Bonsai relatively recently entered our lives and have already been loved by many of us. Bonsai are miniature plants, often trees or shrubs, grown at home or in the garden."Bonsai" literally translates as "plant on a tray." The miniature of the plants is created due to the close pot and short roots, which are not able to grow at full power.
This culture originated about a thousand years ago in Japan. It was the Japanese who invented the bonsai technique. After all, they love everything miniature, so they made it possible to grow large forms of plants (trees, shrubs) at home or in a small small plot.
In the early 20th century, bonsai were brought to England. However, not widespread. And only at the end of the last century, bonsais became interested in flower shop buyers.
New design possibilities and solutions appeared, and bonsai became the favorite living addition to the interior. After all, a miniature plant looks lovely in any modern style. For this as the initial forms for bonsai, thermophilic plants are used, for which indoor conditions are well suited.
However, bonsai are used for landscaping gardens. For decorating the garden fit pine, maples, junipers, made in the technique of bonsai.
Garden bonsai
Let us dwell in more detail on garden bonsai. At home, garden bonsai are grown in home gardens. You can buy garden bonsai in greenhouses. Usually, 4-year-old bonsai are on sale. The plant is formed up to this age. For this it is kept in a close pot. Roots and branches (trunk) are regularly pruned during transplantation. With the help of "bonsai wire" the branches are given an interesting intricate shape.
Garden bonsai care
- Indoors garden bonsai can be grown as they are miniature. However, they will feel worse than outdoors. On the street, plants of this group should be protected from hot sunlight and excessive rain.
- Lighting for garden bonsai you need an average. They do not like the scorching sun. It is better if there is outdoor shadowing. Indoors (greenhouse) you need bright lighting. For flowering and fruit plants, direct sun is useful not more than 4 hours a day.
- Temperature outdoors does not matter much. Indoors, other factors play a big role.
- Air humidity indoors, daily spraying is necessary. On the air - if possible, especially if the weather is hot arid.
- Watering daily. The earth lump should be wet all the time.
- Transplanted garden bonsaivesnoy through the year. When transplanted to one-third cut off the roots.
Types of garden bonsai
As garden bonsai coniferous species are usually used: Chinese juniper, larch, Japanese cryptomeria and others. Can be grown and deciduous species of bonsai: Japanese maple, zelkva serrate, elm gray etc. Fruit trees and flowering species may also come up: cherry, apricot, quince, magnolia, pyracantha, etc.
Generally, for those who wish you can try to grow garden bonsai from almost any tree. The main thing - patience and the correct formation of the plant.
Indoor bonsai
More popular than garden bonsai. As plants are taken less hardy plants than for garden bonsai.
Care for indoor bonsai
- The maintenance of indoor bonsai is not easy, but very interesting. In winter, try to put the plants away from the batteries. Do not forget to feed room bonsai every 2-2.5 months.
- Lighting bright sunlight, but not direct ultraviolet rays. In the summer, shade plants.
- Temperature moderate.
- Air humidity high. Well place the pot with a plant on a tray with pebbles.
- Watering abundant. The soil should be moist, but not waterlogged.
- Transplanted once in two years in the spring season. The roots of the transplant are cut to one third.
Types of indoor bonsai
The most favorite type for indoor bonsai among flower growers is ficus benjamin.Although for indoor bonsai fit any kind of indoor plants that are not prone to rapid growth (vines, etc.).
Bonsai: crown formation
In order to grow bonsai independently, a special wire is used. With its help, the plant is formed from a very small age. Of course, it is better to buy an already formed plant, because it is difficult to do it yourself. But try to stock up on literature and try it - maybe you can.
Formation of bonsai is necessary for the greatest grace and beauty. At the same time various forms of bonsai are obtained: symmetric and asymmetrical, straight and oblique, cascade, semi-cascade etc. The form can be absolutely any, to your taste. The main thing is to choose a good form for the formation.
Growing bonsai is very exciting. You can grow both garden and indoor bonsai of various forms. For this, you can try to take any, but the most common are the Benjamin's ficus (for indoor bonsai) and coniferous (for indoor and garden bonsai).