Treatment of burns at home
Throughout his life, a person gets a lot of injuries. Many of them are connected with everyday situations, some with production issues, others we get through negligence. One of the most common human damage is a burn. Burns - an unpleasant thing and delivering a lot of trouble.
The best treatment for burns is to go to the hospital immediately. However, before that you can take some measures for treatment at home. Cure yourself can burns first and second degrees of severity.
Burns of the first and second degrees of severity: treatment
First and second degree burns are the easiest to treat. Therefore, to eliminate their consequences can be at home.
- First-degree burns are characterized by the appearance of redness on the skin. For the body as a whole, such burns are absolutely harmless. But at the same time, they are rather unpleasant, since they bring with them severe pain and burning.
- A second-degree burn has more serious consequences. When it occurs, epidermis detachment occurs, that is, the surface of the skin. Under exfoliated epidermis, plasma accumulates. These processes lead to blistering of the skin. Formations are opened after a while (several days). Such burns cause extreme discomfort and severe pain. That is why it is better to consult a doctor in case of second-degree burns. Especially in such cases, small children need medical care.
Ways to treat burns at home
- For the treatment of burns, you can use the well-known plant. aloe. This plant is an excellent moisturizing and cooling agent. It is these qualities that make it indispensable in the treatment of burns at home. Aloe growing at home does not require special care. Even watering needs only six to seven days. Use for medicinal purposes, you need a small piece of the lower leaves of the plant. In order to eliminate the burn, the plant must be removed from the skin, and put the resulting gelatinous mass in place of the burn. The plant, due to its healing properties, cope with your illness itself.
- Also for getting rid of burns well suited vitamin E. Use it after cooling the resulting burn. In addition to taking orally, vitamin E can be applied to the place of the burn. This famous vitamin promotes healing and resorption of scars. The fact is that this vitamin is a biological antioxidant. It helps to reduce the rate of lipid oxidation in the circulatory system. The same method can be used to treat even burns that are infected. When using vitamin E such burns heal in a few days. But it is worth remembering that this vitamin can be just a wonderful tool for some, but almost nothing to help others. This is because a wide range of reactions are available to vitamin E. Vitamin E is also suitable for internal treatment of burns. Its ingestion is recommended for the disappearance of scars. Children need to take vitamin in the amount of from one hundred to three hundred international units (U) per day. Adults rely on a dose of from two hundred to eight hundred international units. Take a vitamin can be daily until complete healing of damage.
- Burns helps and honey. It soothes the skin well. In addition, honey is absorbed quickly enough, even without leaving stickiness on the skin. This versatile drug relieves pain perfectly.
- It also helps with burns. black and green tea. In order to start a burn treatment with these tools, you need to make a strong brew of black or green tea. It should be cooled to approximately fourteen to fifteen degrees. Otsuzhennuyu brewing need to pour on the burned place, after which the place bandaged. Bandages should not be allowed to dry, so you need to wet them with tea leaves all the time. Such treatment may last for several days.
- If as a result of a burn blisters appear on your skin, then try mixing one egg yolk and vegetable oil. To this mixture, add another spoonful of sour cream. The received ointment is necessary to process the place of a burn, having put it with a thick layer. Then, the area on which the ointment is applied, you need to dress up. Change this bandage is required once a day.
- Sea buckthorn oil will also help. Read about this in the article Sea buckthorn oil for burns.
Help in case of severe burns at home
It’s not worth doing self-healing in case of severe burns! However, you can help the patient feel a little better before the arrival of the doctors.
- It is worth remembering that for severe burns, heat loss is extremely undesirable.. It is recommended to take off the clothes on the victim, but leave pieces of fabric stuck to the body as a result of the burn. In order not to lose heat, open areas of the body must be wrapped with a clean, warm cloth.
- Also, in the event of severe burns, the patient can be given hot tea or mineral water containing alkali.
- To prevent painful shock, the patient can be given relatively harmless painkillers that are found in your first-aid kit.
Burn - quite a serious injury. Therefore, home treatment should only be done if you have a first-degree burn. For the treatment of the remaining degrees of burns you need the intervention of physicians.. Folk remedies in this case will help you alleviate the condition of the patient and the arrival of the doctor.