Symptoms of a brain tumor in the early stages and the first
Unfortunately, in most cases, cancer pathology is diagnosed in the late stages of development. And as you know, the success of treatment depends largely on the timeliness of detection of the disease. Let's talk today about what are the symptoms of a brain tumor in its early stages.
Identify the disease at the start of development
Most malignant neoplasms are diagnosed in the last stages of development, when medicine is powerless and doctors cannot help a person. Recently, according to statistical medical data, a large number of people turn to medical institutions with complaints of pathological headache attacks. It is this symptom that is considered the primary signal when a neoplasm appears in the brain.
If we talk about the characteristic symptoms, then it can be different depending on the location of the tumor, its size, and the physiological characteristics of the person. Some oncological diseases are generally asymptomatic.
As the attending specialists say, brain glioblastoma is most often found in practice. With the development of such neoplasms, metastases do not extend beyond the central nervous system, therefore, the symptoms of the disease appear much earlier and have their own specifics. If the tumor is localized near the cerebral cortex, then the functioning of the departments responsible for speech apparatus and coordination of movements is disturbed in the first place.
The primary symptoms of a brain tumor in this case will be the following symptoms:
- violation of the speech apparatus;
- frequent causeless fainting;
- violation of motor coordination.
It is this form of malignant neoplasm that can be diagnosed at the initial stage.
If we talk generally about the development of oncological pathologies of the brain, we can distinguish three main primary features that should alert each person and encourage them to visit the attending specialist. These include:
- Headaches The intensity and frequency of attacks of pain can be different depending on the localization of malignant tumors.
- Vomiting reflexes. This symptom is also among the primary symptoms of this dangerous illness. Vomiting can occur suddenly and at any time of the day. Most often gag reflexes appear after waking up, with sudden movements or during attacks of headache.
- Increased intracranial pressure. This indicator rises dramatically due to the formation of stagnant nipples.
The above three signs are considered primary treatment specialists. Doctors reject a headache after all. If antispasmodic drugs or analgesics do not help relieve an attack, then this is a serious reason to go to a medical facility. It is possible to detect a malignant tumor at an early stage by magnetic resonance or computed tomography.
About the symptoms of the disease in detail
In addition to the above signs of the presence and growth of a malignant neoplasm in the brain, specific symptoms may occur at an early stage. Unfortunately, in practice there are cases when a brain tumor does not exert pressure on certain parts of the cortex or brain sections, and also does not affect the activity of the central nervous system. With such a development of pathology, symptoms may be absent until the last stage.
If you listen carefully to the signals of your body, then people who are at risk can promptly detect symptoms. What are the symptoms of this dangerous pathology at an early stage? Oncologists distinguish headache attacks as the main symptom.
We will again return to this symptom, since it often becomes the main signal indicating the presence of a malignant neoplasm. Pain syndrome can be pronounced, prolonged or paroxysmal, intense. With the development of oncological disease, it is not possible to relieve pain with the help of pharmacological preparations.
Most often, the pain syndrome manifests itself as a result of even minor physical exertion, during coughing, bending or turning the neck. In addition, the headache can be throbbing and appear immediately after the morning awakening. As a rule, the attack lasts no more than 3 hours.
Early-stage brain tumors also exhibit the following symptoms:
- Numbness of the skin of the face. This sensation appears when the tumor grows and its pressure on certain parts of the cerebral cortex.
- Another specific symptom is a violation of visual function. A person in the risk zone has a feeling of double vision in his eyes when looking at individual objects.
- Dizziness. This symptom can also be classified as specific signs of oncological pathology of the brain. Such a condition in a patient can appear in any position. Sometimes, even in the supine position, a person is dizzy. As a rule, this symptom is associated with impaired coordination of movement, which is associated with the pressure of the tumor on the vestibular apparatus.
- Dysfunction of speech and hearing aids. Such symptoms occur with the growth of a malignant neoplasm and its pressure on the auditory nerve endings. Most often, this syndrome appears in elderly people.
- Constant feeling of weakness and lack of sleep.
- Paralysis or impaired coordination on one side of the body. As practice shows, with the defeat, for example, of the left cerebral hemisphere, the functioning of the right side of the face and body is disturbed, and accordingly, vice versa.
As a rule, the symptoms of a brain tumor at an early stage in adults are accompanied by additional disorders, for example, in individual cases confusion may occur. The patient cannot clearly articulate his thoughts, his speech becomes incoherent and incomprehensible to those around him.
Often the development of cancer provokes mental disorders. They can manifest themselves in the patient's constant stay in a deep depressive state, when a person is not pleased with the events taking place, he is afraid of sharp light flashes. Also at an early stage with the defeat of certain areas of the brain, hallucinations may appear, the person ceases to orient himself in space.
As practice shows, the growth of malignant neoplasms can provoke a violation of sensitivity and smell. The patient does not feel cold or heat, his skin does not respond to external stimuli. Another specific symptom of the development of tumors in the brain is the so-called horizontal nystagmus. Simply put, the patient constantly has a running pupil. In this case, the person suffering from the disease, alone can not notice this.
To date, no one attending specialist can name a reliable reason for the appearance of a malignant neoplasm in the brain, but they all argue that this disease is inextricably linked with lifestyle and the rapid development of progress. Take care of your health, eat right, take time to sports and eliminate negative things from life. To prevent ailment, our body must fully function, and this directly depends only on ourselves. Be healthy!