What antibiotics to drink for angina adults and children
At different ages, many of us are faced with such an unpleasant disease as angina. Fever, terrible pain when swallowing and a number of other related symptoms just knock us out of the ordinary life rut. Depending on the nature of the onset of sore throat, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics.
Independently to take such drugs is highly undesirable, but nevertheless each of us should know which antibiotics to drink for tonsillitis. This will be discussed in our article.
What antibiotics should I drink for sore throat?
In any case, the administration of antibiotic drugs should not be started independently without prior consultation with the attending specialist. Few of us know that the appearance of angina can be provoked by two reasons:
- viruses;
- infectious pathogens (streptococci and staphylococci).
Viral sore throat most often appears due to the transfer of diseases such as SARS and influenza. Angina of this type is treated with antiviral pharmaceuticals, and antibiotics are prescribed extremely rarely. If the appearance of angina was triggered by the ingestion of bacterial microorganisms, streptococci or staphylococci, the doctor immediately prescribes a course of antibiotics.
Treatment in adults and children with angina is significantly different. Children are more likely to have angina, as this disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Often in childhood appears lacunar or follicular tonsillitis. Both types of pathology are treated with antibiotics.
As you know, antibiotics are pharmaceuticals that inhibit the growth and development of disease-causing living cells that are foreign to our body. In order to do no harm to yourself, the choice of antibiotics for the treatment of angina should be approached with great responsibility.
Recommended drugs for adults
Antibiotic drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of angina in adults can be divided into three large groups:
- penicillin;
- cephalosporins;
- macrolides.
Penicillin antibiotics are considered the most common. They are most often prescribed for the treatment of such a disease as an angina of the infectious type. The attending specialist can prescribe taking pills or intramuscular administration of the drug. Among the most effective and popular penicillin antibiotics are:
- Amoxicillin;
- Augmentin;
- Flemoxin;
- Amoxiclav;
- Ampicillin;
- Oxacillin;
- Ticarcillin.
Antibiotics of this group are excellent in combating infectious sore throat, the development of which is caused by streptococci. If an individual intolerance of the components is detected, the treating specialist prescribes other antibiotics.
The following group of pharmaceuticals can be attributed to the second group of effective antibiotic drugs:
- Ceftazidime;
- Cefabol;
- Ceftibuten;
- Cefaclor;
- Cephalexin;
- Cefoperazone;
- Cefotaxime.
These are very strong antibiotics, so they are prescribed quite rarely. Such pharmaceuticals can be prescribed only in case of severe disease, as well as in the event of an allergic reaction to antibiotic substances of other groups.
The third group of antibiotic drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of angina, experts include:
- Azithromycin;
- Nitrolide;
- Sumamed;
- Clarithromycin.
Azithromycin is probably considered the most loyal, effective and most frequently prescribed drug. All of the above pharmaceuticals are inherently its counterparts.
Antibiotics for children
Antibiotics for treating angina in children are prescribed only in extreme cases when the disease is severe and is really caused by streptococci or staphylococci, since they kill not only pathogens, but also beneficial microflora.
For the treatment of angina in children are also used three groups of antibiotic drugs, which were mentioned above. Only specialists choose other drugs with the appropriate dosage. Most often in the recipes you can find the following names of antibiotic drugs:
- Amoxicillin;
- Flemoxin;
- Augmentin;
- Solutab;
- Amoxiclav;
- Ceftriaxone;
- Erythromycin.
Amoxiclav is recognized as the most popular and effective remedy among them. It is this antibiotic low toxic, but it is very effective. It is well absorbed and does not cause significant harm due to the fact that clavulanic acid is included in its component composition.
Drugs prescribed for purulent tonsillitis
This is a very serious disease associated with the formation of purulent plaque on the tonsils. If not treated in a timely manner, the pus can get into the lungs and provoke the development of an abscess. A purulent-type angina is also an infectious disease, and its appearance is caused by the same pathogens.
For the treatment of such angina, antibiotic drugs are required, in particular:
- Azithromycin;
- Clarithromycin;
- Roxithromycin;
- Amoxicillin;
- Phenoxymethylpenicillin and others
To improve the effect of antibiotics and get rid of the disease as soon as possible, the attending specialists may prescribe drugs of local spectrum, for example, Bioparox or Gramicidin.
Regardless of the type of disease, only the attending specialist can determine the duration of the treatment course and the dosage of antibiotics. It is generally accepted that the duration of the treatment course should not exceed 5-7 days.
Side Effects of Antibiotics
Prolonged or inappropriate use of antibiotic drugs can lead to side effects. As a result of research, experts have identified a number of consequences that have manifested in people after taking antibiotics, in particular:
- allergic reactions;
- violation of the microflora of the digestive tract;
- the development of candidiasis in the oral cavity or in the vaginal passage;
- damage to the urinary system, in particular, the kidneys;
- hematological disorders.
Antibiotics are potent and at the same time dangerous drugs, if taken improperly and for too long. Such pharmaceuticals should be prescribed only by the attending specialist. Also note that often, along with taking antibiotics, doctors prescribe drugs that support the intestinal microflora. Be healthy!