Remember the advice of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. They always said that for health and longevity one should use the gifts of nature. Peppermint has not been left aside, the therapeutic properties and contraindications of which we will discuss in today's article.
Mediterranean grass: what do we know about it?
Medicinal properties and contraindications of mint are not known to everyone, although this plant is considered a natural doctor. To date, there are about 25 of its species in the world, but peppermint has received great popularity in herbal medicine. The homeland of this medicinal plant, which has an intoxicating menthol aroma, is considered to be the Mediterranean. In our area, mint grows in almost every yard, only many gardeners consider it a weed and are actively working to eradicate the plant.
We should not forget that you can not only make tasty tea from mint, but also use it as a means of traditional medicine to get rid of many ailments. Just imagine that half a century ago, drops prepared on the basis of menthol juice were actively used to treat toothache. Mint leaves contain about 3% of this essential oil extract, and it can be used not only in aromatherapy.
Peppermint is famous for its component composition. So, in addition to the above component, it consists of a number of isomeric and organic substances, in particular:
- pinenov;
- thujone;
- camphene;
- limonene;
- isomenthola, etc.
Today, the knowledge gained by our ancestors is forgotten. Peppermint is mainly used in cosmetology, cooking and herbal medicine. On its basis, you can prepare decoctions and infusions. Of course, that before applying the various phytochemicals you need to consult with a qualified specialist narrow profile.
You can purchase dried mint leaves in a pharmacy or prepare them yourself. Collect mint only during the period of its active flowering. And she blooms throughout the summer. The whole land part of the plant has useful properties.
Let's talk about the benefits of mint
In order for the herb mint to give your body only benefits, you need to know its healing properties and contraindications. We begin, of course, with benefit. Representatives of opposite sexes are not only possible but also need to use broths and infusions prepared on the basis of mint leaves.
Peppermint has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. First, it stimulates the appetite, and secondly, it has a choleretic effect. That is why many herbalists advise taking traditional medicine with mint for cholecystitis and various liver ailments. In addition, peppermint has beneficial effects on intestinal peristalsis, balancing the level of gastric acid acid. It can be used to eliminate nausea and gag reflexes, as well as to restore a full defecation.
Due to the fact that mint leaves contain menthol, they are actively used for the manufacture of oil extracts. It is the oil used to eliminate flatulence and intestinal colic manifested even in children of different age categories.
Another no less valuable useful property of this herbal medicine is its ability to eliminate pain. Oil mint extract helps to get rid of pain in muscle tissue. It is used as a massage or added to the bath.
If you still doubt that peppermint really has healing properties, then continue with us to explore its undeniable benefit. In the composition of the oil extract is salicylic acid. Due to the antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of peppermint, this herbal medicine can be used to treat a number of skin ailments and get rid of parasites, in particular:
- acne;
- dandruff;
- lice.
If you have ever tasted or made inhalation based on menthol oil, then you probably feel a slight chill that covers all the mucous surfaces. In addition, peppermint is very useful for our vessels. It is often used in the treatment of stenocardia and hypertensive ailments.
People suffering from a violation of urine excretion, it is recommended to take mint decoctions. Here is another useful property of peppermint - it has a diuretic effect.
Are you chased by chronic fatigue, and constant stress has thinned the nervous system? Why not try a course of aromatherapy or take decoctions made from mint leaves or essential oil extract? Serotonin, which is part of this herbal medicine, has a calming and regenerating effect on our nervous system.
Cough, nasal congestion and external factors do not have the best effect on our breathing. Peppermint will also help alleviate the symptoms of respiratory illnesses. As already mentioned, it was previously used to eliminate toothache. Today, herbalists advise to use this tool to get rid of unpleasant odors in the oral cavity, as well as for the treatment of a number of ailments.
Aromatic procedures using oil mint extract, improve memory and concentration of our attention. It is also believed that the use of this drug prevents the development of cancer and contributes to the speedy recovery after undergoing a course of radiation and biochemical therapy.
The main property of this plant is its ability to fight against various pathogenic microorganisms. The following pests for the human body are under the peppermint sight:
- Helicobacter;
- salmonella;
- staphylococcus.
Women on the note
Peppermint has special medicinal properties and contraindications for women. So, mint leaves or oil extract can be used with abundant menstrual bleeding, as well as to normalize the psycho-emotional state during periods of hormonal surges. Mint leaves help reduce pain in menstrual bleeding, because, as already mentioned, this herbal medicine has an antispasmodic effect.
Pregnancy is the best and most exciting period in the life of every woman. However, the joy and delights of waiting for a miracle disappear when toxicosis appears. Peppermint will help to cope with this phenomenon. Once in the body, the active substances of mint contribute to the production of enzymes, the normalization of digestive processes and getting rid of nausea.
Use broths and infusions prepared on the basis of mint, and can be during lactation. Nursing mothers can forget about cracks or pain in the nipples. Above, we have already discussed which ingredients are contained in mint leaves. In addition to them, mint is rich in tocopherol, ascorbic acid and vitamin D. As you understand, strengthening immunity and replenishing the vitamin reserve is another useful feature of this herbal medicine.
Briefly about the main thing: are there any contraindications?
Like any other herbal remedies, peppermint has its own contraindications. That is why it is so important to enlist the support of a specialist before using it. Avoid the use of infusions and decoctions, oil extracts or other means of traditional medicine, prepared on the basis of peppermint, if you have the following ailments:
- gastric achlorhydria;
- heartburn;
- allergic reactions;
- arterial hypotension;
- thrombophlebitis.
It is not recommended to give this medicinal herbal medicine to children under three years of age. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that increased doses of peppermint or its systematic use lower the concentration of the hormone testosterone, therefore, representatives of the strong half of humanity should be extremely careful to take mint remedies of traditional medicine.
As has been said many times, mint leaves are rich in the content of menthol ether extract. When it is excessively consumed, side effects may occur, in particular:
- dizziness;
- split eyes;
- nausea;
- gag reflexes;
- muscle weakness;
- drowsiness.
For the first time our ancestors met with the beneficial properties of peppermint in the 17th century. Indeed, its miraculous effect on our body has been tested by more than one generation. However, remember that self-treatment can be fraught with the development of negative consequences. Be healthy!