How to plant a rose
Grafting a rose will help ensure you get a varietal rose at minimal cost. However, vaccination requires careful fulfillment of all conditions.
Rose grafting technology
No need to plant a rose on a rose. For a successful vaccination of this flower you will be enough to find wild rose bush. At the same time, what is interesting, the color of the inflorescences on the bush is absolutely irrelevant.
- When you find such a wild rose bush (it is advisable to find it in the forest), carefully dig it out, and rinse the roots very thoroughly so that there is no dirt on them. Look at the roots and find such a section, which will be about 5 cm thick. This is the section that you will need. The length of the segment is about 15 cm. At the same time, note that the upper cut should be straight and the lower cut should be beveled.
- Pour dry sawdust into a plastic bag, put the pieces of roots that have turned out in you, and put the bag in a cool place. In this state, the roots will be stored until mid-March.
- Cuttings of roses you will need to prepare in the fall. Harvest cuttings from shoots that have faded. The thickness of the cuttings should not be less than 5 cm; moreover, each cutting must have at least two buds.
- When it is finally time to plant a rose, we take out the cutting of the rosehip root, and make a notch on its upper part (you should have an oblique cut with a small tongue). Exactly the same cut should be made on the bottom of the rose stalk.
- The next step is to apply the cutting and the root in places of the cuts. Combine them should be tight enough. Next, we wind up the vaccination site with adhesive tape.
- Then we place the roots with the grafts grafted onto them in a wooden box in which sawdust is pre-filled. The box itself should be placed in a room in which it is cool, but not cold. The approximate temperature that should be in this room is from 12 to 15 degrees.
- Within three weeks, a box with sawdust and roots with cuttings should be in this cool room. During this time, an excrescence should form at the site where the vaccination was carried out. Once it has been formed, the box should be moved to a colder place. One in which the air temperature will not exceed 4 degrees. At this temperature, the dissolution of the kidneys will stop, and the splicing of the inoculation will continue. In such conditions, leave cuttings for a month and a half. After this time, they will become suitable for further planting.
- Before you plant the cuttings, you should remove the adhesive tape from them. We ourselves plant the cuttings in the ground, but not in the open, but under plastic wrap. Bushes pribrasyvaem land. When young shoots start to appear on the cuttings, we begin to rake the soil a little bit.
- As soon as the first leaves begin to appear, we pinch the upper shoots, thus forming a shrub. It is not necessary to pinch the side shoots, buds will appear on them.
Rose Tips
- When it comes time to scrape the soil (after the appearance of young shoots), do it only in cloudy weather or in the evening.
- Your bush with roses is well formed only if it has from three to five side shoots.
- Harvesting the roots of wild rose can be done absolutely at any time of the year and day.
- Roots rootstocks should be stored at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees. This is the optimum temperature.
- Sawdust in the box and plastic bag can be replaced with moss or needles. In addition, you can add charcoal to these fillers, at the rate of - 1 part of coal per 5 parts of the rest of the filler.
- An extremely important period of time requiring special attention is the time when the graft and the rootstock will grow together. At this time, the humidity of the room and its temperature are very important. If the temperature is above the specified norm, the growth of kidneys will begin, which will prevent the graft from growing together with the stock.
To grow a beautiful rose, need a lot of effort. But these efforts are worth it. After all, no wonder they call the rose the queen of flowers! If you do not regret the time and effort, you will be rewarded with beautiful buds with a delicious smell that fills the entire garden!
And how to care for roses, read the article How to grow roses at home ?.
Be happy!
Especially for Vitalina