Why do the leaves of the lily turn yellow
Lily - the symbol of the French kings. This regal flower has always enjoyed a special arrangement of florists. It is often used as part of complex bouquets. You can grow a lily at home, although this requires special conditions. Homeland flower - tropical forests. The habit of a particular climate makes this plant quite demanding. With the wrong care, his leaves may turn yellow.
In the first stage of growing, to avoid problems with the flower, you need to choose the right planting material. The rules apply to those cases where the lily is planted independently.
For planting bulbs in the pot is better to buy in September. They must be free from damage and rust. The bulbs must be disinfected. This applies even to the planting material, which looks perfect and has no visible damage. For decontamination using karbofos or usual potassium permanganate. As a home plant it is better to choose the Asiatic Lily. She has a less suffocating smell.
Amazon lily: yellow leaves
Amazon lily came to us from distant tropical forests. She loves ambient lighting and average temperature. The house should be warm, but not hot. Problems may occur due to dry indoor air. With insufficient moisture, the leaves of the lily begin to turn yellow. A humidifier will help to correct the situation.
To combat the dryness in the room, you can do periodic wet cleaning. Also create a favorable lily conditions contribute to the capacity with water or a wet towel on the batteries, the use of a pan with water under the pot with a plant. You can arrange a vase of water in the apartment.
In order to understand why the leaves of the Amazonian lily turn yellow, you need to carefully examine the plant. If the changes affect only the perimeter, then the edge burn is possible. The reason may be a malnutrition lily, and the lack of some trace elements. Often this problem occurs with a lack of potassium.
Perhaps the leaves turn yellow due to improper care during the transition to a state of rest before the next flowering. A new cycle of the plant begins immediately after drying inflorescences. During this period, you need to make every effort so that the leaves of the lilies do not turn yellow and fall off. Otherwise, it may not bloom a second time. Watering the Amazon lily pruning. At the same time, a clod of earth in a pot should not dry out. The plant is cleaned in a dark cool place for 1-1.5 months. All this is necessary in order to keep the growth of new leaves.
Lily leaves turn yellow: reasons
The leaves of the lily turn yellow for various reasons. This dry air in the room, and the lack of minerals, and pests. The leaves may change color due to the biological rhythms of the plant. Usually the problem with the leaves begins immediately after flowering. At this point, the development cycle is completed, the lily goes into a state of rest. Most often changes the color of the lower leaves. In this situation, you need to carefully cut off the dried flower, without touching the stems. Then reduce watering and wait for the gradual withering away of the shoots. To lily bloomed next year, the bulb is transferred from a warm room to a cool. Some gardeners plant it in the ground. She perfectly tolerates the winter cold. It is best to transplant the bulb with a clod of earth in which it grew.
- The leaves turn yellow in lilies and for reasons characteristic of other indoor plants.
- Excessive watering. Overflow can slow down growth.
- Aging. Each indoor flower has its own life cycles. Lily begins to turn yellow after flowering. No worries - this is a natural process.
- Wrong temperature conditions. Lily does not like drafts. During flowering indoors should be warm. In the cold stored bulbs faded plants.
- Bad light. The plant is light-requiring, prefers diffused lighting. In the penumbra move flowers that are at rest.
- Lack of trace elements. Most often, the lily turns yellow due to a lack of potassium in the soil. You can correct the situation with the help of Humate potassium. Also, the problem may be related to the use of hard water.
Why do lily leaves turn yellow?
- Garden lilies may turn yellow due to disease. The most common is bacterial rot. Brown spots appear on the leaves, then they turn yellow and die. There is rot due to damage to the bulbs, waterlogging of the soil. For struggle during emergence of shoots process shoots with fungicides. As a preventive measure, planting material is disinfected.
- Similar manifestations occur in lilies with root rot. Methods of struggle: removal of dying stems and flowers, disinfection of bulbs.
- Another disease is rust. On the leaves there are spots with spores, then they begin to turn yellow and die off. In this case, the diseased parts of the lily are destroyed, and the plant is sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
There is an opinion that the lily is quite capricious and requires special care. The plant does not like dry air in the room and cold during flowering. Lily sufficiently resistant to pests. A frequent problem in the care of a flower is a change in the color of the leaves. Why do lily leaves turn yellow? Most often this occurs due to natural aging and a transition to a state of rest or insufficient humidity in the room.