Last-generation antihypertensive drugs
Arterial hypertension is a real scourge of modern society. Its victims are getting younger, and the forces of many leading pharmaceutical companies are directed at combating this dangerous insidious disease. The result of their work was the hypotensive drugs of the last generation - a whole list of products that are more effective and safe for the body than the previous ones.
To live and be treated in a new way
What is hypertension, or, simply, hypertension, is known to everyone. If the numbers on the tonometer have repeatedly exceeded the permissible limits, then it is time to consult a doctor. It is important to remember that, even noticing the signs of hypertension, you cannot prescribe medication for yourself. It is important not only to eliminate the symptoms, but also to correctly influence the initial cause.
Medicine has been struggling with this disease for many years, the choice of antihypertensive drugs in pharmacies is quite large. But most of the drugs, the names of which are still familiar to our grandmothers, do not cure hypertension, but only mask it, giving the body a temporary respite. Some of them have a sedative effect, affecting the nervous system; others affect the blood vessels, weakening the tone of the walls. Almost all of these drugs have a huge list of contraindications and side effects: increased heart rate, palpitations, sweating - only a small fraction. Prescribe them should be a doctor, taking into account the patient's history. It is strictly forbidden to stop taking medicines on your own and abruptly stop taking them!
Simultaneously with antihypertensive drugs, diuretics are prescribed. They have a positive effect on the work of the heart, reduce the volume of fluid in the tissues, block the formation of adrenaline. But, removing potassium from the body, diuretics violate the metabolic processes, causing the deposition of calcium salts. In addition, long-term use can cause diabetes, weakness, insomnia and impotence in the stronger sex.
Somewhat differently, at the cell level, adrenergic blockers, calcium antagonists and ACE inhibitors act. They are prescribed to people suffering from diabetes, with atherosclerosis and problems with the thyroid gland.
Still, obtaining new-generation drugs is a real breakthrough in the treatment of hypertension. In addition to effectively reducing blood pressure, lowering blood cholesterol levels, protecting blood vessels, the antihypertensive drugs of the new generation have another very important quality: their action is cumulative and continues even after the drug is removed from the body.
The list of antihypertensive drugs of the last generation (third) includes losartan, fiziotenz, aegilok.
Losartan (Losartan): instructions, application
The drug Losartan - an antagonist of angiotensin II receptors. It is prescribed for people with arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure. Losartan reduces the likelihood of stroke, protects the kidneys, allows you to increase physical activity for people with heart failure. The drug enhances the effect of other antihypertensive drugs. It is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women, at the time of its admission it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.
How to take losartan, the doctor must say, because in each case the approach must be individualized. As a rule, a small dose is prescribed, which gradually increases until the patient's state stabilizes.
Physiotens (moxonidine): a miracle pill?
Among the drugs of the new generation of central action is to distinguish fiziotenz. Possessing a very high bioavailability, the drug reaches its maximum plasma concentration in about an hour, and after 2 the elimination half-life ends. 90% of the funds excreted in the urine.Physiotens, the indications for which are considered to be a reduction in blood pressure numbers and the treatment of hypertension, do not have a teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effect, which is confirmed by clinical trials.
After the start of the course of physiotherapy, patients experience a significant decrease in pressure, and after the cessation of withdrawal, no withdrawal syndrome occurs, the effect is maintained. In patients taking this drug, there is a lack of sharp jumps in blood pressure, even in stressful situations. Therefore, the drug can be applied to drivers and people engaged in work requiring attention and concentration.
Egilok: one tablet is enough
Choosing egilok as a drug, the indication for which is also arterial hypertension, it is necessary to take into account the associated symptoms: increased heart rate, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, the threat of stroke and heart attack. Egilok reduces heart rate, relieves angina attacks, improves overall health. The maximum effect is observed 90 minutes after administration. The dosage is selected by the attending physician, depending on the severity of the disease and related illnesses.
Hypertension is an insidious disease. But you can cope with it if you do not start the course of the disease, consult a doctor in time and follow his recommendations. Last-generation antihypertensive drugs will help to block not only the manifestations of hypertension, but also its cause, making the life of a person suffering from high blood pressure high-grade.