Cyclamen leaves turn yellow
Many housewives love to decorate the interior decor in their home with various ornamental plants and flowers. Potted plants add to the naturalness of the room, purify the air and pleasantly delight all households with their flowering. Someone prefers to propagate one type of flowers, and some choose a variety of indoor plants. One of the most common indoor flowers became cyclamen. It requires special care.
You will learn how to care for cyclamen and what to do if its leaves turn yellow.
What you need to know about cyclamen?
Cyclamen refers to the number of indoor plants, flowering only in the period from November to March. The length of the plant varies from 15 to 30 cm. The leaves of cyclamen are 15 cm in length. They are made in the shape of a heart and have a dark green color with silver veins. The root system of this flower is presented in the form of onion tuber. Surprisingly, the plant from the bulb leaves only one point, so if it is accidentally damaged, then the flower will die.
Mistresses grow cyclamen flowers in various forms. There are plants that look like butterflies in their appearance: all the leaves have a pointed shape and are neatly laid out. Choose cyclamen can be in any store and multiply at home. Just imagine how wide the tint palette is. Cyclamen flowers can have reddish, pinkish, purple or burgundy shades. White flowers look very nice. Duration of flowering is approximately 3 months.
Cyclamen leaves turn yellow: the main reasons
Mistresses who grow cyclamen face the problem of yellowing of leafy cover. This may be due to several reasons:
- improper care during flowering and dormancy;
- too dry indoor air;
- air temperature exceeding + 20 ° С;
- improper watering;
- sun rays on the plant;
- lack of top dressing or gravy fertilizer mixture.
If the leaves during the flowering period turn yellow, then, of course, there is cause for concern. But if the leaves turned yellow or completely fell in the spring-summer season, then this is quite normal. During this period, the plant is in a state of rest, therefore, as a rule, sheds leaves.
Necessary measures to save cyclamen
In order for the cyclamen's leaf cover not to turn yellow, the plant must be properly maintained. It is very easy at home to create the right atmosphere for the development and flowering of indoor plants. If the leaves on the cyclamen still turned yellow, then experienced florists recommend the following steps:
- Place the plant in a cool room where the temperature threshold is below + 20 ° C.
- Properly organize systematic watering. In this case, you can collect a container with room temperature water and place a flower pot there.
- If the temperature threshold in the room is very high, then you can systematically humidify the air by spraying. Remember: the cyclamen leaves themselves can not be sprayed.
- In some cases, the yellowed leaf cover is removed, and the plant is transplanted into a new pot.
- Once a week, the flower should be fed with a vitaminized fertilizer.
What is dangerous cyclamen mite?
Besides the fact that the cyclamen may turn yellow leaves, housewives who grow such a houseplant, often face the defeat of the flower tick. In addition to cyclamen, the mite can also affect other indoor plants:
- balsam;
- pelargonium;
- gloxinia;
- chrysanthemum
How to recognize cyclamen mite?
The defeat of houseplants cyclamen mite is accompanied by a number of signs:
- the edges of the leaves are wrapped;
- the stems and shoots are twisted;
- buds and flowering wither;
- slow flower growth is observed.
Visually look at the tick on cyclamen is impossible. It has microscopic size and four pairs of legs. Most of these parasitic organisms are located on the outer side of the leaf cover. In appearance, the accumulation of ticks resembles a dust layer. Often, these pests multiply in a humid environment.
How to deal with tick affecting cyclamen?
To eliminate cyclamen mite need to spray. For this purpose you can use:
- chemical preparations: Akarin, Agravertin, Fitoverm, Aktellik and others;
- folk remedies: soap-ash solution, infusions of potato leaves, mustard, calendula seeds, dandelion, garlic, decoction of cyclomen tubers, etc.
Before processing any of the preparations, remove all dry and yellowed leaves from the plant. Spraying is carried out in well-defined proportions with a certain frequency.
Basic rules for the care of cyclamen
When growing cyclamen, follow some rules for taking care of it at home:
- The temperature threshold in the room where cyclamen is grown should be on average from +10 to + 20 ° С. If the temperature rises or falls, the flower may wither or its leaf cover will yellow.
- In the morning and in the evening the flower can be placed on the windowsill. At other times, cyclamen should be kept in a room with a good level of lighting.
- It is better to place the pot on a small rise, which can be made from peat or pebbles.
- Spray the flower can not. You can moisten the air around it.
- When cyclamen has faded, it requires special care. What to do next? First, you need to cut off all the flowers to the very root, and to discard the withering or yellowing stems. Secondly, during this period the plant does not need to be fed and watered.
- It is important to know how to transplant cyclamen. This should be done before flowering. Prepared mix of sand, leaf humus and sod land is perfect for transplanting. The rotted part of the tuber should be removed. The size of the pot in diameter should not exceed 15 cm.
As you can see, cyclamen is a very capricious house plant that requires special and systematic care. But if everything is done correctly, then in the autumn-winter period this plant will delight you with its unrivaled flowering.