Sulfur plug in the ear
An unexpected deterioration of health, hearing loss and other sensations that reduce the quality of life, may appear due to the fact that a sulfuric plug has formed in the ear. Symptoms of sulfur accumulation in the ears and ways to eliminate it should be known to everyone who cares about their health and wants to enjoy the beauty of pleasant sounds in their entirety.
Sulfuric cork is the formation that consists of substances secreted by the ear glands and particles of dead tissue that covers the surface of the skin. If the cork blocks the ear canal, the person begins to have problems with hearing. A dense contact of the sulfur mass with the eardrum can cause its perforation, attacks of neuralgia, neuromuscular disorders, in particular, dysfunction of the heart muscle.
Signs of sulfur plug formation
If the accumulated sulfur does not prevent the penetration of sounds, the person does not feel any discomfort and does not even know about the problem that has arisen. But the moment will inevitably come when the gap between the ear canal and the eardrum will become very small. In this case, will appear:
- feeling of stuffiness;
- enhanced perception of the sound of your own words with one ear;
- hearing impairment.
If the compacted sulfur presses or injures the eardrum, the condition is complicated:
- buzz and ringing in the ear;
- reflex cough;
- frequent dizziness;
- throbbing ear pain;
- foreign body sensation inside the ear;
- rarely nausea and vomiting.
Symptoms become more pronounced after moistening the ear when washing the head and other hygiene procedures. Sulfur deposits can be seen with the naked eye, if you slightly pull back the ear and look inside.
With a very intense and long pressure of such a compacted clogging possible:
- heart rhythm disorders;
- heartache;
- neuralgic pains in the half of the head;
- disorders of the autonomic nervous system;
- complete hearing loss.
Damage to the eardrum (perforation) is accompanied by sharp pain and the development of the inflammatory process in the middle ear.
The presence of congestion in the ears in adults is easier to recognize than in children, although the symptoms of this condition are the same at different ages. Just kids about the symptoms, pointing to the tube in the ears, can not tell clearly and in detail. Parents should consider visiting a otolaryngologist if the child:
- long does not respond to the call;
- when retelling, he often confuses words that have been spoken quite clearly;
- complains that the ears are ringing and noisy;
- ceases to hear after bathing (the cork swells and completely clogs the auditory orifice);
- from time to time moves with incoordination;
- coughing, although there are no other signs of a cold;
- sometimes suffers from nausea and vomiting.
To make sure that the reason for the discomfort of an adult or a small patient is that the ear is clogged with sulfur, it is best to visit the ENT doctor’s office.
How to "unlock" the rumor?
Sulfur plugs are light and dark in color, as well as a different consistency - from soft to hardened. Before removal, sulfur must be softened using 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, which is instilled 3-4 times over 12 hours over 3 days. If you have no doubt that the eardrum has not been damaged and chronic inflammation of the middle ear has not started, you can proceed as follows:
- Take warm boiled water, sterile saline from a pharmacy, or furatsilinovy solution.
- Fill with a special syringe Jeanne, a 20 ml syringe for injection or a syringe.
- Pull the ear shell back and up (if you rinse the child's ear back and down) to straighten the ear canal.
- In the upper part of the ear hole direct a stream of water of small intensity.
- After removing the contamination, blot the ear with a cotton swab.
- To reduce the risk of infection of the organ of hearing, you can instill boric alcohol or any anti-inflammatory drops into it for several days after reading the instructions for the preparation.
You can also use a method such as heat: a regular heating pad helps to remove the cork from the ear. It is necessary to lie down on the heat source and wait until the sulfur softens and flows out of the ear. Remember: if there is a hole in the eardrum, then removing the plug with a liquid is fraught with the penetration of fluid into other parts of the ear, so you have to use the “dry” method. In this situation, the patient can only help a qualified specialist.
If a person does not hear well, and also feels other symptoms that can be caused by a sulfuric plug in the ear, you need to take urgent measures. Otherwise, it will harden, increase in size, and begin serious complications. If attempts to remove sulfuric accumulations without help were unsuccessful, immediately contact the clinic.