The benefits and harm of celery root
Celery is an amateur product: not everyone likes its characteristic taste and aroma, although, for example, during frying it loses bitterness and becomes even sweeter than potato. With it you can cook a lot of healthy and, importantly, dietary dishes: from soups to casseroles. Despite the fact that all its parts are edible, celery root is most often eaten. What useful properties does it have?
What does celery root give the body?
A distinctive feature of this part of the plant is a large amount of essential oils, which cause a rather strong aroma emanating from it during cutting and subsequent preparation of dishes. At the same time, in the celery root there are fatty acids, which is not typical for plant foods, as well as a large amount of vitamins and microelements: almost the entire group B, ascorbic and niacin acids, retinol, tocopherol, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium.
- First of all, celery root is useful for its immunomodulatory action, being a good source of ascorbic acid and essential oils. He is able to compete with even onions and garlic, often wins in this "struggle", because it has a more pleasant taste after heat treatment.
- The presence of magnesium salts strengthens the nervous system and the heart muscle, iron has a beneficial effect on the blood formation process, acting as prevention of anemia and alleviating a person's condition in the presence of this disease. In addition, in tandem with vitamin K, it accelerates blood clotting.
- It is noteworthy that experts mention the importance of celery root for men, because its frequent use increases the potency. The reason for this is the presence in the root of androsterone - a hormone that enhances the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics.
- The diuretic and laxative properties of the plant not only normalize the work of the urinogenital system and the intestines, but also reduce the likelihood of developing prostatitis.
- Fiber present in the product, gently stimulates the digestive tract and eliminates the feeling of hunger, so even a vegetable soup with the inclusion of celery root in the recipe allows you to get full for a long time.
- It is noteworthy that this plant has tonic properties, and therefore not only drives away fatigue, but also reduces the severity of depression, relieves stress, which is a merit of essential oils.
- Doctors believe that regular consumption of celery root can reduce the risk of cancer.
But the most important moment, which has a special meaning for girls, is, of course, the role of this green root in the struggle for a slim figure. Nutritionists often mention that plant foods must be present in the diet, and celery is placed on a level with onions and cabbage. Is it really justified, and how can you lose weight by eating celery root?
- The caloric value of 100 g of the product is only 34 kcal, in which 1.5 g of protein, 6.5 carbohydrates, and only 0.5 g of fat.
- This root crop is one of the main elements in the detoxification procedure: it quickly and gently cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. Experts advise occasionally to spend vegetable day, in the diet of which the celery root is necessarily present.
- The reason why this plant is attributed to "fat-burning" properties is its ability to regulate water-salt balance, which leads to a decrease in volume due to the removal of excess fluid. It does not have any direct effect on the fat layer.
- It should be noted and adjustment of metabolic processes, due to which there is not only weight loss, but also the subsequent more active burning of harmful and heavy foods.
However, you should pay attention to the fact that celery root, like any natural product, can only be an assistant in finding a beautiful figure, but not the only way. Only to hope for him is unreasonable.
Contraindications and cautions
With regard to the possible harm from this root, then first of all it should be noted the inadmissibility of its presence in the diet of a pregnant woman, because it can provoke an excessive uterus tone. However, even this strict warning from doctors is not always correct. Some women argue that regular use of celery root at the time of carrying a child did not affect their state of health and fetus.
Celery root is contraindicated in inflammations of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, especially at the time of exacerbation: gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer. When fermentation processes in the intestine, accompanied by flatulence and diarrhea, it is also undesirable to use.
In addition, doctors recommend that people with hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis and other vascular problems refrain from this root crop. It is better for nursing women not to include it in their diet, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction in the baby.
How to eat celery root?
This plant responds positively to absolutely any heat treatment, so you can fry, bake, boil, simmer - in general, include almost every recipe, except for confectionery. If desired, it can be eaten raw, in salads or in the form of juice. Moreover, the last in folk medicine is considered an excellent way to beat cholesterol and high sugar.
- For weight loss it is recommended to make celery root salads: for example, combine it with carrots, green apple and honey in any proportion. Or cook on its basis vegetable broths and soups. In the Italian minestrone, celery is almost an indispensable component, and the Italians know a lot about tasty and light food.
- It is noteworthy that in dishes where celery root is involved, you can not use salt or put it in minimal quantities.
- To improve the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to make a decoction of this root and use 50-100 ml daily. And with rheumatism, you can reduce the severity of pain, if you drink its juice mixed with pear or apple juice at night.
There are so many recipes for celery root in cooking that you can come up with a new dish every day, but especially doctors advise you to use this plant with meat dishes to facilitate their absorption. At the same time, the smaller it is to cut, the brighter the taste and aroma will be.
Product selection and storage rules
What a celery root brings to a person — harm or benefit — depends on how fresh the plant was, how it was subsequently stored and used. The peculiarities of its heat treatment and the principles of its use have already been discussed above, and now it is worth mentioning no less important nuances.
- Make sure that the root crop is resilient and fleshy, there should be no dents when pressed, and the color of the surface of the correct product is devoid of dark or whitish spots. Additionally, check it for tightness: knock and listen - if there is a booming sound, it means there are empty areas inside.
- The taste of celery root depends on its size: a large one is often very hard, it is more difficult to digest, so experts advise to look at the average size and weight.
- The plant can be prepared for the future if it is cleaned and crushed: chop up the plates or pass through the large side of the grater, after which the celery is dried at high temperatures and stored in glass containers.
Remember that the storage of the “opened” product even in the refrigerator should not exceed 7 days: after that, the majority of useful substances evaporate and rot begins. If you have not had time to cut the celery root and do not plan to do this in the near future, you can put it in dry sand (the top should look out of it).