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Gases - Women's magazine



Unpleasant, heavy sensations in the abdomen, a feeling of bloating occur sometimes even in the most healthy people. Often they are accompanied by acute pain and flatulence. The containment of gases greatly aggravates the situation. And if you're not at home, the situation sometimes seems disastrous. What is the cause of bloating? How to get rid of the problem quickly and efficiently?

Why is he bloated?

Why is he bloated? - causes bloating

The cause of bloating is most often the accumulation of gas. There are only two ways to form intestinal gases. This is the ingestion of air and the formation of gases already inside, in the intestine. But the reasons for this, in turn, can be many:

  • Banal overeating. The digestive system did not cope with the abundance of food, and part of the food was undigested. The digestion process continues as this volume progresses further through the small intestine and is accompanied by the release of gases.
  • The use of poorly matched products. As a result - a violent chemical reaction.
  • Regular use of soda with increased acidity of the stomach (forced alkalization). We all saw what was happening during the soda vinegar quenching. Gastric acid interacts with soda in approximately the same way.
  • Hurried food, ingestion of un-chewed pieces. Into the esophagus enters the air, which moves on. In this case, all can do a little blood - enhanced belching.
  • Fermentation process as a result of taking provocative products, especially in large quantities. For example, kvass. Fermentation is always accompanied by the release of gases.
  • Excessive consumption of carbonated beverages. In this case, the gases enter the stomach in a ready-made form. Some of them come out with belching, and some may cause bloating.
  • Greasy food, causing a feeling of heaviness and stagnation in the stomach. Such a meal is long and hard to digest. This creates a congestion in the stomach, as a result of which there may accumulate something that causes increased gas formation.
  • Constipation. Prolonged absence of stool, the accumulation of feces can lead to the accumulation of gases.
  • Use legumes, which cause increased intestinal gas formation. Especially in cases where their output is difficult.
  • Sharp diet change, especially with emphasis on heavy food. Unusual food. The body does not cope well with sorting and proper splitting of what it receives. Sometimes it can not cope due to the lack of the required number of necessary enzymes. He simply did not produce them until that moment as superfluous.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Violation of the intestinal flora, lack of beneficial microorganisms for healthy digestive processes.
  • Helminthiasis (worms, parasites).
  • Gastritis and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The mechanism of bloating and flatulence in each case may have its own characteristics.
  • Pancreatitis and abnormal development of the gallbladder.

Dangerous reasons!

In some cases, bloating may be a symptom of a dangerous condition.

In some cases, bloating may be a symptom of a dangerous condition. Here are some:

  • obstruction of the intestinal lumen by a foreign body;
  • physical bowel obstruction due to the formation of loops, volvulus;
  • dynamic obstruction (cramps, intestinal paralysis);
  • inversion of the pancreas.

If one of these causes is suspected, urgent medical care is required. As a rule, such a swelling is not accompanied by flatulence. Related symptoms

The trouble, as they say, does not come alone, and other unpleasant disorders can be added to the distended stomach:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • frequent belching;
  • abnormal stools (diarrhea and constipation);
  • hiccups;
  • unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • loud rumbling in the stomach;
  • pain and heaviness, feeling of tension in the abdominal cavity.

All human organs are interconnected through the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic and other systems. In this regard, negative reactions to gas accumulations and from these organs are not uncommon. Although, it would seem, they do not take any part in digestion. There are headaches, shortness of breath, mood deteriorates, physical activity decreases, sleep disappears, palpitations become more frequent, etc.

Bloating after eating: causes and treatment

If the stomach is swollen after eating and this happens regularly, leave it unattended. If you do not eat regularly provoking foods, then there are disorders of the digestive process. It is necessary to investigate the gastrointestinal tract to eliminate the pathology. Based on the foregoing reasons for bloating after eating, treatment should be administered after the examination. What it should include:

  1. It is necessary to pass an analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis and the presence of helminth infections.
  2. Investigate gastric juice for acidity.
  3. Make an abdominal ultrasound. Pay attention to the condition and position of the pancreas.

It should be noted that if there is a disposition to bloating and flatulence, a whole series of provocative products should be excluded from the diet. These are all kinds of legumes and cabbage, some dairy products (in particular, ready-made yogurts), raw apples, peaches, radishes, green peppers and some others. Do not eat lemonade and kvass.

Individual intolerance of some product is often observed, although at the same time it looks completely harmless. It must be categorically excluded.

Urgent Care

What if after eating bloating and gas?

What to do if after eating bloating and flatulence? What urgent measures can be taken? First of all try to divert gases. If bloated stomach is accompanied by flatulence, and you are in cramped conditions, do not expect that it will be better. It will not be better, the state will deteriorate. If time does not give an exit to gases, it can be difficult to do it later. The pain at the same time can become intolerable.

Take activated carbon or other enterosorbent, such as enterosgel, an enzyme. If you feel a lot of pain, lie down. Stroking the abdomen in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. However, remember that physical activity is better at removing gases.

Folk remedies for bloating

In addition to receiving sorbent drugs, you can turn to traditional medicine. The simplest and widely used tool is dill water. To obtain it, you need to brew 400 g of boiling water 2 tsp. dill seeds. Infusion is maintained at least half an hour. Frequently, every hour, 1/2 tbsp. Fennel can be replaced with fennel. Infusions and teas using thyme, chamomile, St. John's wort, parsley, oregano and angelica give a good effect.

Swollen belly and flatulence in pregnant women

When carrying a child, this problem occurs very often. There are specific reasons for this:

  • weakened pancreatic enzyme production;
  • compression of the intestine, depression of its motor function by the growing uterus;
  • changes in hormonal levels that contribute to the weakening of muscle tone.

However, no matter how natural the cause of flatulence and swelling may seem to you, you should notify your doctor. She may be much more serious.

Colic newborns

In infants, bloating is called colic. They are accompanied by severe pains, the child screams. The causes of colic are several:

  • air ingestion during feeding (large nipple, incorrect position of the nipple, rapid swallowing);
  • binge eating;
  • unacceptability of the composition of breast milk or mixture.

It should be understood that babies' colic is not a disease, but a common occurrence. But it is very painful, so all possible measures to alleviate the condition of the baby should be taken.

Preventing bloating

Preventing bloating

  1. Do not abuse products that cause fermentation and increased gas formation.
  2. Keep track of the compatibility of what you eat.
  3. Do not drink at a time more than 1 tbsp. carbonated drink or kvass.
  4. Prefer raw, complex carbohydrates.
  5. If bloating and flatulence haunt you constantly, get tested. You can take enzymes in the form of food additives.
  6. Eat buckwheat and rice.
  7. Include porridge in the morning menu. It perfectly cleans the intestines from "yesterday".
  8. Drink water. A glass of mineral water half an hour before a meal in many cases can help get rid of the "gas" problem.
  9. Replace fresh vegetables with stews. If swelling is caused by fresh fruit, go for dried fruit.
  10. Avoid overeating.
  11. If the swelling did not pass the next day, subject to bowel movements, you should consult a doctor.

So, to alleviate the state of bloating after eating, you should, first of all, eliminate harmful eating habits. Having understood what led to this problem, you can take steps to eliminate it. Remember that bloating is not a disease in itself, but can be a symptom of a disease. So, repeated cases should not be ignored.