Staphylococcus aureus in the intestines in children and
A person is a carrier of many bacteria - useful, harmless and carrying a potential threat. Staphylococcus aureus belongs to pathogenic bacteria, which, with a decrease in immunity, can cause serious illness. Intensive reproduction can begin in the intestines - a person will have to be treated. How and how?
When does staphylococcus aureus become dangerous in the intestines?
The problem of Staphylococcus aureus has become one of the most discussed issues. And all because almost every person is a carrier of these opportunistic pathogens. They are identified in 60-80% of the population (both adult and small). In infants, it sometimes appears immediately after birth or after a year. But a child up to one year old should not show staphylococcus aureus in the intestines, the norm indicated on the analysis form is 0.
Fortunately, the presence of Staphylococcus aureus is not yet a disease. If a person has a strong immunity and he observes the rules of hygiene, these bacteria do not bring much concern.
How can they get infected?
You can pick up the bacteria in the hospital - this is the most common route of infection. Staphylococcus can enter the body through airborne droplets.
The bacterium often settles in the intestines. If colonies of microorganisms begin to grow, they release enterotoxins. These are very harmful substances that can cause inflammation and general intoxication. This is when urgent treatment is required.
Symptoms of lesions in adults and children
If a person (including a child) has found Staphylococcus aureus as a result of the examination, but the patient feels normal, then treatment is not required. But, if symptoms of intestinal lesions appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor for help.
The latent period of the disease lasts about a day. The first manifestations of the disease occur after 4-5 hours, gradually increasing - the patient's condition worsens. Intestinal symptoms are preceded by the appearance of signs of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to an erroneous diagnosis of "cold".
A staph infection has the following symptoms:
- general malaise;
- temperature increase to 37.5-37.7 degrees;
- indigestion - liquid and frequent stools (up to 10-12 times a day). There is mucus in the stool with blood inclusions;
- sharp pain in different parts of the abdomen;
- diaper rash on the skin;
- nausea, vomiting;
- skin rashes.
Acute intestinal infection, which provoked Staphylococcus aureus, passes by the type of food poisoning.
If Staphylococcus aureus is activated in the intestines of infants, then the symptoms will be almost the same as in adults. The baby suffers from severe pain and gas accumulation in the tummy, refuses to eat. On the body of the baby appear pustules, which affect the skin. One of the specific symptoms that will help recognize a staphylococcal infection in an infant is the detachment of the upper layer of the skin or the scalded infant syndrome (pemphigus).
In young children, the disease develops very rapidly, quickly turning into a severe form. Therefore, if at least one of the symptoms of the pathogenic activity of the "golden microbe" is detected, treatment should begin immediately.
How to diagnose intestinal toxicoinfection?
Before prescribing therapeutic measures, it is necessary to confirm precisely that the cause of the disease is exactly Staphylococcus aureus in the intestine. Treatment begins after appropriate testing.
Diagnosis is that a study is being conducted on the environments that bacteria most "like". The first study of feces. The patient also undergoes a complete blood count (monitored white blood cell count). It helps to detect the inflammatory and purulent process.
To determine what has become the causative agent of infection, a test is conducted to identify poisons that excrete spherical bacteria.
How are adults treated?
If the disease is mild, then antibiotics are not prescribed to adults, the only remedy is to compensate for the loss of fluid. The patient will recover in 4-5 days.
Such a simple strategy is completely unacceptable if the disease is bad (usually happens in young children and the elderly). In this case, you will have to fight the infection thoroughly. The treatment strategy is as follows:
- antibiotic therapy. If the patient is able to take pills, then oral antibiotics will be prescribed (cephalosporins - Cefalexin, Cefuroxime, Zinnat, Amoxiccycline, Dalacin. Co-Trimaxosol). First determine the sensitivity of bacteria to drugs of this series. If the patient cannot take pills because of vomiting, he is given an injection;
- means for stimulating the immune system - staphylococcal bacteriophage (three times a day 1 hour before meals), anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin. In mild cases, prescribe tincture of Rhodiola or Schizandra Chinese;
- chlorofillipta alcohol solution (it can not be administered to children under 12 years old);
- antimicrobial agents;
- vitamins, mineral and nutritional supplements;
- prebiotics;
- dieting
If sepsis begins, the treatment is carried out in intensive care.
Features of treatment of staphylococcal infection in the intestines in children
If the baby has developed severe diarrhea due to staphylococcal reproduction, the infectionist doctor or gastroenterologist deals with the treatment. If the culture of feces confirmed that the colonization of bacteria is the cause of the disease, then the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in the intestines in children will be carried out according to this plan:
- antibiotics (cephalosporins);
- purified staphylococcal bacteriophage;
- nitrofurans - Enterofuril, Ersefuril, Stop-Diar in suspensions (allowed to use in children from 1 month). They are quite effective against Staphylococcus aureus;
- restoration of water-salt balance. This is difficult to do at home (especially if a baby is an infant). In the first 6 hours after the onset of the disease, the infant should receive liquid in volumes from 80 to 100 ml per 1 kg of weight. Further - up to 100 ml per day;
- if vomiting does not stop, intramuscular injections of Cerucal are prescribed. In addition, a solution of rehydron or hydrolazine and 5% glucose in the ratio of 1: 4;
- enterosorbents - Smecta;
- immunostimulants - Kipferron;
- probiotics to restore intestinal microflora (Linnex).
How to safely kill staphylococcus: folk methods
Treatment using traditional methods has a comparative effectiveness. It is not suitable for severe cases or when complications develop. It is rather supportive therapy. To suppress the activity of staphylococcal bacteria, you can use the following recipes:
- . It can be given not only to adults, but also to children;
- mummy. In 1 tbsp. water dissolve 0.5 g mummy. Take before meals 50 ml. To be treated for at least 2 months.
Staphylococcus aureus has a dismal reputation. And it is not surprising, because it can cause life-threatening diseases: enterocolitis, peritonitis, general intoxication of the body. Recovery depends on how well the therapy is prescribed. Therefore, the intestinal infection caused by staphylococcus, should be treated by doctors.