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Tracheitis in an adult - Women's magazine

Tracheitis in an adult


Diseases of the respiratory tract often have similar symptoms, however, each of them should be treated according to an individual scheme. In this article you will learn how to cure one of the most common diseases of this type - tracheitis. And also, what measures to take so that it does not develop into a chronic one and does not bother you more.

Tracheitis: what is it?

Tracheitis: what is it?

Tracheitis - a disease in which the trachea inflames. A trachea is a tube made up of unclosed cartilage rings connected by muscles and ligaments. Inside this tube is covered with mucous membrane, with the defeat of which tracheitis develops.

This disease can be of 3 types depending on the pathogen. If the causative agent is a virus or microbes, one can speak of viral or bacterial tracheitis, respectively. In addition, the disease may be allergic in nature.

Acute tracheitis often occurs as a collateral disease, especially in the off-season — in spring or autumn. However, the cause may also be hypothermia, strong tension of the vocal cords or polluted air.

If the treatment of acute tracheitis is delayed, it can become chronic. Also “candidates” for chronic tracheitis are people who:

  • smoke a lot (nicotine irritates mucous);
  • suffer from alcoholism (immunity is inhibited);
  • work in hazardous production (meaning polluted air or work related to being outdoors in any weather);
  • constantly catch cold.

Symptoms of ailment in adults

Tracheitis: symptoms in adults

  1. The main symptom of tracheitis is a dry, barking cough that occurs paroxysmally and increases during the night. With an uncomplicated course of the disease and appropriate treatment, the cough gradually becomes more moist. With bacterial tracheitis, purulent compartments are possible.
  2. General deterioration. Patients feel general weakness, lethargy, often the temperature rises to 37.5 - 38 degrees. Lymph nodes may increase.
  3. Piercing pain in sternum during coughing.

Traditional Treatments for Tracheitis

First of all, it is worth remembering that the causes of the appearance of tracheitis may be different, and to determine them "by eye" will not work. Therefore, it is not necessary, as many patients do, to drink antibiotics immediately. Their reception seriously affects the human immune system, and tracheitis in most cases can be cured without them. Do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor, take the necessary tests and undergo the necessary medical examinations.

Most often, tracheitis is combined, both bacterial and viral. In this case, the doctor primarily prescribes antibacterial and (or) antiviral drugs - Abactal (pefloxacin), Amoxiclav, Bioparox.

In case of an allergic origin of tracheitis, antihistamines are prescribed in the first place - Loratadin, Fenistil, Suprastin, Tsentrin. These drugs are known to us as anti-allergy medications. They can also be prescribed in case of bacterial tracheitis, if the mucosa is severely inflamed, to prevent swelling and, as a result, difficulty in breathing the patient.

Traditional Treatments for Tracheitis

The most terrible thing with tracheitis is, of course, coughing fits, which exhaust the patient greatly. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the doctor is to eliminate this symptom as soon as possible. With a dry, unproductive cough "like a barrel," the therapist may prescribe medications that suppress the cough center. Thanks to them, irritation is eliminated, which allows the patient to spend a relatively quiet night. Such means include Stoptussin, Sinekod, Falimint.

When the sputum begins to depart, the doctor prescribes expectorant drugs- Lasolvan, Gadelix, Bronchipret. Moreover, if night coughing attacks continue to torment the patient, suppressing cough medicines are also taken at night.

If the tracheitis has developed in a patient against acute respiratory infections, most likely the doctor will prescribe an antiviral agent for him - Arbidol, Interferon, etc. In case of a temperature rise of more than 38 degrees, antipyretic is prescribed - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Aspirin.

The duration of treatment of tracheitis can take from a week to 2.

High (more than 38) temperature, which lasts for several days, indicates the need for antibiotics. Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin, Cefalexin, Summamed, Azithromycin is the most commonly prescribed. The reason for the appointment of antibiotics may serve other reasons:

  • incipient inflammation of the sinuses, ears, tonsils, or lymph nodes;
  • suspected pneumonia;
  • cough that does not last longer than 2 weeks.

Folk funds help

Folk remedies for treating tracheitis

Alternative medicine can not be a panacea, and folk recipes should be used only in conjunction with traditional means of treatment. One of these popular methods is the reception of large amounts of warm water, the meaning of which is that the infection leaves the body naturally as soon as possible. The doctor himself will focus his attention on the fact that he needs to drink as many teas and herbal concoctions as possible, even just warm water. However, treatment only with warm drink, you understand, will not give serious results.

  1. A good cushion softener is hot milk with a spoon of butter and a pinch of soda. Milk and butter envelop the larynx, and the alkaline reaction of soda relieves irritation of the tracheal mucosa. To soften the throat, you can drink "Kalmyk tea", that is, black or green tea, to which is added a spoon of butter.
  2. Some medicinal herbs have a slight antitussive and expectorant action - oregano, Althea root and licorice, elecampane, pine and birch buds, sage leaves and lime blossom. During treatment, you can take their infusions and decoctions, brew tea from them and drink it with honey.
  3. To the means of traditional medicine also include inhalation and compresses. Inhalation can be done both with the help of special devices (nebulizer, steam inhaler), and "in the old fashioned way", breathing over a kettle or pan, covered with a towel. It is best for inhalation to use decoctions of the herbs listed above, as well as eucalyptus oil.
  4. Compresses can only be done when the patient's temperature has subsided, and the cough has become wet, otherwise there is a risk of causing tracheal edema. For compresses, a mixture of honey and camphor alcohol or honey and eucalyptus oil is used. Many of us use an unusual and, judging by the reviews, an effective compress - boiled potatoes with the skin warm up, fit into a plastic bag and placed on the patient's chest, covered with a towel.

Physician advice

Reviews of patients who have undergone the disease most often lean in favor of traditional medicine and look like this: "The doctor prescribed me this and that, did not help, but I began to (a) drink milk with soda fresh chopped onion, etc.), and the disease has stopped. "

Doctors comment on such reviews is quite logical. Tracheitis is not cured by the wave of the hand, treatment continues for at least several days or even weeks. At the initial stage it may seem to the patient that the treatment is ineffective, but it is at this time that the medicines prescribed by the doctor begin their action. And when, disappointed in traditional medicine, the patient turns to homeopathy or folk remedies and observes progress in treatment, this does not at all mean the effectiveness of the latter means - simply the effect of the drugs prescribed by the doctor brought results. Traditional medicine in the treatment of tracheitis - a good help, but only an aid.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is easier to prevent tracheitis in an adult than to treat it later. To do this, follow a few simple rules:

  • try not to overcool;
  • do not smoke or at least reduce smoking to a minimum;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • time to treat colds.

Already this is quite enough for most of the diseases of the respiratory tract like tracheitis, your immunity to cope on their own.