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Sour taste in mouth - Women's magazine

Sour taste in mouth


The taste of sour in the mouth can not be called a pleasant sensation, and its appearance is not always the result of eaten lemon or tea. If the taste is sour in the mouth, this may indicate the development of a serious disease. The main thing is to recognize the symptoms in time and consult a doctor.

Sour taste in the mouth: what does it mean?

Sour taste in the mouth: what does it mean?

Unpleasant taste appears most often immediately after a meal or after a while. Often it occurs after severe physical exertion, and sometimes worries a person since the morning.

If a sour taste in the mouth appears in the morning and is accompanied by severe dryness of the oral cavity, then this indicates serious disorders in the body. The reasons for this phenomenon can be many:

  • metabolic or metabolic disorders;
  • sometimes a sour taste occurs when there is not enough water in the body.

Causes and possible diseases

As already mentioned, the cause of the sour taste in the mouth can be various diseases of internal organs. To identify which particular disease has become the source of an imbalance in the oral cavity, attention should be paid to the accompanying symptoms.

Dental pathology

Diseases affecting the gums or teeth can cause a sour taste. To find out why it is sour in the mouth, you must first check your teeth for caries or oxidation of crowns made of metal. In this case, a person may feel normal and have no other complaints, and his main problem is unpleasant feelings.

Diseases of the digestive tract

Among the most common causes are ulcers in the duodenum or stomach, as well as gastritis. Sour taste periodically occurs after a certain time after eating any food or sleep. Also, the patient may experience:

  • nausea or even vomiting;
  • severe belching or heartburn;
  • possible violation of the chair;
  • severe painful cramps in the abdomen.

Pathology of the biliary system

The source of sensation in the mouth of sour taste can be such diseases:

  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • dyskinesia.

All these pathologies cause a bitter or sour taste. In addition, there is a strong feeling of pain on the right side under the ribs, as well as a feeling of heaviness after eating even a small amount of food, vomiting or nausea, sometimes belching, accompanied by a sour taste.

Sour taste in the mouth during pregnancy: the norm or pathology?

Sour taste in the mouth during pregnancy: the norm or pathology?

Future mothers often suffer from a sour taste in their mouths. Sometimes he accompanies them from the very first days until the moment of the birth of the child, now disappearing, now returning. Such sensations arising in the first trimester may appear due to rearrangements of the whole organism: they are associated with an increase in the amount of progesterone, as well as sensitivity of the receptors in the mouth.

A little later, the uterine organ begins to put pressure on the stomach, so hydrochloric acid can penetrate into the esophagus or oral cavity. In this case, the causes of the sensation of sour taste in the mouth are quite understandable, so pregnant women can not worry.

But if the taste of sour in the mouth is accompanied by weakness, nausea, severe pain in the hypochondrium or abdomen, then it is necessary to contact the attending specialist.

Metabolic disorders

If you have not consumed fruits, sweets or any non-acidic foods, and the sensation of acid still appeared, then this is evidence of the presence of endocrine diseases, such as diabetes.


If the taste of sour is accompanied by a perceptible odor, then this may be evidence of impaired microflora. Among the signs of dysbiosis are:

  • regular abdominal pain;
  • decreased appetite;
  • too frequent colds;
  • constant fatigue;
  • disruption of normal stool;
  • lowering the level of performance.

Also, the reason that caused a sour taste in the mouth is often the common cold, such as pharyngitis or sore throat. Acceptance of certain antibiotic or antihypertensive drugs periodically causes a bitter, metallic or sour taste. In this case, you just need to change the medicine, after consulting with the doctor.

What measures need to be taken?

Sour taste in the mouth: what measures should be taken?

First of all, it is necessary to determine why there is a sour taste in the mouth, and only by curing the disease that caused this sensation, you can get rid of it.

You can escape the sour taste yourself in the following ways:

  • after eating and before bedtime, rinse the mouth cavity with sage or chamomile decoctions, as well as soda;
  • brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day;
  • Do not eat at all or reduce the amount of sour, fried and too fatty foods, sweets, meat, alcohol, caffeine, spices, and carbonated drinks;
  • eat more oatmeal, plain wheat bread, lettuce leaves, bananas, legumes, pears;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • brush your food well after eating, using dental floss;
  • study the used vitamins, drugs, supplements;
  • split meals helps to ease the gestation period, as well as remove the sour taste;
  • use specialized sprays or chewing gum, and although they do not solve the problem itself, they can mask the smell.

The above methods can get rid of unpleasant taste for a certain period, but do not delay with a visit to the doctor. Only professional treatment will help get rid of the sour taste in the mouth. Be sure to respond to all the signals given by the body, because the usual unpleasant aftertaste is often hidden serious problems. Take care and be healthy!