Tsikas revolyuta
Visiting flower shops one can often stumble upon such a plant as a tsik of a revolyuta, and, looking at the price of this plant, it is extremely surprised at its cost - it is painfully high! And all this is due to the fact that The tsikol revolyuta belongs to the most ancient plants of our planet and is considered a living fossil, since it dates back to the Mesozoic era.
In addition, the revoluta tsikas are still a very beautiful plant, and it is not so easy to grow them. The flower grows very slowly - only one row of leaves is formed on it per year. At home, it is almost impossible to grow a flower more than 50 cm high, but at the same time, in natural conditions, this plant reaches a height of 2.5 meters.
In nature, there are about 180 species of cicas, but the most famous of them is the cicus of the revolute. Care for all types of this plant is almost the same.
Care for cicatum revolyuta at home
For many plants, the main indicator of proper care is flowering. But this figure is clearly not suitable for cicasa, because this palm-like plant very rarely blooms, and it gives seeds too infrequently. For this reason, when growing cicas revolyuta at home, you need to pay attention to the very appearance of the plant, and not to its flowering.
- When caring for this flower at home, first of all, you need to remember that the plant is from the tropics, so heat and air are vital for it. To maintain such an environment, the plant must be constantly sprayed, watered and periodically “bathed”.
- During the "bathing" of the flower, the ground in the pot should be closed with a plastic bag or film, thus protecting the tsikas from transfusion, it is best to then pour the earth separately.
- In the summer you need to water the plant more often than in winter. Water for irrigation is better to take separated, thawed or rain. If the water contains a large concentration of salt, then it is better not to use it for watering the flower - it can start to hurt from this. You also need to monitor the stagnation of water and water on the cone, if this happens - the roots of the flower can rot.
- Once a month tsikas should be fed, for this you can use special fertilizers for palm trees or organic fertilizers.
- The flower loves light, but it should be protected from direct sunlight, it will grow well in a room with diffused light.
- Zicas revolyuta tolerates a high summer air temperature (the most optimal - 22-26 C °), provided that the air humidity is high (regular watering and spraying of the plant). So in the summer, the tsikas can safely be taken out on the balcony or in the garden. The main thing - that there was no strong wind and drafts.
- If the weather is windless, then fresh air will benefit the palm tree - it will be hardened, and the growth of the leaves will be activated. In the winter, the air temperature in the room with the plant is best lowered to 12-16 ° C.
- Another important condition for the cultivation of cicasa revolyuta at home is his transplant. It should be carried out every year before the plant is 5 years old, then the cyclone should be transplanted 1 time in 5 years.
- When transplanting a plant, one needs to be extremely careful and quick so that the plant does not have time to understand what happened to it. The destruction of the soil near the root and the washing of the roots is unacceptable. The plant must be carefully moved to a new, larger pot and sprinkled on top of the ground.
Reproduction of cicasal revolyuta at home
This flower is propagated by seeds and shoots, that appear on the trunk with proper care. After the process is cut off from the trunk, the cut is processed with a fungicide so that the plant does not rot. After the stalk should be planted in perlite or pure sand and wait for it to begin to take root.
Watering of the planted shoots should be abundant, but it is worthwhile to ensure that there is no stagnation of water. Most often, the cuttings begin to take root in the period from 3 to 9 months, after which they need to be transplanted into a special soil for palm trees.
Diseases and pests of cicasse revolyuta
- Zicas revolyuta may be affected shchitovki, spider mite, thrips, mealybug.
- At defeat of a plant with a shield, its leaves begin to dry and fall off. In order to cure a flower, it needs to be treated with an actellic, it will completely destroy pests.
- Cicasus leaves turn yellow and fall, and if it is damaged spider mite, at the same time on the leaves and there is a web. In this situation, the plant needs to be washed with a soapy sponge and treated with aktellikom.
- Silver-brown with light dots color leaves acquire with the defeat of their thrips. In this case, tsikas need to be treated with insecticides.
- Mealybug can be easily seen on the plant. It looks like white flakes suddenly appearing on the leaves. If there are few of these flakes, they can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water or 60 ° alcohol. If there are too many such flakes, then the tsikas should be treated with a specialized preparation.
If you decide to start a tsikas revolution in your own home, you can not even doubt your choice. Although this pleasure is not cheap, but it will bring you great satisfaction!