What make semolina
The earliest culinary memory of many of us is semolina. Almost every child ate at breakfast boiled cereal with milk. Small, soft, very tasty and chew is not necessary. Does semolina have any other advantages, besides taste advantages? What make semolina? What does it do - benefit or harm?
Where grows semolina, and what is the use?
Still, semolina porridge - the most mysterious. For example, no one will even think about what makes buckwheat or oatmeal. Everything is clear by its name: buckwheat means buckwheat, and everyone knows where it grows too. The situation is different with manna porridge. Only one thing is clear that they are preparing it from semolina, but where there are manna plantations, on which the grain grows, you will not answer right away.
Investigation of what makes semolina, let's start with the well-known facts, so to speak, dancing from the stove. Before becoming porridge, semolina, she semolina, some time was on the shelf of the store, which came after processing at a flour mill. It was easy to find out, just read the label on the package.
But from what cereal do semolina, they know only at the plant. At the place of production, it turned out that neither this nor semolina grain, but ordinary wheat. Only for the production of semolina are selected wheat with a high content of gluten. Now it is quite understandable why the porridge does not work crumbly and reaches for a spoon. And if the plate after the porridge does not wash immediately, then the remnants of it stick tightly.
But not only gluten single differs semolina. It is also divided into several categories depending on the type of wheat:
- Grain category M is made from wheat grains of soft varieties. Manka in this category is obtained in white. When it enters the pan, in the process of cooking the grains swell and become much larger in size, so the porridge from such cereal has a uniform consistency.
- Category T semolina is harvested from durum wheat. The product is obtained with a yellowish tinge of translucent structure. This type of semolina is very suitable for cooking dishes that keep their shape, for example, for pudding. The grains in it are harder and do not increase in volume during cooking.
- The third category is MT. This is something between soft and hard, but with a ratio of 4 to 1 in the direction of the letter M.
Like all cereals, semolina contains very little fat: only 1 g per 100 g of cereals. But there is a lot of protein in it - almost 13 g, and also a very high carbohydrate content - 70 g. Semolina differs in low fiber content - only 3.9 g, which actually makes it attractive from a dietary point of view. This is very beneficial for people with sensitive stomachs and intestines, since semolina is much better absorbed than whole-grain products.
If we are talking about diet, then it is necessary to mention that semolina is the only of all cereals that is digested in the lower intestine. And this makes it particularly useful in diseases of the digestive tract, after abdominal operations and in the case of severe exhaustion.
Another strength of semolina is starch. This substance gives to the satiety of dishes made from it. And if we take into account that the nutritional value of 100 g of semolina is about 345 Kcal, then it can take a worthy place in weight loss diets. I ate, for example, in the morning of semolina and not hungry all day, because the starch will retain a feeling of fullness. By the end of the day, it will also cleanse the body of excess mucus and fat.
Just remember that long-term heat treatment of semolina will deprive it of all the nutrients that it is not rich. So do not forget the magic phrase: "Pot, do not cook!".
How do semolina?
But back to the milling plant. We have already figured out before, from what grain make semolina, now let's look into the process itself. After the wheat is delivered from the field to the plant, before unloading it at the plant elevator, samples are taken and sent for laboratory analysis. The laboratory carries out tests and checks wheat for contamination by harmful impurities and the degree of stickiness. If the grain complies with the established requirements, the batch is launched for processing.
First, the wheat is sifted through special sieves, after which it becomes uniform and crushed. Next, the outer shell is cleaned from the grain, from which bran is obtained - a dietary and useful product rich in fiber content.
Purified wheat kernels, which contain most of the nutrients that make up the grain, are loaded into a milling unit, where they are ground by rotating rollers. At the exit of the unit is obtained flour of very coarse grinding, which is sent to the shop sifting.
In this workshop, the flour is sifted through special sieves in which the separation of coarse-to-fine grinding takes place. It is the coarse grind that is the semolina, from which everyone's favorite is prepared, and to someone hateful porridge.
Can semolina harm the body?
Good question. In principle, if you take the most useful product on the planet and eat it very much, it will harm any organism. As for semolina, then it has three components that can be regarded as harmful. Let us dwell on them in more detail.
This is a hardly soluble salt of phytic acid, which, entering the human body, prevents the absorption of calcium, linking its atoms. Thus, when systematically eating foods containing semolina, calcium molecules are bound by phytin and removed from the body. As a result, calcium deficiency can occur, and this, as you know, is fraught with changes in bone tissue.
For this reason, early fishing of semolina is not recommended for infants. Also, semolina products in large quantities can not be included in the diet of older people due to the increased risk of osteoporosis.
Gluten free or gluten free
An excess of this substance in the body provokes the occurrence of allergies. First of all it concerns small children. As a person grows older, his immunity is strengthened, and the risk associated with gluten is significantly reduced. However, about 15% of people remain gluten intolerant.
Excessive carbohydrate
In semolina, a lot of carbohydrates. That is why its excessive consumption is a direct road to obesity. And this, as is known, has not yet increased their health.
Useful tips:
- Categories or varieties of semolina may not always be interchangeable for those or other recipes for cooking. If it matters to you, then pay attention to the category of semolina at the time of purchase.
- Store semolina in a cool and dry place. And best of all, it will be stored in a tightly closed glass container.
- To cook one portion of cereal, you need only 25 grams of semolina. The calorie content of such a portion is not high by itself, but depends on the presence of other components that make up the porridge.
- In order to avoid lumps in the porridge, at the moment of cooking the semolina is poured into a pan with boiling milk or water, while constantly stirring it with a spoon.
Here it is - our semolina. Include her diet in a reasonable amount, and she will definitely bring only benefits!