Leg edema
Many people experience swelling of the limbs. The swelling of the legs makes it impossible to wear your favorite shoes or fully enjoy life. Today we will talk about such a phenomenon as edema of the legs. The causes and treatment of this disease in older people have their own characteristics.
Leg swelling: we are looking for a reliable cause
As already mentioned, each of us faces this unpleasant phenomenon such as puffiness at least once in a lifetime. And here we begin to complain about too drunk liquid, too salty food or a long stay in a fixed state. It is good if the swelling appears only once and is really associated with fluid retention.
But in older women, legs swell much more often and sometimes serve as a signal about the development of the disease. The reasons can be very diverse. Let's start by considering the natural factors that influence the appearance of edema. As you understand, such reasons are not related to the disease, but are the result of improper diet or lifestyle.
If you begin to notice that it is extremely rare, but your legs begin to swell, the reason most likely lies in the excessive consumption of liquid or eating too salty foods. As you know, salt delays the removal of fluids from the body, with the result that we observe such an unpleasant phenomenon. It is women who suffer most from edema. That is why today's conversation is entirely devoted only to women.
Often, women who are in reproductive age, notice not only weight gain, but also the appearance of edema in the legs on the eve of menstrual bleeding. This is a completely normal process that does not require medical intervention or medical treatment. As a rule, edemas disappear by themselves with the normalization of hormonal levels.
In addition to the above causes of edema, the following are also considered to be natural factors:
- increased air temperature affecting the circulation of fluid in the connective tissues;
- pregnancy;
- long stay in the same uncomfortable position.
Perhaps you have heard complaints more than once in a philistine conversation that feet are numb. Squeezing of soft tissues directly affects the circulation of fluid and blood, which may also cause puffiness.
When is it necessary to sound the alarm?
If you notice that the swelling appears systematically and it has nothing to do with your diet or in a vital way, then you need to contact the hospital. Most often in such situations helps the therapist. In identifying the pathology of a narrow profile, a gynecologist, a neuropathologist, a traumatologist can come to the rescue.
Let's still find out why the legs swell in women, and, most importantly, what to do? The primary cause of the appearance of edema of the lower extremities may be venous insufficiency. As medical practice shows, about a third of the pathologies, a symptom of which is edema, fall to the proportion of vascular surgeons.
Along with such an unpleasant symptom, a woman may feel discomfort, and sometimes pain when pressing on soft tissue. The feeling of discomfort is constantly experienced, and after a long walk the legs refuse to obey at all. In such cases, do not even help cool baths, gels and massage. As a rule, this disease is subject only to surgical treatment.
Varicose veins can be safely ranked as one of the common ailments of modern times. Due to the hectic rhythm of life and excessive activity for women to rest almost no time left. The result is varicose veins. Of course, this pathology does not appear in all the representatives of the weaker sex, however, in recent years, the age of this disease has significantly decreased. The consequence of varicose veins can be the formation of blood clots. And thrombosis causes severe pain.
Swelling in the legs of older women may be associated with trauma. Even if you did not attach importance to injury or dislocation, this does not mean that the ligaments, small vessels and muscle tissue are in perfect order. Be sure to go to a specialist if you feel a strong pain syndrome.
The cause of edema may be overweight. Just imagine how overwhelmed all the muscle tissue, blood vessels and internal organs. Of course, that the full outflow of fluid will be involuntarily disturbed. The appearance of edema may be associated with long-term use of certain groups of pharmacological drugs.
Also, the reasons for the appearance of edema of the legs should include the following ailments:
- vitamin B1 deficiency;
- pathology of the cardiovascular system;
- hepatic diseases, in particular, cirrhosis;
- nephrotic syndrome;
- pulmonary hypertension;
- chronic pancreatitis;
- reflex dystrophy of a symptomatic nature;
- allergic reactions;
- joint tissue disease;
- putting pressure on the iliac vein;
- lymphedema, etc.
Diagnose the cause of edema
If you notice that swelling in the legs has become a common occurrence, you should not begin to randomly and uncontrollably take pharmacological agents that have a diuretic effect. If you are not a doctor, you do not need to establish a diagnosis yourself, let alone start any treatment. First of all, the specialist must establish the reason, depending on which the correct and effective treatment tactics will be built.
To make a reliable diagnosis, a profile doctor may prescribe a patient to undergo a series of procedures, in particular:
- blood test delivery;
- laboratory urine testing;
- ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs and peritoneum;
- electrocardiogram;
- X-ray;
- computed tomography, etc.
There are also a number of techniques - the so-called samples, by which the doctor can visually be able to determine the magnitude and the probable cause of the appearance of edema.
We will return to the legs the former beauty and lightness.
The appearance of edema in old age is not necessarily a symptom of a health hazard. Unfortunately, over the years we all grow old, and nobody can stop this process. Due to age-related changes, the structure of connective tissues becomes loose. The urinary system is fully functional, but the former rate of excretion of fluid is no longer there.
Do not start to panic ahead of time, because only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Puffiness, regardless of the cause that gave rise to its occurrence, is amenable to successful and often therapeutic treatment.
Treatment of leg edema in heart failure should be carried out under the supervision of a cardiologist. This symptom is one of the specific, indicating heart problems or circulatory disorders. As you understand, it is possible to get rid of edema only by eliminating the cause, that is, healing the heart disease.
There are many ways to treat edema. First of all, a profile specialist will definitely require you to eat a balanced and healthy diet, eliminating salt and reducing fluid intake. Secondly, women are recommended to wear compression underwear, which will help reduce the load on the vessels.
For the treatment of edema can be used various pharmacological agents in the form of ointments, gels. As a rule, they help to normalize blood circulation, as well as minimize the likelihood of blood clots.
Diuretics are taken only by appointment of a specialized doctor and for a certain time. Self-activity is useless here, because besides edema you can earn weight problems, and your blood pressure will begin to fluctuate with inconceivable intensity.
Massages and proper rest also contribute to getting rid of edema. But in case of violation of the outflow of lymph and blood in the vessels, as already mentioned, surgical intervention may be required.
Some women use various herbal remedies to get rid of edema. Traditional medicine is not prohibited, however, before using any herbal extracts, ointments or self-made infusions, you need to enlist the support of your doctor.
As you can see, edema does not always have a pathological nature. Proper nutrition, massages, proper rest and physical activity will help you return your legs to their former lightness and beauty. If you believe that such a sign signals the development of the disease, do not delay on a visit to the doctor. Remember that only a person going in the right direction can cope with the road to recovery. Be healthy!