Heaviness in the stomach after eating
To date, this condition, as the heaviness in the stomach will surprise no one. Many factors can contribute to its occurrence. One way or another, this is an unpleasant phenomenon that can and must be fought. The heaviness in the stomach interferes with daily activities, worsens the quality of life, limits physical activity. In the presence of such a symptom, it is desirable to be examined by a gastroenterologist.
Heaviness in the stomach: causes
There are a number of factors that trigger stomach heaviness:
- Overeating - an excess of food is harmful to the stomach, as it is not fraught with constipation and digestive disorders, including weight.
- Alcohol, smoking, lemonades, strong tea, coffee, kvass - all this irritates the gastric mucosa, which leads to severity and discomfort.
- Chronic diseases of the digestive tract.
- Unconventional food. When food contains an insufficient amount of important vitamins and trace elements - this leads to problems of the gastric mucosa. This also contributes to the irregularity of meals, fast foods, food on the go, the lack of liquid and hot food in the diet.
- Heavy, fatty, sweet, fried foods and food incompatibility.
- Experiences and stress - all this harms our digestion. Eating under stress does not allow food to be fully digested. In this case, heaviness in the stomach can occur along with severe discomfort.
- Some people have a feeling of heaviness in the stomach in the morning - this indicates too late dinner. The stomach simply does not have time to cope with the food eaten before sleep, and in a dream the processes of digestion and peristalsis slow down. As a result, a person wakes up broken, with a headache and heaviness in the stomach.
A feeling of heaviness after eating may be accompanied by belching, nausea, and difficulty breathing. In especially severe cases, vomiting may occur. If it is repeated constantly, then the person loses weight, since the food is practically not absorbed.
How to get rid of the problem?
People who had stomach pains were probably wondering how to get rid of it. The first thing you need to do is to trace the situations in which this unpleasant phenomenon occurs. When you know the root cause, it will be easier to get rid of it. If self-treatment does not help, this is a reason to turn to a gastroenterologist.
To get rid of the feeling of heaviness, you need to follow the following recommendations:
- Eat often, preferably at the same time and in small portions - so the food will be easier to digest and digest. People who suffer from stomach heaviness after eating, overeating and prolonged fasting are contraindicated;
- Chew food thoroughly, not swallow whole pieces;
- Minimize the use of fried, fatty, spicy, salty and sweet foods. Completely eliminate from the diet alcohol and carbonated drinks;
- Properly combine foods for one meal;
- Go in for sports;
- Do not eat before bedtime;
- Learn to cope with emotions and stresses, do not overstrain mentally and physically;
- Observe the temperature regime of food: cold, like hot, food is contraindicated in case of heaviness in the stomach.
- Normalize your weight.
If you did everything right, but the feeling of heaviness in the stomach did not pass, try using the following methods:
- 30 minutes before a meal, drink ½ tbsp. infusion of chamomile, yarrow or centaury;
- Put a warm diaper on your stomach, and after 10 - 15 minutes make a massage, stroking your stomach in a clockwise direction for 30 minutes;
- Engage in gymnastics, yoga or dancing. Especially help belly dancing, strip plastic and Bellydance;
- For 1 - 2 hours before sleep, drink 1 tbsp. kefir;
- Sometimes (for example, during holidays) you can use special preparations that relieve the heaviness in the stomach. Among them, mezim, festal, panzinorm, motilium, renny, cerucal, metoclopramide, allohol, domperidone, etc., have proven themselves well. But you should not get involved in drugs, otherwise the stomach can get used to them and stop producing their own enzymes.
Why does stomach heaviness occur during pregnancy?
The first of the most common complaints during pregnancy is heaviness in the stomach. In this case, a woman can not overeat, do not abuse too heavy and harmful food. Do not worry, for future mothers - this is a common phenomenon along with toxicosis. This is due to a number of physiological reasons provoked by pregnancy.
During pregnancy, the woman's body suffers some adjustment, in the first place, immunity decreases. This is due to an increase in the blood hormone estrogen, followed by changes in the stomach (changes in acidity, the intensity of the production of gastric juice, the production of enzymes, the digestion of food, etc.).
In late pregnancy, severity may occur due to intra-abdominal pressure, which is constantly increasing as the uterus and fetus grows. At the same time, the stomach seems to be squeezed out, and in the meantime, it makes itself felt.
To cope with pregnant women with heaviness in the stomach should be exactly the same as ordinary people. The only difference is that it is better not to take medications in order not to harm the unborn baby. Check with your doctor to check your tests, prescribe treatment and warn you about other causes of stomach severity during pregnancy.
Heaviness in the stomach - one of the unpleasant symptoms experienced by almost every person. It interferes with daily activities, to lead an active life. To cope with the severity, you need to follow the recommendations on nutrition, as well as visit the doctor so that he prescribes you a proper treatment.