Ling. landing
Common Heather (Colluna Vulgaris) is a perennial plant that is the only species of the Heather genus from the heather family. It is covered with flowers from late summer until the beginning of winter, when the rest of nature is preparing for rest.
Small flowers, like bells, terry - on roses, tightly located on the branches-inflorescences. Currently, there are about 300 varieties of heather. This low shrubs, covering the ground, like a carpet, medium size and even true giants, reaching a height of up to a meter.
Heather's color range includes a diverse range of shades: from white to deep red and purple, including gray, yellow and orange.
Heather grows most frequently in Europe, Asia (in the temperate zone), North America (on the Atlantic coast), North Africa, the Azores.
Grows best in pine forests and peat bogs. In some places it forms a specific community of plants - large thickets of heather wastelands (or heathlands).
The advantage of heather is resistance to both frost and heat with drought.
The plant has no complaints about the composition of the soil, but is more beneficial to it on peaty or sandy acidic soil. The plant also needs drainage, consisting of broken bricks and sand, as the plant does not want stagnant water.
The annual pruning in spring consists of removing the stems of dry inflorescences.
Top dressing
Submitted immediately after trimming. Mineral fertilizers are used, counting on 2g. for 1 liter of water. Heather is sensitive to various fertilizers, so an excess can harm them.
Heather easily spreads due to numerous shoots and seeds. But gardeners most often propagate the plant by cuttings or dividing a bush.
The best time to plant a heather is the end of spring or the beginning of autumn. It is advisable to choose a place open, sunny, but it is possible in partial shade. Between plants, they maintain a distance of 0.3-0.4 m, the depth of planting is up to the level of the root collar. Most successfully planted seedlings at the age of two years. To achieve the best effect of heather, they are planted in groups of several seedlings of the same variety. After planting, the heather needs plenty of watering. After watering, it is advisable to cover the ground with bark of pine trees around the plants, this will protect against weeds and preserve moisture in the soil for a long time.
Saplings do not tolerate transplantation, so the place for planting is determined immediately and permanently.
Heath is practically not affected by diseases, he is not plagued by pests.
Especially for - Katerina