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Lovage - Women's magazine



In the garden area, in addition to ornamental plants, pleasing the eye with their appearance, such cultures should be present that carry practical application: in most cases they are various medicinal plants. In particular, such an unpretentious perennial, as lovage, externally similar to celery, grows in almost every plot. What is he good at?

Due to the external similarity of these crops, most amateur gardeners who are not familiar with each of them too closely believe that lovage and celery are one and the same. In fact, they are somewhat mistaken: from the point of view of botany, these plants are "relatives", but no more. However, the lovage in the same way as celery, is edible from root to inch, has a bitter taste similar to it and a tart flavor. Unlike celery, it grows at the foot of the mountains, it is very fond of moisture, although in general it is rather unpretentious to the climatic conditions. It was at his place of residence that he was nicknamed "mountain celery".

The rhizome of lovage, by analogy with his "brother", is eaten raw or thermally processed, adding to salads, casseroles, and soups. But due to the fact that this plant is medicinal, its quantity for a child and an adult person per day should be limited to the established norms. The same applies to the green part of the lovage, which is mainly used for home preservation for the same purpose as the fennel umbrellas. In addition, in dry form, lovage tops are also suitable for adding them as spices in ready meals.

Lovage: photos and characteristics of the plant

Leaves and root of lovage: application in traditional medicine

As mentioned above, outwardly lovage is very much like celery, which is known to all: the same fleshy, thick root, the same long and lush tops, forming a dense bush. When flowering on it appear medium-sized white umbrellas, consisting of small yellow flowers, located tightly to each other. By their nature, lovage refers to perennials, from year to year the bush adds in size, but more it affects its width: in height it rarely exceeds 1.5 m.

With regard to the conditions of its cultivation, it is desirable to create around it the same situation that would be outside the garden. That is, the absence of direct sunlight is allowed, because lovage usually settles in the lowlands, or else they hit only the upper zone of the bush. Also, it should not be actively protected from frost. Even without any shelter, he will survive the cold winter, except that the absence of snow can freeze the roots. In this case, it is recommended to make the flooring from mulch.

Blossoming of lovage - the period from early July to late August, and the full maturation of the rhizome occurs closer to September. Until this time, the plant is almost unsuitable for food, except for the use of inches in small doses: for example, for brewing medicinal fees. And until the growing season and for this purpose, the green part of the lovage cannot be torn off.

In addition, the lovage has fruits that also ripen in autumn. They are small, oval in shape, rather dense, appearing in the place of yellowish flowers. Fruits are not a food product, but only a concentration of seeds used for further reproduction of the grass crop or the preparation of oil. The share of essential oil in them - the maximum, and is 1.5%. For comparison, in the leaves no more than 0.25%, in the roots - 0.5%.

Lovage: medicinal properties of the plant

Lovage plant

As for the main functions of lovage, here it is necessary to focus on a few points. First, it is the presence of essential oils in its ground part and rhizome. Among all the elements that make up these oils, acetic acid is most known, as well as cyneol, which provides the same tart flavor. Also in the leaves recorded the presence of vitamin C, tannins and minerals. The rhizome contains some organic acids (in particular, malic), as well as gums, sugars and starch. Due to the presence of the latter, as a food product, the rhizome of the Lubistokana is less valuable and nutritious than the celery root.

After a cursory study of the chemical composition of the plant, conclusions can be drawn about its healing properties. Its ability to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract is most actively expressed, which is manifested in the stimulation of appetite, as well as the relaxation of the muscles of the intestines - this allows the use of lovage decoction to reduce the severity of intestinal colic. Tannins work as a binder, so lovage is shown and as an assistant in the fight against diarrhea, including the one that has irritable bowel syndrome in the premises.

Lovage is also among the herbs that have a mild diuretic effect, as a result of which it is used for headaches, kidney problems, salt deposition in other areas, and other fluid delays in tissues. For the same reason, lovage can be a component of herbal collection, aimed at lowering blood pressure or restoring the functioning of the liver. Despite the rather mild effects of the plant, overdose can lead to dehydration. It should not be forgotten that lovage stimulates the flow of blood to the organs of the small pelvis, as a result of which it is prohibited during menstruation and pregnancy.

Since the leaves have a certain proportion of ascorbic acid, lovage is included in the group of immunostimulating medicinal herbs. Broths based on it allow you to remove sputum from the lungs, and if you use the roots, you can take advantage of their antibacterial effect. However, in domestic medicine, lovage is rarely turned to, except for its simple use in food in small doses, for example, seasoning to dishes. Here he plays the same role as dill - reduces the likelihood of flatulence, activates digestion and improves it, and a slight choleretic effect is possible.

Leaves and root of lovage: application in traditional medicine

lovage root: application

If we talk about the measured use of lovage with a specific purpose, and not to add it to various dishes, then the priority is to squeeze the juice from the leaves. It is used mainly externally: for the treatment of cuts and deep wounds, because it contains antibacterial disinfecting components.

Also with its help you can strengthen the hair, reduce the speed and extent of their loss, if you rub fresh juice of lovage into the scalp before each visit to the bathroom. It is enough to leave it for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with any of your shampoo. Essential oils present in the leaves of the plant, contribute to the activation of bulbs that are dormant. It is noteworthy that the same essential oils, obtained from the leaves of lovage, are rarely used as a natural aphrodisiac.

In addition, for external use, as is the case with the other herbs, you can make a weak decoction, which rinsed hair after washing your head. It also contributes to their strengthening, the appearance of a healthy shine and smoothness. However, with more serious problems, only decoction will not be enough. If you make it very strong, you can do the cleansing of the skin. There are chances to get rid not only of any rashes, but also to make the pigment spots less visible.

  • Inside the decoctions lovage can be used in the form of tea, when 1 tsp. herbs filled with boiling water (300 ml), and the resulting infusion is drunk immediately, or dosed, according to ΒΌ Art. or more, depending on the concentration of the decoction and the problem that needs to be solved. In particular, violations of the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated, if 7-10 days drink a decoction of lovage prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of 200 ml of boiling water is taken. crushed roots, under the lid, they boil until they are halved in volume, and then they are removed from the heat. Hot boiled water is added to the broth so that its volume is again equal to 200 ml., And before meals, they drink 1/3 tbsp. For neuralgia and cardiovascular problems, this decoction is taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. 3-4 p / day.
  • The infusion of lovage is less concentrated: the same 1 tablespoon, but already crushed leaves, 250 ml of boiling water is poured, and then after 2-3 minutes. The infusion is ready to eat. Its entire volume is divided into 4-5 receptions. Moreover, it is recommended to drain the liquid immediately after preparation so as not to increase the strength of the drink. In this case, the infusion will be used for prophylactic purposes or to eliminate minor "problems" in the body.

In addition to all the above, compresses with a decoction of lovage are applied to the places affected by rheumatism, it is used to treat the upper respiratory tract and even with dropsy.

It is possible and not to say that the grass, once considered among the healers of lovemaking, has long been a savior from many evils. But nevertheless, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using it inside, as traditional medicine can also have a number of individual contraindications and does not guarantee safety.