Sports aerobics
Aerobics, by definition, is an exercise style aimed at developing the respiratory system. Sports aerobicsIt is considered a young sport that has managed in a bizarre manner to combine general physical training (K. Cooper, 1960) and power dance (J. Fonda, 1964). Modernity makes its own corrections, removing some elements in training and effectively replacing them with new ones.
In 1984, the city of New Orleans hosted on its territory the international exhibition "Physical Culture and Sport" (Howard and K. Schwartz are considered to be the organizers). Within the framework of the exhibition, the first unofficial spectacular competitions with elements of sports aerobics took place. After some time, various associations and federations of aerobics began to form, seeking to ennoble a developing sport.
May 1994 was marked by the fact that the commission on sports aerobics at the Congress of the International Gymnastics Federation confirmed its authority to be considered a type of gymnastics and act as a separate sport. At competitions there is an age (18 years) qualification of participants, which attracts a large number of athletes from acrobatics and gymnastics who do not want to part with the regime of enhanced training, but who do not have the strength to continue them in the same intensity.
Sports aerobicsThe basic exercises are based on the free movements of gymnastics without technically complex elements, especially with an acrobatic bias. A clear musical rhythm sets a high pace of execution. Movement is characterized by sharpness, dynamism and completeness of a separate action with thoughtful connections. Aerobic exercises include simple and complex acrobatic steps: a sharp rise in the knee, swing, step, jump, jump, etc. Depending on the tempo, the melodies of movement can vary with the intensity and amplitude of the performance. Through a set of exercises, you can simultaneously develop flexibility, endurance, strength, speed, and coordination. This fact distinguishes this discipline from others, aimed at developing a couple of qualities, but not the entire list.
Musical and rhythmic classes contribute to the development of a musical ear engaged, improving the accuracy of performance of the motor-rhythmic activity of movements. The use of exercises of varying complexity and volume allows you to technically develop in the manner of performance, to strive for lofty ideals.
The health component of gymnastics allows you to vary the degree of exercise in training. In some exercises, the pulse frequency can vary dramatically between 90 and 200 beats / min with a duration of about 2-2.5 minutes. In this case, the alternation of the training, then the power, then the shock and dance parts. Due to the thoughtfulness of a change in character with a change in the magnitude of the load with constant positive emotional accompaniment, efficiency is achieved when a wide range of personalities are available.
See also: Acrobatic exercises
Its effectiveness after class is not created on "one-off" workouts, but constantly repetitive, taking place on a set schedule. A few months of training will effectively correct the shape of the body, add beauty and muscle tightening.