Paracoclusum in children
If the child began to cough badly, and he was diagnosed with "paracoclus", the parents immediately have doubts. Where does this disease come from, because whooping cough is vaccinated! In order to deal with this problem, let's talk about what is parakeetus of children, what are the symptoms, treatment, possible complications and prognosis.
Vaccination does not save: parakoklyush - who is sick and what is its danger?
Parakoklyushem is an infectious disease, which in its manifestations is practically no different from whooping cough. The main symptom of the disease is coughing. Risks to catch her kids from 3 to 6 years (including vaccinated from whooping cough); Such cases are rarely recorded in infants and adolescents.
Causes parakoklush one of the varieties of pertussis. Infection occurs through airborne droplets when in contact with a patient. The incidence is up to 15% of the number of registered cases of whooping cough. Compared with him, the disease is not so hard: rarely coughing attacks, and they are not so strong. It is especially dangerous for children under one year old. Possible complications are bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy.
To confuse paracoclus with ARVI or ORZ is possible only in the early stages of the disease. Because the attacks of whooping cough are very specific and not at all similar to those of a cold or bronchitis.
What are the symptoms of a child?
The disease goes through three stages. From the moment of infection to the initial signs, no more than 15 days will pass (on average, the latent period lasts from 5 to 8 days). Then parakoklush makes itself felt such manifestations.
Catarrhal period (lasts 3-14 days). It looks like this: a dry persistent cough occurs, in rare cases it is accompanied by a cold, the general state of health worsens. The temperature may remain within the normal range or slightly increase (up to 37.5). Parents usually regard all this as ARVI and begin to treat the child according to the standard scheme. But no antitussive drugs help reduce cough. He becomes stronger, acquires the character of attacks.
Spasmodic (can last 8 weeks or longer). Symptoms become more vivid. These include:
- paroxysmal cough, preceded by forerunners: the throat begins to tingle, the child is anxious. Coughing looks like jerky cough tremors (as you exhale), which follow one after the other. He is interspersed with reprises. This is a breath during which a whistling sound is heard, which is associated with a spasm of the glottis. Attacks are repeated up to 7 times a day;
- at the end of an attack, mucus is released or vomiting occurs;
- in the process of coughing, the child’s face turns red, gradually turns blue and becomes puffy,
- veins swell on the neck, red eyes;
- if the attack is very strong, spontaneous urination or excretion of feces may occur (more rarely, prolapse of the rectum);
- the patient sticks out his tongue strongly (he also acquires a bluish tinge);
- tears flow from the eyes;
- eyelids become swollen;
- sores and white patches can be found on the bridle of the tongue;
- the baby becomes irritable or lethargic.
Stage resolution (2-4 weeks). There is a cough without seizures, which appears less and less. The condition of the child gradually stabilizes.
It is impossible to distinguish whooping cough from parakoklyusha solely by symptoms.
What is needed for diagnosis?
To make an accurate diagnosis, a chest x-ray is determined, a smear bakposev (taken from the back of the pharynx), a blood test for the presence of antibodies to paracoclosis (they appear from 2-3 weeks from the onset of the disease and are detected within 3 months). It also takes into account whether there was a vaccination, whether the child has communicated with the patients with pertussis infection.
If there are signs of paracoclus symptoms in children, treatment should be carried out by one of these specialists: an infectious diseases specialist, pediatrician, ENT specialist, pulmonologist.
What treatment does a child need?
Typically, paracoclusum is treated at home. The patient is forbidden to attend the kindergarten for 25 days while he is carrying the infection. A two-week quarantine is imposed on the preschool institution. If a baby is ill up to 3 years old or the disease is severe, then it can be placed in a hospital.
There is no special treatment, symptomatic therapy is used. To reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures, parents are recommended to conduct the following activities:
- humid air inhalation using a nebulizer or oxygen therapy;
- maintaining optimum humidity and temperature (should not be dry and hot) in the room where there is a small patient;
- daily walks in the fresh air.
As for medicines, the doctor may prescribe such:
- Tussin, Bronholitin (at the stage of catarrhal phenomena);
- antibiotics from the group of macrolides (they are prescribed only in case of complicated parakoklyusha to children under one year old);
- soothing.
A good effect is given by physiotherapy and acupuncture.
What do popular healers recommend? Here are some of their tips:
- so that the patient is not so tormented by a cough, you should hang wet towels or sheets in the room;
- before sunrise take the child to the flowing water (rivers);
- give a decoction of the roots of Althea. Prepare it like this: 4 hours l. Of this raw material pour 2 tbsp. boiled water (cooled), insist 8 hours, drain. The child should drink all this portion of the day in small sips;
- honey treatment. Mix 1 part of freshly squeezed radish juice with 2 parts of honey. Take 3-4 p. per day for 1 tbsp. l .;
- curative composition of 100 g of viburnum berries and 200 g of honey. The ingredients are mixed, the composition is boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes, use 1 tbsp. l three times a day after meals.
How to protect your children from parakoklyusha?
Vaccination provides protection only from whooping cough. There are no special measures for the prevention of paracoclusum. To reduce the likelihood of a child meeting with harmful microorganisms, it is necessary to limit his contact with other babies (especially to stay away from coughing children).
No need to panic fear parakoklyusha. Usually, with this disease, the child’s condition does not suffer too much. Complications are rare, all children recover, and re-infection is unlikely. But never disregard unproductive cough without fever.