When and how to plant cabbage
Yes, whatever you say, and fresh fruits and vegetables work wonders. They are especially useful in combinations. That's why vegetable and fruit salads are so popular among nutritionists. And juices from these products do not know their equal. True, they do not enrich the body with fiber, as cabbage, but useful substances will be absorbed faster and get into the blood. That's it.
No, it is possible and vitaminized tablets, of course. Moreover, modern pharmaceuticals gives us a very wide scope for choice. But why poison your body?
And if you have the opportunity to independently grow such a "vitamin complex" in your summer cottage, this is also excellent. You yourself grow, so you will appreciate more. And then, you always know for sure that no pesticides were used in cultivation. And this is security.
One of the representatives of vegetable crops that are actively planted in our gardens and suburban areas is cabbage.
By the way, for good reason. It is rich in vitamins and microelements. Accordingly, for man only good, no harm. Inclusion in the diet of cabbage favorably affects the work of digestion and the cardiovascular system. The state of health improves. The complexion becomes fresher.
Do not plant cabbage at the same place more often than once every three years! Otherwise, you will not avoid the active spread of soil pests and the development of diseases.
Cabbage loves moisture. It has a long root system that penetrates deep into the soil. Accordingly, it is required to dig up the area for cabbage well in the fall and enrich it with fertilizers. She prefers solid soil. So you should have some time from digging up the ground before landing. It takes several months for the soil to thicken. It is better to add lime to the acidic soil. Soil compaction is also done manually when planting plants in open ground.
The planting dates depend on the specific cabbage variety you have previously selected.
Sowing. When and how to plant cabbage?
As a rule, the cultivation of all leafy and stembolist cabbage varieties occurs with the help of seedlings. After planting the seeds of cabbage on the seedlings should take some time. Namely, five - seven weeks, so you can get seedlings ready for transplanting into open ground.
On packages in which seeds are sold, depending on the varieties of cabbage, the timing will be specified more specifically. In addition to the terms, you can find on them a detailed description of the sowing process with inter-row spacing, etc.
- Before transplanting, about a day, the seedlings should be watered. In open ground, sprouted cabbage is necessarily transferred from the ground in which it sprouted. This is required in order not to damage the root system and facilitate the adaptation process. And so, the seedlings are dug up with a lump of earth. The roots immediately cover, otherwise there is a danger that they will dry out.
- Plot under the cabbage must be chosen correctly. It must be accessible to the sun and protected from the wind. The land required is fertile. To improve its qualities, you can use compost.
- Before planting the cabbage seedlings in time in the ground, the soil must be gouged out and fertilizer added.Integrated types of fertilizers are best suited. Their then you and offer, most likely in stores. It is also useful to cultivate the land for sowing with special chemically active substances in order to avoid damaging the plant with a destructive spring cabbage for it. After loosening, the soil is trampled down, and a little bit of a rake passes over the surface.
- On a bed specially prepared for cabbage, a row is laid out and small holes are dug. The depth depends on the variety of this vegetable and is marked on the packages with seeds. If the earth is dry, it will need to be watered, and it is better to fill the wells with water and give it some time to soak.
- Then lower the seedlings into the hole and compact the soil near the root system of the cabbage. For this not complicated procedure, you can use a small spatula, for example, a nursery, a scoop, or your own hands. Then, after planting in the soil, cabbage must be watered at the root.
- Until the plants are adapted and rooted, they need more protection and attention than ripening cabbage, almost ready to eat. It is necessary to monitor moderate watering, and in drought, when the water does not help from overheating, the plants are covered with caps made of paper. Summer residents usually use old newspapers for this business.
A few tips on proper planting cabbage
- In the spring, when the land under the cabbage is dug up, you can pour into the wells fertilizer made by yourself. The recipe is simple. You need to take a handful of humus, one or two tablespoons of wood ash (it is mixed with the soil) and one teaspoon of superphosphate or nitroammofoski.
- When you plant seedlings in open ground, then, as a rule, you do not think about the weather and time of day. Is that in the rain plant, just will not. However, it is in vain that you do not think. After all, a cloudy day or evening is more suitable for disembarking. The explanation for this is simple, less sun, which means that the plants wither less and take root faster.
- Plant cabbage is best in the form of ribbon-like strips. Let them in two lines with a row spacing in width not less than thirty - forty centimeters. From one plant to another, the distance should be twenty to twenty five centimeters.
- If you put in one line, the distance between the rows is slightly less, and between plants is the same - twenty - twenty-five centimeters.
- Connoisseurs of vegetable crops when planting in the soil plants are not buried, and sprinkled with earth only to the root neck. This is done so that the development of the stem goes at a fast pace and does not linger.
- The soil is pressed against the root system, trampled down, and from above the planting is covered with dry earth. Thanks to this method of evaporation it becomes less and the soil crust is not terrible for us anymore.
- The first days after planting cabbage seedlings in the ground, it is protected from overheating, providing shade, and watered from the watering can for several days.
- Summer residents - amateurs have a very interesting way of watering cabbage. They make a not very deep furrow around the plant and moisten the ground, pouring water into this recess.
- Even before planting seedlings, the land prepared for cabbage can be used for other crops. Legumes are very good in this regard.
Fertilizers are applied to each well that has been dug up under the seedlings, and in order for the root not to go deep, but to absorb more nutrients that have been prepared for each plant, there is an easy way. It is only necessary to bend the tip of the root up when planting seedlings.
In a week the difference will be obvious, the cabbage bush will take root. The root system, deprived of the opportunity to grow inland as it is accustomed to it, will begin to grow in the nutrient layer of the soil. One can gradually accustom the seedlings to the conditions waiting for it in open ground. To do this, after disembarking at the dacha, it is enough to make a small home-made greenhouse of polyethylene. In the afternoon, open it up, and at night fasten it over the seedlings.