Magnesium b6
Did you meet with the preparation Magnesium B6 among other vitamin-mineral complexes? Did you have to take it? Do you know what it is for? Most reviews about Magnesium B6 can be heard from pregnant women. They are often assigned this complex specifically. The preparation contains 2 important components: magnesium and vitamin B (B6, also known as "pyridoxine").
These substances are mainly contained in food products. But due to eating disorders or physical and mental overload, hormonal alteration of the body, taking diuretics, magnesium deficiency can occur. Substances act in a pair, the vitamin improves the absorption of the mineral from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into the cells.
On the pharmacy shelves you can find a lot of analogues Magnesium B6. The macro element is called "female mineral". But separately for children Magnesium B6 is not available.
Why take the drug?
It is prescribed as a medicine for those who are deficient in magnesium. Thanks to pyridoxine, the body absorbs the active ingredients better. Vitamin also has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle and nervous system.
Most often, the complex is taken for cardiovascular diseases, and women are still in the period of gestation. As therapeutic and preventive measures it is used for insomnia, stress, nervous exhaustion.
The need for an additional supply of this biologically significant macrocell appears when:
- hypertension;
- osteoporosis;
- asthma;
- chronic constipation;
- diabetes;
- PMS;
- preeclampsia and eclampsia;
- cramps in the legs;
- obstructive pulmonary disease;
- urolithiasis;
- migraines;
- impaired metabolism;
- bipolar disorders.
What is the form of the drug?
Pharmaceutical forms of release: tablets and solution. The drug has virtually no side effects. The tool produces many pharmaceutical companies, so Magnesium B6 (the exact name of the drug "Magne B6") has analogues:
- Magnelis B6;
- Magnistad;
- Magnesium plus B6;
- Beresh plus;
- Magnefarm B6;
- Magvit B6;
- Magnicum and others
If you are looking for Manii B6 for children, then pay attention to the section "appointment" in the instructions for use. Some medicines can be given to children only from the age of one year; others can be given at all from 6 years of age. Mangistad, for example, is used in pediatrics, but only not before the child’s weight reaches 20 kg (in terms of weight and age, this is precisely six-year-olds).
Pediatric dosage is different from the adult, it is important to consider when taking. If you take more than you need, you may see:
- diarrhea;
- discomfort in the abdomen;
- nausea;
- gagging and vomiting;
- allergic reactions.
Magnesium B6: reviews
Irina Ivanova, therapist: "The drug really helps. However, without medical prescription and compliance with the dosage rules, I do not recommend taking the drugs myself, where magnesium compounds are the main active substances."
Elena Panfilova: "I took it during pregnancy. It helped me cope with the manifestations of hypertension. The pressure and heart rate returned to normal. The whole period passed without problems."
Maria Stepanova: “I was diagnosed with IRR. True, I didn’t see this disorder in the listed appointments. But once an expert appointed, it means not just that. And indeed - after a while, the headaches almost disappeared, and the vessels began to bother less.”
We can not constantly monitor the flow of all the necessary body substances in sufficient quantities. Therefore, it is necessary from time to time to take certain vitamin-mineral drug supplements. But it is necessary only after the subject consultation with the doctor.