Bed transformer do it yourself
Can't pick your own bed? The task is really not easy. This piece of furniture should be not only beautiful and appropriate in the interior, but also functional. Transformer models are especially convenient, which universally fit into any design and save space. With minimal skills, you can make such a bed with your own hands.
Double bed do it yourself: drawing
The headboard or headboard is made of chipboard and MDF (laminated). Cutting the material, the detail on the sheet is oriented so that the texture of the laminate is located from top to bottom, as transverse.
From the bottom edge of the item is milled to give it more visible airiness and grace.
At the bottom of the screws and glue attach the holder of the central beam. It is made of pine plank 50 by 50 cm. Length is 2 m., It is fixed in width along the center, at a height of 1.5 m from the lower end of the backrest to the lower edge of the holder rib.
On the sides of the back they fix decorative stands - columns from MDF.
The profile is attached to the back of the dowels with glue. Glue is applied not only on the dowels themselves, but also along the entire length of the back end.
On the upper end of the back set another decorative profile. Fastened similarly to mounting racks, glue and shkantah. With the top profile, you can simplify everything by planting it only on glue.
At the request of the rack - the columns can be made of turned wooden parts. Only such a part needs a small plane along the entire length, so that it is more convenient to attach it to the back sidewall.
The back of the bed is small - the footboard is made like a large one. The difference is that the front back is connected to the tsarg on the fasteners (eccentric), and instead of the through holes for the confirmat, they install couplings for fastening the minifix rod. The latter are needed so that on the front of the back there are no fastening elements visible. With the back back, everything is much simpler, there confirmatics' hats, although visible, but located behind and usually facing the wall.
Tsarg do as follows. To begin with, they pierce all the assembly holes, including under the minifix. Further, at a height of 70 mm, a skeleton beam is fastened with screws and glue.
The backs and side-plates are the main constructive elements of the bed. When they are fully ready, you can begin assembling the frame. This should be done right on the spot where the piece of furniture will be. After that, just install the central timber together with the supports and lay the basis for the mattresses on it.
The supports are screwed to the central bar with screws, and the beam is attached to the holders, which were mounted on the backs.
Consider the bed assembly complete. It remains to lay the foundation for the mattress and the mattress. The base is cut from polished chipboard, it consists of 2 halves for easy installation.
Parts of the base must be a few mm smaller than the internal size of the frame so that they can be mounted and removed without interference.
Lifting closet bed: how to do it yourself?
Many would like to have a folding bed-wardrobe. This modern design successfully complements the interior of any room. To order such a model can not be everywhere, but the wardrobe bed just do it yourself! To take up the work you need to someone who has already made some furniture for the home.
Pre-calculate the cost of work. It will be the cost of materials plus 10% of the amount for unforeseen expenses.
You will need the following tools: level, tape measure, angle, ruler, carpenter pencil, saw, drill.
First, determine the dimensions of the structure and all its elements.
- As a rule, such a bed consists of 3 important parts: a firmly fixed fixed base and a movable base-bed with a mattress, interconnected by a hinge.
- The fixed base must be strong, as it has to withstand a serious load: a moving bed and a lifting mechanism will be attached to it. She herself must be thoroughly attached to the wall or ceiling and floor. Options for doing this part of the bed a lot. Usually, the base is made as a box to the cabinet, which is additionally attached to the wall. The wall in this case must be at least 2 bricks.
- The basis can be and 2 racks, supports of sturdy boards or metal pipes, fixed to the ceiling and floor.
- The lifting mechanism can also be done in different ways. It can be both garage veils, and pins with the bearing, etc.
- The hinge itself is half the battle, the frame with the mattress should be easily lifted and fixed in a vertical position. Here, too, there are options. Ideal gas shock absorbers (elevators), blocks of coiled springs, etc. can also be used. The movable part should be light to reduce the load on the structure, especially on the lifting mechanism.
- Ideal for lifting parts - factory-made orthopedic frame.
- It is completed with legs, the height of which is adjusted to the desired size. And in order that the mattress does not move around the perimeter of the frame, make a rim of quality boards.
- The ratio of the force of the springs and the movable part of the bed is determined by the method of experiment, depending on the weight and materials of which the structural elements were made.
Bed transformer: photo
Homemade bed can turn out not worse than the factory. The main thing is to have a desire and get down to business with enthusiasm. Otherwise, it is enough to follow the description of the work and perform everything responsibly. Of course, those people who are not familiar with the process of making furniture will be more difficult. For them, it is better to initially practice on the assembly of the finished model.