Recently, more and more people began to complain about the manifestation of an allergic reaction. Someone allergies can be seasonal or chronic, and some complain about the appearance of itching or rash due to the use of pharmacological drugs. The reasons for the emergence of allergies, there are many. But regardless of them, most people take Diazolin to block allergic processes. Indications for use of the drug, especially its dosage, distinctive features, contraindications - we will reveal all these questions in our article.
What helps with allergies?
As practice shows, there are an uncountable number of reasons for the occurrence of an allergic reaction in people of different age categories. But despite this, the algorithm of manifestation of allergy is the same for everyone. The body contains histamines, which, when interacting with receptors, cause the development of allergic processes. To prevent or eliminate this, you need to take an antihistamine that will block histamines in a timely manner.
Pharmacological agent Diazolin has become widespread among allergic people. It contains a substance - mebgidrolin, which is an antihistamine. Due to its composition and action, diazolin perfectly suits people of different ages, including children. Already 15 minutes after taking the pharmaceutical, the antihistamine begins to act actively, thereby preventing the interaction of allergens with receptors. Diazolin not only copes with the manifestation of allergies, but also removes the swelling of mucous membranes.
The drug is available in the form of tablets (dragees) with a percentage of antihistamine in the amount of 50 and 100 mg.
Diazolin: indications for use
Many people ask: from what pills Diazolin? Treatment specialists advise taking Diazolin in such cases:
- in the event of an allergic reaction to various insect bites;
- in the event of hay fever;
- in case of allergy as a side effect after taking pharmacological preparations;
- with eczema;
- in case of conjunctivitis (the drug does not eliminate inflammation, but reduces swelling of the mucous surface and relieves itching);
- with the appearance of rashes on the skin of any origin.
If you have bouts of allergies happen in a certain period and are associated with an irritant, then Diazolin can be taken for prevention. It is not possible to get rid of the allergy completely, but the symptoms can be alleviated significantly. Often, treating specialists prescribe their patients Diazolin, if they are allergic to food.
There are debates among doctors about the effectiveness of Diazolin in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Quite often, just such a remedy is prescribed in combination with other drugs for its treatment. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
How to take diazolin?
The drug Diazolin should be taken only with meals. Tablets do not need to grind, pills taken orally whole. Depending on the extent of the disease and the symptoms, Diazolin can act in the human body for an average of 2 days. In some cases, the action of the tablet is enough for only a few hours.
The daily maximum dose of medication prescribed by the attending specialist. Depending on the diagnosis and the manifestation of allergy, the doctor makes an individual treatment course. Within 24 hours, a person should take no more than 0.3 g of medication.
In some cases, this dosage may be doubled. The duration of the use of diazolin is also prescribed by the attending specialist. Sometimes one pill is enough, and allergy disappears without a trace, and in some cases, complex treatment is required for the elimination of symptoms for several weeks.
Contraindications and side effects
Do not start taking Diazolin by yourself. This pharmacological drug has a number of contraindications. Despite the fact that the drug is released in a non-prescription way, it is best to consult with your healthcare professional.
It is not recommended to take this antihistamine in such cases:
- in diseases of the inflammatory nature of the digestive tract;
- in case of individual intolerance or excessive sensitivity to the active substance;
- if any violations in the activity of the heart muscle are detected;
- in epileptic pathologies;
- with glaucoma, especially the closed coal form.
An overdose of diazolin may cause side effects. As practice shows and the instruction says, as a result of incorrect administration of Diazolin, the following reactions may occur:
- nausea;
- dry mucous membranes;
- pain in the abdomen;
- vomiting;
- heartburn;
- violation of the natural process of urine emission;
- constipation;
- phenomena of dyspeptic type.
If you have any contraindications, then in any case, do not take this pharmacological substance. It is best to go through a full-scale examination and consult with your healthcare professional. The latter will certainly find an alternative and replace Diazolin with another effective means, the intake of which will not cause side effects or complicated consequences.
Diazolin or Suprastin - which is better?
Many people suffering from any manifestations of allergies, for a long time interested in the question of which is better: Diazolin or Suprastin. An unequivocal answer to this question is impossible. Both pharmacological agents belong to the same group and contain identical active substances.
The attending specialist may prescribe one of these medicines in accordance with the diagnosis and symptoms manifested. Diazolin does not have such a sedative effect on the body as Suprastin. Therefore, it is often assigned to people working in industry or in other industries where increased attention is required. Suprastin more strongly suppresses the nervous system, can immediately cause drowsiness and weakness. It is impossible to choose between these two drugs - in each case they are irreplaceable.
If allergic reactions occur, do not self-medicate. Before you start taking antihistamines, including Diazolin, you need to be examined and consult with your doctor. And in order for the treatment to be effective, an allergist will correctly determine the dosage and frequency of taking pharmacological drugs.