Intestinal probiotics
In medical practice, two terms are often used - probiotics and prebiotics, but their etymology is not known to everyone. Each of us is well aware that for the normal functioning of the body and the fight against pathogens need good bacteria. These are probiotics for the intestines, the list of which is very long.
In today's article we will talk about them.
Probiotics and prebiotics - what is it?
For the full operation of the human body, probiotics are considered indispensable bacteria. They inhabit the intestinal microflora and actively fight pathogenic microorganisms. Probiotics are found in certain foods and in pharmacological preparations. For a long time, treating experts argued that they were useful bacteria, and only in the second millennium a reliable answer was found to this question.
It is considered that probiotics are living microorganisms, the concentration of which in the right amount normalizes the functioning of the intestine. With their deficiency, diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, antispasmodic sensations can occur.
As for prebiotics, they are organic compounds that produce probiotics. Despite the similar name, probiotics and prebiotics are two different concepts. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that probiotics are positive bacteria necessary for the normal functioning of the intestine. And prebiotics are compounds that affect the production of probiotics and inhibit the pathogenic and pathogenic elements found in the body.
Independently, a person cannot determine the concentration of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Against the background of emerging symptoms and disorders, only the attending specialist can prescribe the necessary pharmacological preparations.
The impact of beneficial bacteria on the body
Despite the fact that probiotics and prebiotics are considered interrelated elements, their effects on our body are significantly different. Probiotics play a very important role in the human body, in particular:
- due to the population of the intestinal microflora dysbacteriosis is eliminated by such positive bacteria, the functioning of this organ is normalized;
- strengthens the physical condition in general;
- essential vitamin K, folic acid and biotin are produced;
- reproduction of pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms, fungal compounds, yeast and viruses is inhibited;
- by splitting bile acids, cholesterol levels are reduced;
- intestinal functioning is normalized, the digestive process improves;
- when probiotics are produced in the body, intestinal motility is normalized, as a result of which you can get rid of bloating, flatulence, impaired stool, colic, etc .;
- the digestive process is normalized, thereby reducing the time of digestion and its entry into the large intestine;
- immunity increases, and also intoxication of an organism is eliminated;
- due to the complete production of probiotics, it is possible to prevent the spread of pathogens that provoke the development of ulcerative pathologies and gastritis;
- normal concentration of probiotics in the intestinal microflora allows you to quickly restore the body after prolonged use of antibiotic pharmaceutical preparations;
- probiotics can quickly cure intestinal type infections and stop diarrhea.
As already mentioned, due to prebiotics, beneficial microorganisms are produced and multiply in the intestinal microflora. They generally have a beneficial effect on the human body. In addition, the normal concentration of prebiotics contributes to the improvement of digestive and metabolic processes. As medical practice shows, prebiotics have the following effects:
- reduce the number of pathogenic and pathogenic microbes in the intestinal environment;
- promote intestinal colonization by beneficial bacteria of various types;
- eliminate excessive mucus content on the intestinal walls;
- improve the condition of the colon and contribute to its speedy healing;
- due to prebiotics, the normal level of acid-base balance is maintained;
- stimulates the active production of fortified elements of groups B and K;
- intestinal immunity strengthens;
- restored natural intestinal microflora.
Probiotics and prebiotics for the intestines: a list
As a result of long-term studies of the intestinal microflora and, in fact, prebiotics and probiotics, the treating specialists and scientists have compiled an exhaustive list of beneficial bacteria and organic compounds. The probiotics include the following types of beneficial bacteria:
- lacto-and bifidobacteria of various groups;
- types of beneficial bacteria Escherichia Coli non-pathogenic type;
- painful microorganisms of the species Bacillus;
- yeast-type beneficial fungi;
- some types of enterococci.
Among the prebiotics include various organic and fortified elements, food products, in particular:
- calcium pantothenate;
- retinol;
- ascorbic acid;
- tocopherol;
- pectins;
- dietary fiber;
- lactulose;
- selenium;
- lectins;
- oligosaccharides contained in human milk;
- inulin
In addition, prebiotics are found in a number of foods, for example, in corn, garlic, potatoes, rice, pumpkin. Algae extracts and beneficial yeasts can also be considered as prebiotics.
Adult Medicines
The development of dysbacteriosis indicates an incomplete concentration of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora. To regulate the balance of probiotics and cure the disease, gastroenterologists prescribe pharmacological preparations containing live microorganisms that must inhabit the intestines. They can be produced in various pharmacological forms. Such pharmaceutical products should be stored in strict accordance with the instructions, so that the drug does not lose its beneficial properties.
Probiotics are classified by generations. There are four of them. The first generation of probiotic preparations should include:
- Bifidumbacterin;
- Colibacterin;
- Lactobacterin;
- Narine;
- Primadofilus;
- Biobacton.
The following pharmacological agents are referred to probiotic preparations of the second generation:
- Sporobacterin;
- Baktisubtil;
- Biosporin;
- Eubicor;
- Enterol.
The third generation of probiotics is complex drugs, including several different bacterial strains. These include:
- Linex;
- Bifilis;
- Atsipol;
- Atsilakt.
Fourth generation probiotic preparations are sorbed. These include the following pharmacological agents:
- Florin;
- Bifidumbacterin Forte;
- Probifor.
The generation of probiotics is selected exclusively in accordance with the degree of dysbiosis. You should not take probiotics on your own, only a gastroenterologist or therapist should prescribe them.
Probiotics for children
Domestic medicine in its practice uses about 100 types of different probiotics that can be given to children of different age categories. Only a pediatrician or a narrow specialist can prescribe a pharmacological agent in accordance with the lack of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora.
The babies are given the following probiotics:
- preparations containing one component - Lactobacterin, Backspin, Bifidumbacterin;
- multi-component probiotic agents, for example, Bifiform or Bifikol;
- complex tools consisting of pro-and prebiotics - Atsipol and Beefilis;
- sorbent drugs, for example, Bifidumbacterin Forte or Florin.
The duration of administration and dosage of pro-and prebiotics depend on the form of dysbiosis.
As you can see, without probiotics and prebiotics, the full functioning of the human body at any age is impossible. The beneficial bacteria that inhabit the intestinal flora, contribute not only to the normal physiological state, but also to the destruction of pathogenic and pathogenic elements. Adjust your diet, because many prebiotics that contribute to the production of probiotics are found in foods. Be healthy!