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Pelargonium - fragrant geranium - Women's magazine

Pelargonium - fragrant geranium

Home and hobby

Pelargoniums are loved all over the world. They are easy to care for, they bloom for a long time, bright and colorful. Lovers often call geraniums pelargonium. Some types of fragrant pelargoniums are grown because of the fragrant leaves, and not because of the flowers. Their leaves smell like lemon, mint, rose, nutmeg, orange and apple. They are used in cooking as an additive to many dishes.

Appearance of pelargonium

Pelargoniums reach a height of 60 cm - 1 m. Leaves are weakly cut to strongly cut, almost rounded, with a heart-shaped base and a jagged edge. The flowers can be white, light and dark pink, red, up to purple. They are collected in umbellate inflorescence, up to 5-7 cm in diameter. Home Pelargonium is the most common. However, it is quite difficult to grow. And it does not bloom for long. Recently, ampelous species of pelargoniums have become popular.

Pelargonium - fragrant geranium

Pelargonium location in the house

Pelargonium is desirable to place on the northern, western and eastern windows in the rooms. South windows are contraindicated. Among the rooms can advise the kitchen, hallway. In the bedroom and nursery, as well as in the living room, pelargonium can both please you with a pleasant smell, and cause unpleasant sensations. So it is better to agree with the home, whether the smell of this plant does not make them dizzy.

In the summer of pelargonium can be put on the balcony. If you have heat on the balcony during the cold season, then pelargonium can grow there all year round.

Pelargonium is used not only in residential premises, but also in general-purpose premises (offices).

Pelargonium care

Lighting.Pelargoniums are light-requiring plants, like direct sunlight.

Temperature moderate is necessary, in winter - not lower than 8 ° С, and for the ampelous species - not lower than 12 ° С.

Pelargonium - fragrant geranium

Air humidity -quite low. Pelargoniums do not need to spray the leaves.

Watering abundant. However, over-wetting should be avoided. In winter, you need to water less. When pelargonium does not bloom, it must also be watered rarely so that the earth is only slightly damp.

Breeds plant stem cuttings.

Transplanted Pelargonium of necessity, better, of course, in the spring.

Pelars and Pelargonium Diseases

Pelargonium is fairly resistant to pests. But sometimes they are affected by ticks, aphids, the whitefly and weevil. Mites, weevils, and also gray rot are destroyed by fungicides, while permethrin-containing preparations are used against aphids and whiteflies. It is especially difficult to deal with the whitefly. Processing plants should be carried out every three days.

Here's another important information:

  • All spraying carried out outside the dwelling.
  • With a lack of light or excessive air humidity, as well as with excessive irrigation, pelargonium can cause pests. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide the plant with favorable conditions for keeping.
  • Failure to comply with the conditions of winter content may result in yellowing of the leaves. It is also possible with rust - a common fungal disease.

Pelargonium - fragrant geranium

  • When rust leaves the plants are covered with yellowing spots, and then dry. To protect your plant, you can use special antifungal drugs that are sold in flower shops.
  • The reason for the lack of flowers on pelargonium home-too warm air in winter.

Novice amateur growers can, without fear, recommend this houseplant. Pelargonium is beautiful and unpretentious in the care. The inflorescences are preserved all summer and autumn, if they grow in a well-lit place. Do not forget to ensure pelargonium fresh air and low humidity. To enhance the branching plants should pinch his young shoots. There is no need to hurry with transplantation, it is better to produce it when absolutely necessary.

It is not superfluous to note that pelargoniums belong both to the group of ornamental and to the group ornamental flowering houseplants. This is due to the fact that pelargonium blooms beautifully - it is grown, on the one hand, because of the beautiful flowers. But on the other hand, it is grown from the leaves, which people have learned to skillfully use. For the sake of what you need to grow pelargonium - choose you. But you will never regret that your choice fell on her!