance is the best defense. Speaking out loud about our experiences, sufferings or troubles, we, first of all, inform the dark forces about them. Speaking frankly about the things dear and close to the heart, we reveal ourselves to be influenced, both by the one to whom we open the heart, and for the invisible listeners. The lack of restraint of feelings, emotions and talkativeness makes a person unprotected.
Good to own yourself externally, so that no one suspects what is happening inside. But it is better to control oneself both externally and internally. The balance of the spirit helps to establish balance in the body, that is, health. The balance of the spirit is the best defense against disease and the best prevention.
Read also the article How to calm the nervous system and find peace of mind ?. Be happy!
According to the site www.1reikiveda.ru