Pyelonephritis in women
Most kidney diseases are infectious in nature. Inflammatory processes occurring in the renal pelvis are called pyelonephritis. The most common pyelonephritis in women. Symptoms and treatment of this disease have their own specifics.
Why does pyelonephritis appear?
As medical practice shows, inflammatory processes in the renal tissues and pelvis are caused by the penetration of bacterial and infectious microorganisms. Among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, pyelonephritis is much more common than in men. This is primarily due to the features of the anatomical structure.
This disease is triggered by a number of bacteria. These include the following pathogens:
- enterococci;
- streptococci;
- staphylococcus.
When ingested, such bacteria cause the development of inflammatory processes in the renal tissues. But in order to get pyelonephritis, the effect of the virus alone is not enough. Such an ailment can only appear if there are a number of related factors, in particular:
- infectious pathogen;
- weakened immunity;
- provoking signs.
The inflammatory process develops only after the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms in the renal tissue. They can get into the pelvis in the following ways:
- on the lymphatic ducts;
- with urine;
- through the blood vessels.
As already mentioned, in order for bacteria in the body to provoke the development of pyelonephritis, a number of concomitant factors are required. Most often, this pathology develops against the background of other ailments:
- congestive-type changes in the bladder;
- violations of full emptying;
- diabetes;
- development of acute inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs;
- increase the size of the uterine body;
- sore throats;
- abscess processes;
- renal pathologies, etc.
With an increase in the uterine body, there is pressure directly on the bladder and ureters, with the result that a woman can develop pyelonephritis.
In addition, there are a number of factors, the impact of which may cause this disease. These include:
- constantly experiencing stressful situations;
- excessive hypothermia;
- development of pathologies that have a venereal nature;
- excessive fatigue;
- uncontrolled intake of antibiotic drugs.
Primary body signals
Before we consider the primary symptoms of this disease, I would like to draw attention to the fact that the treating specialists distinguish two main forms of pyelonephritis:
- acute;
- chronic.
Initially, pathology develops covertly. At the latent stage, the woman has no specific signs. It is quite difficult to diagnose an ailment and not all qualified specialists are able to do it, since there are no pathological changes even in blood tests and urine.
If it was not possible to diagnose pyelonephritis at the latent stage of development, then the illness quickly passes into the acute phase. At this stage, there is already a specific symptom. The symptoms of acute pyelonephritis in women doctors include the following signs:
- general weakness;
- pathological groundless indisposition;
- excessive sweating;
- temperature rise to the level of 39-40 °;
- the appearance of pain of varying intensity in the lumbar region;
- bouts of nausea;
- the urge to gag reflex;
- chills;
- headache.
Medical practice there are cases when acute pyelonephritis is often confused with cystitis. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of both ills are too similar. If pyelonephritis develops on the background of diabetes mellitus, in most patients, the attending specialists will diagnose arterial hypertension. In addition, pyelonephritis may cause tachycardia, redness of the skin of the face.
If the acute form of this disease has provoked the development of complicated consequences, then the patient has a more clearly manifested specific symptoms. Treatment specialists also say that they often encounter such a phenomenon as secondary pyelonephritis in the acute stage of development. The disease in this form is very dangerous for health and it has the following symptoms:
- severe pain in the lumbar spine;
- renal type colic;
- violation of the process of emptying the bladder.
Against the background of such symptoms, the patient may even develop a toxic-infectious shock.
If the pathology has flowed into the chronic stage, then it can manifest itself in different ways. It all depends on the form of the disease. Doctors distinguish four main forms of chronic pyelonephritis:
- hypertensive;
- nephrotic;
- hematuric;
- comprehensive.
The first form of pyelonephritis is characterized by a sharp increase in pressure. When such symptoms appear, treatment should begin immediately, otherwise it may lead to a stroke. The nephrotic form of the disease is practically no different from acute inflammatory processes. The specific symptom is the appearance of swelling in the limbs, as well as the accumulation of fluid in the cavity of internal organs.
A characteristic feature of the hematuric form of pyelonephritis is the color of the urine. Urine becomes scarlet. For the rest, no symptoms, even pain, are observed in the patient. As you understand, the mixed or complex type of ailment is characterized by various symptoms of all the above described forms.
If we talk about the symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis in women in general, we can distinguish a number of characteristic signs:
- the appearance of whiter from the vaginal passage;
- pain and pain during every act of emitting urine;
- temperature increase subfebrile type;
- frequent urge to urinate.
How to diagnose pathology?
So, as you already understood, the attending specialist should go to the reception when the primary symptoms appear. Pyelonephritis should be treated immediately to avoid complications. The doctor, in addition to visual inspection, palpation and survey, will conduct a number of manipulations, including the collection of comparative samples for laboratory research.
The following methods are used to diagnose pyelonephritis:
- ESR;
- ultrasound diagnosis;
- full urinalysis;
- radionuclide type diagnostics;
- intravenous urography;
- blood test;
- Zimnitsky test.
Sowing for the presence of bacteria plays a leading role in the diagnosis of pyelonephritis. With the help of his research in the laboratory, it is possible not only to identify the infectious agent, but also to determine which type of drugs will perfectly cope with the disease.
Antibiotics on pyelonephritis: the features of the treatment of disease
It is impossible to cure pyelonephritis on its own. Firstly, you will not be able to diagnose the reason for its occurrence, and secondly, to choose the appropriate pharmacological drug. This can only be done by a treating professional. Remember that treatment should not only help you, but also do no harm.
Often antibiotics of various groups are used to treat pyelonephritis, for example:
- penicillins;
- linkosamines;
- phosphocins;
- tetracyclines, etc.
In addition to antibiotic drugs, the doctor may prescribe other drugs that will normalize the work of the kidneys and eliminate the inflammatory process.
For the treatment of pyelonephritis, but only in combination with medicinal drugs, you can use a variety of decoctions and infusions. The following phytomedications have excellent bactericidal and diuretic properties:
- black elderberry;
- cranberries;
- corn stigmas;
- field horsetail;
- strawberry leaves;
- bearberry.
During the entire course of treatment, women are recommended to follow a dietary ration. Be sure to exclude the use of spicy, salty, spicy foods. In no case can not supercool. In the toilet you need to go as often as possible. During the day, you should drink at least 2 liters of liquid, including decoctions of herbal remedies.
Pyelonephritis is a treacherous and very dangerous ailment. At the initial stage it is quite difficult to diagnose it. Now you know the primary symptoms of pyelonephritis, and with the slightest manifestation of them, you should immediately go to the hospital and be examined. Be healthy!