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Privet - Women's magazine


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Almost in every garden there is a place for a green hedge - deciduous or even blooming. She can divide the plot into zones, create decorative half walls, or cover an arbor. But not all of the available plants are suitable for this purpose. In this category, attention is worthy of privet, interesting and its foliage, and buds, and even berries.

Privet: photos and key features

Privet: landing and care

Basically privet in the gardens are planted with the aim of obtaining a hedge, because in addition to a high degree of branching, this shrub shows excellent results in relation to its pruning. The bush for a long time keeps the given shape, as a result of which the whole season it pleases the eye with its appearance.

Oval low polistenki or more square lines, as well as specific figures - all this is easy to get by planting privet on the site. It is characterized by evergreen falling foliage, whose gamma ranges from deep green to yellow-green and mauve with the dominance of the blue subtone. Panicle inflorescences in height often reach 18 cm, and the growing season for some varieties can last 90 days.

Privet: landing and care

Fame has earned 10 forms of species of Kirpets, among which in the middle lane are well known: ordinary, golden, weeping and pyramidal. The latter are named for their shaped characteristics, golden - for the shade of flowers. It is necessary to note the division in shape and color of foliage: round-leaved privet is a low (up to 2 m) shrub with wide leaves, short branches and high density of the bush, not growing in breadth. Motley has an interesting color, because its elongated lanceolate leaves are decorated with pale pink border and covered with spots.

Privet: landing and care

Despite the fact that each species of privet after flowering on a bush is decorated with medium-sized fruits, they cannot be eaten. In the people this plant is known under the name "wolfberry", and is toxic to humans. What does not interfere with the birds with joy to feast on dark beads of fruit until January. But precisely these fruits become planting material: 1 berry contains up to 4 pcs. seed, whose germination has a probability of 65%. From juicy, large fruits, seeds are chosen, washed and removed from the pulp, and then dipped in water to select empty seeds.

Prive: common planting and care

Privet: landing and care

  • Common privet, planting and caring for which almost do not make up work, in the middle lane got accustomed better than other species and served as a base for several dozen varieties and forms. The bush growing in nature is distinguished by its strong branching, its height is from 3 m, and also by its dark green leaves keeping on the branches even after the onset of cold weather. The sheet plate is 10 cm long, its outer side has a moderate gloss, the lower one is lighter in shade and more matte; in form - a soft oval with a pointed end.
  • Vegetation period in common privet begins in July and lasts 21-25 days, after which small flowers, painted in a creamy shade, fade, and in their place medium-sized clusters with round berries are formed. It is noteworthy that the common privet flowers hang on a bush and during the frost, even in winter, they do not fall until January. And from the flowers, gathered in dense panicles, located almost clearly vertically, a strong bright aroma emanates.
  • This type of olive plant stands out among the others by its unpretentiousness. However, it is worth noting that decorative varieties bred by artificial means are much less resistant to cold, uncreated by nature. Its threshold is 30 ° C below zero, after which a slight freezing of the bush occurs, but the root system is not damaged, even if it is not covered. If there is little snow, the tops of the young shoots die.
  • The ability of the common turquoise to tolerate temporary drought is also attractive. Natural conditions for the growth of this species - the southern part of Ukraine, the mountainous terrain of the Crimea, the Caucasus, Moldova. Since, in nature, common privet can be found on chalky soil, in the garden it will also easily take root on light ground. Loams and dense soil are undesirable; chemical composition is allowed to shift towards excess salts and lime.

Golden Privet: Species Features

Privet: landing and care

Grade "Aureum", referring to the golden privet, for Russia is most preferable because of its winter hardiness. It is a low shrub, hardly stretching to 0.7 m, and it is recommended to trim it to 0.3 m when molding. Leaves, as the name implies, are yellowish-green, with a distinct golden border, whose width is directly proportional to the amount of sun. rays falling on the bush. In the southern regions, golden foliage will appear, even if the plant is often in a shaded location. In the middle lane, it is necessary to give the bush the opportunity to constantly absorb sunlight.

When planting golden privet it is important to protect from cold winds: for this purpose it is recommended not to plant it in open space. But even in the shade of larger trees, it is not placed: the plant will begin to experience nutrient deficiencies. For bushes, depending on their destination, either pits with a diameter and a depth of 0.4 m are pulled out, if you need to place the seedlings one by one, or trenches with the same parameters, if a low dense curb is created. Lime and ash (1: 3), as well as mineral fertilizer, are poured into the pit.

Watering is done only before the beginning of the growing season, after which the plant has enough natural rainfall. But every year at the end of May, superphosphate is poured under granules in granules and compost.

Gardeners tips

Privet: landing and care

  • Planting privet is made most often through sowing, the optimal time for which is autumn. Seeds fall into the ground under the snow, where they undergo the procedure of natural stratification, which contributes to their better germination. During the spring landing, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary stratification in the cold, lasting six months. To do this, they are combined with river sand and some peat, the mixture is retracted in a box, forming a layer of 35 cm, and moistened.
  • It can not be watered - just actively sprayed so as not to wash the seeds back. Spring seedlings can be grown in a film greenhouse, where artificially raising the temperature of the air is practiced, and the soil for the seedlings is composed of humus, sand and peat. Its upper layer necessarily wakes up additionally with sand.
  • When sown in late April or early May, the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into the open ground only next year, reaching 20 cm in height. For this reason, gardeners are more likely to practice autumn planting, as well as the breeding of privet, by cutting. The seedlings themselves are shown above the ground only after 30-40 days from the time of sowing. But the best time for implementation is the age of 2-3 years, during which young seedlings grow in a greenhouse or apartment, gradually stretching and gaining strength.
  • If the bush breeds and is planted by cutting, then the woody lodges can be lowered immediately into the ground, allowing it to take root under natural conditions and not being afraid for its adaptation. The percentage of rooting for a shoot cut off at the end of the growing season is 85-100%. A young green stalk should be 2-3 months. hold under the glass until its root system develops properly. A similar procedure is carried out in the fall. Shoots of 13–15 cm long are taken from the bushes, and in some species, for example, a round leaf, you must take longer specimens - up to 30 cm. They root in a peat and sand substrate in a 1: 1 ratio, under glass and in a cool place . Next spring, the stalk turned into a sapling planted in its permanent place, although some gardeners make a new transplant in October, after which the plant is no longer moved.
  • Various diseases of primer do not practically affect, but pests often raid its leaves and branches. In particular, young shoots to taste of the Scarlet Crusts, which are eliminated only by treating the bush with an anti-coccid. Leaves like caterpillars and odiums: they are quickly banished by any insecticide. And wood damage is a tinder merit: this parasitic mushroom settles on a weakened, sore bush, and the way out in this situation is the elimination of the affected branches.

It shows itself well in privet and in solo compositions, and in tandem with other bushes. Evergreen background will be an excellent basis for any floristic idea. And in the issue of care, it is enough to remember that, despite the good perception of frost, the bush should be covered with snow for the winter. In the spring, he will come down, having moistened the earth, and in the new season it will only be necessary to feed the plant, so that until next winter he will not remember the care of him.