Leukomikolevaya ointment
Not always the price - the main criterion for the quality of the product, and this is true even for medical drugs. A lot of Russian-made products at a cheap price can have such a list of positive properties that it will bypass any widely promoted and expensive product. Left-Nicole ointment, released by Nizhpharm, is announced as a means of starting regenerative processes. What can it be used for, and how is its spectrum limited?
Left-Nicole ointment: instructions for use
Ointment Levomekol is a kind of "2 in 1": it is not only a powerful antiseptic, but also a means of stimulating tissue regeneration, as a result of which it can often be found among the surgeon's medicines. The range of application is, in fact, much wider than indicated in the instructions, but is it always justified?
- Active substances levomikolevoy ointment - an antibiotic chloramphenicol and is responsible for the regeneration of methyluracil. Such a composition causes the antibacterial and regenerating properties of the drug, but at the same time, gives grounds to put forward a long list of contraindications and restrictions when using Levomekol.
- Ointment is undesirable for persons with skin pathologies of fungal origin, eczema and psoriasis, acute forms of porphyria. Banned Levomekol in pathologies of the liver and kidneys, lactation, childhood and hypersensitivity. In addition, experts advise caution to those who have problems of a cardiovascular nature.
Like other drugs of this series, levomikolevaya ointment is suitable for its use for a long time, after which it is necessary to take a break: the body develops resistance to the antibiotic, as a result of which the effectiveness of therapy significantly decreases or disappears completely.
- The main scope of Levomekol is purulent wounds and skin diseases, trophic ulcers, burns (up to the 3rd degree), stitches and wet scars. It is possible to use the drug for pressure sores, cracks, etc., but with a prophylactic, rather than curative, purpose. In addition, the tool reduces puffiness by pulling out excess fluid from the tissues (significant dehydration). In addition, it enhances local immunity, as it promotes the production of interferon.
- It is important to remember that Levomekol can only be used externally! However, this does not exclude the use of the drug in open wounds.
- Therapy with the participation of levomikolevogo ointment involves its application to the affected area with a dense layer and the subsequent rubbing of the drug. To eliminate most of the problems, a bandage of several layers of gauze (cotton wool is not desirable) or a natural fabric without dyes in the fibers is required. Compress can be changed 1-2 times per day, the duration of the course is determined by the speed of pulling the pus from the wound. The general term is up to 10 days.
- If Levomekol is included in the therapy against erosion, inflammation of the appendages or discrepancies of postoperative sutures, small cotton swabs soaked in the preparation must be inserted into the vagina overnight. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, the total period is 10-14 days.
- Levomikolevaya ointment can be applied to sinusitis or otitis media: for this purpose, the nasal passages or auricles from the inside are smeared with a thin layer of the drug, the procedure is repeated in the morning and evening throughout the week. In the ears, you can put a classic cotton swabs, leaving them overnight.
The use of levomikolevoy ointment on problem skin
There are also non-standard ways of using this tool, repeatedly mentioned in consumer reviews. In particular, in order to cleanse problem skin with active rashes. How justified the risk, only experts can say, however, judging by the comments of girls and women, the use of Levomekol as an anti-inflammatory ointment is relatively safe, if you take care.
- In the presence of large, inflamed, subcutaneous acne, distribute the ointment to the problem areas in a dense but thin layer, rub in a little, as the remedy for heat begins to flow. Leave for several hours, remove with a damp cotton pad. It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2 times a day, for 4-5 days - this period, judging by the reviews, is enough to get rid of even the largest eruptions. Some girls used for 3 weeks, but by the end of the term there is an addiction to the components of the drug.
- The important moment already mentioned earlier and noticed by all the girls who used Levomekol as an anti-inflammatory ointment - areas covered by the agent may itch, and a slight tingling and even burning may be possible.
- The use of levomikoleva ointment on normal and prone to dryness, as well as sensitive skin is not recommended, because it greatly dehydrates the areas to which it is applied, which is noticed even in women with fatty skin type.
- It is better not to apply the drug to the lip area and around the eyes.
As a result, the inflammations are “burned”, drying and removing themselves, but the ointment will certainly not completely cleanse the skin: light traces remain. Levomekol will also not remove scars from post-acne, but it can be a good emergency remedy when it is urgent to get rid of several sudden inflammations.
The key disadvantage of Levomekol when it is used in this capacity - it does not cure and does not eliminate the problem - it only eliminates its external manifestations. Consequently, in the case when inflammation is caused by internal malfunctions of the body, after interrupting the course of the ointment, acne reappears on the skin.
Levomecol from burns
In case of burns of up to 3rd degree, the levomikolevaya ointment can act as a stimulator of regeneration, a means of pulling pus, a drying agent, and even the elimination of dead tissue. It can be applied to both open and closed wounds, which are necessarily washed with cold water.
- In case of not extensive burns, it is enough to treat the damaged area with a thin layer of ointment, without covering this area.
- Extensive areas require the application of a compress: Levomekol is applied in a dense layer on the gauze folded several times. The dressing is done daily, the frequency depends on the condition of the wound - in particular, its moisture.
The duration of treatment with Levomekol for burns is determined by the rate of healing: compresses can be applied until the skin is fully restored.
Levomekol from hemorrhoids
Instructions for use of the ointment allows the use of the drug in the presence of cracks and open wounds on the mucous, but in this situation Levomekol works more like a prophylactic than healing or emergency help at the time of exacerbation, reducing the intensity of inflammation and pain.
- Before using the ointment, it is necessary to wash the anus and surrounding areas, then dry and treat with a thin layer of the drug. It is advisable to perform the procedure in the evening to reduce the likelihood of soiled laundry. The course of treatment depends on the duration of inflammation, but usually does not exceed 10 days.
As can be observed in the above material, the levomikolevaya ointment is multifunctional: antibacterial and wound healing properties, supported by anti-inflammatory action, allows the use of the drug for the treatment of skin lesions of varying severity. But, taking into account the presence of the antibiotic in the list of active ingredients, experts advise caution and undergo medical consultation before starting treatment.