Gelatin is a product in the form of crystals or plates, odorless and tasteless, derived from the tissues of fish and animals. From Latin, its name translates as "frozen" or "frozen." In terms of its composition, gelatin is 85% protein. Most of the benefits of this product is collagen, which is contained in it in considerable quantities.
The first time it was obtained and patented gelatin was in 1845 by engineer Peter Cooper. Almost 50 years after its invention, no one could understand its benefits and choose the method of application. Most people considered gelatin to be an absolutely useless product, until the other inventor, Pearl Waite, prepared a delicious dessert with its use, which was called “jelly”. After that, the use of gelatin was fully disclosed, and he received his honorary place in cooking.
Nowadays with the use of gelatin a lot of tasty and healthy dishes are prepared - meat and fish aspic, aspic, jellied meat, jellies, souffles, marshmallows, creams. Before applying it is better to soak in cold water, there it will swell by 2-3 times. And this substance is dissolved only in a warm liquid.
But gelatin is used not only in cooking, but also in pharmaceuticals - candles and capsules are made from it; in the photo and film industry - for the manufacture of film and photographic paper; in cosmetology, it is a very useful regenerating additive in masks, shampoos, and balms. Gelatin has vegetable analogues - agar-agar and pectin, derived from seaweed.
The substance that makes up the basis of gelatin is collagen. Along with this, it includes water, proteins, ash, starch, fats, carbohydrates, micro- and macroelements, vitamin PP, amino acids. The benefit of this product for the human body should not be doubted, because it contains magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and the amino acid glycine. It also includes another 2 very useful amino acids - proline and hydroxyproline, which contribute to the development, restoration and preservation of connective cartilage and tissues.
Gelatin is an excellent dietary product, all the dishes that include it in their composition are perfectly absorbed by the body and do not cause increased secretion of the digestive glands. Many people know that gelatin is very useful for fractures and bone fractures, because it contributes to the rapid adhesion of bone tissue and the restoration of articular tissue after injury.
Eating gelatin, which is so rich in collagen, can significantly improve the condition of nails and hair, make the joints flexible and flexible. People who suffer from osteochondrosis and arthritis, experts recommend regularly include in your diet those dishes that were prepared on the basis of gelatin. By the way, it is also useful when applied externally, for example: in the form of firming trays for nails and face masks.
Those amino acids that are part of gelatin are a source of energy for the body, help strengthen the heart muscle, and have a positive effect on mental activity. With low blood clotting gelatin will also be useful. Also its use is recommended in the form of jelly, kissels and mousses in pulmonary, gastric, intestinal and other bleeding.
By the way, there are no specific contraindications to the use of this product. Very rarely, it can cause an allergic reaction. Gelatin should be used with caution by those people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and are prone to oxaluric diathesis, because this substance itself is an oxalogue.
How to breed gelatin?
Gelatin is widely used in cooking. You can buy it in the store in the form of transparent plates or powder. But to buy it is not enough, you also need to know how to breed it.
If gelatin is in powder form, then you need to put it in a bowl, pour 4-5 tbsp. l boiled water, milk, fruit drink or other liquid, which is indicated in the recipe of cooking. Now the mixture should be stirred and allowed to stand, the granules should swell and increase in size. If the gelatin in the plates, then it should also be pre-soaked in water for 5-7 minutes, after the water is drained and slightly pressed the plate from the water, put in a bowl.
Cooking gelatin is best in a water bath. To do this, boil water in a saucepan and cover it with a container of gelatin on top. Constantly stirring, gelatin needs to be slowly heated. The temperature of the mass should not be understood above 80 degrees. The more carefully the gelatin was stirred during the cooking process, the better it will harden in consequence.
After the gelatin has melted almost completely, the container should be removed and the liquid filtered through a sieve so that films and undissolved granules remain in it.
Gelatin is now ready to be added to the hot liquid that was listed in the recipe, then everything needs to be mixed, poured into forms, cooled to room temperature and refrigerated.
Features of preparation of gelatin for jelly
Fruit jelly is a light, tasty and also useful dessert that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults! But the frozen structure of this dish will help ensure the gelatin.
The consistency of the dish will depend on the amount of gelatin taken. If it is necessary for the jelly to turn out to be “quivering,” then 20 grams of substance should be taken for 1 liter of water. Reducing the amount is not worth it, otherwise the dessert will not freeze. To obtain a "rubber" jelly, which will be cut with a knife, gelatin should be taken 50 g per 1 liter of water.
The swollen product should be heated. To do this, it should be poured into a saucepan and put on a minimum fire. You can do this in a water bath. To move away from the plate can not be, because the mixture must be constantly stirred. After complete dissolution of the product, without boiling the liquid, the pan must be removed from the heat.
Cooked hot gelatin can be combined in a separate container with a jelly base: mashed potatoes, fruit juice, jam, or compote. The mixture should be cooled to room temperature, and then placed in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
But when cooking jelly has its own little tricks:
- Gelatin can not be boiled, otherwise it will not thicken;
- It is impossible to take aluminum dishes for heating gelatin, otherwise the product will become dark in color and have an unpleasant taste;
- To avoid lumps in the dilution of gelatin, you need to fall asleep in a warm container, heating it with warm water. And if the lumps still appear, they should be filtered through a sieve;
- It is necessary to cool the mass in the refrigerator, it will crystallize in the freezer;
- If you need to add fruit in jelly, you must chop them up.
Gelatin is very useful not only from the point of view of cooking, but also from the point of view of medicine a substance that has a positive effect on the body. It is very easy to use it in cooking, the main thing is to follow the measure and follow the rules for breeding gelling plates or crystals.